Itinerant Teachers Schedules of regularly assigned teachers who are assigned to and travel to more than one school or student home on a given day shall be arranged so that no teacher shall be required without his/her consent to engage in inter-school or inter-home (for home bound teachers) travel of more than thirty-five
New Teachers No new teachers shall be hired for a vacancy for which a teacher on unrequested leave is certified.
Supervisory Employees For the purposes of this Article, the parties agree that Supervisory positions are those that are not excluded under Article 2.0 above and that satisfy the following criteria: a) Employees on Salary Schedule 01 who under Plan A "Nature of Supervision" have either Degree 3 (or higher) or its equivalent; b) Employees on Schedules 02 or 03 on condition they normally supervise other employees.
Mentor Teachers A. A Mentor Teacher shall be defined as a Master Teacher as identified in Section 1526 of the School Code and shall perform the duties of a Master Teacher as specified in the School Code and State Administrative Rules and Regulations. B. Each bargaining unit member in his/her first three (3) years in the classroom shall be assigned one or more Mentor Teacher(s) by the Administration. The Mentor Teacher shall be available to provide professional support, instruction and guidance. The purpose of the mentor assignment is to provide a peer who can offer assistance, resources and information in a collegial fashion. C. A Mentor Teacher shall be assigned in accordance with the following: 1. Participation as a Mentor Teacher shall be voluntary. 2. The Mentor Teacher assignment shall be for one (1) academic year subject to review. The appointment may be renewed in succeeding academic years. 3. Should either the Mentor Teacher or the Mentee present cause to dissolve the relationship, the administration will meet with the Mentor Teacher and the Mentee to determine an appropriate course of action. D. Upon request, the Administration may provide release time so the Mentor may work with the Mentee in his/her assignment during the regular work day. E. Mentees who are new to the profession shall be provided with a minimum of fifteen (15) days of professional development instruction during their first three (3) years of classroom teaching. F. Performance responsibilities of a Mentor Teacher may include but not be limited to: Work to establish a relationship with Mentee based on mutual trust, respect and collegiality; provide encouragement, support, guidance and feedback when needed; help Mentee feel welcome; take part in training to enhance teaching and mentoring skills; complete periodic evaluations of Mentor-Mentee program, as requested; contact mentees, minimally once a week, for formal or informal meetings; help Mentee learn about resources, procedures, curriculum, students' needs, building and district policies, regulations and schedules; promote a smooth transition between teacher training and the actual classroom setting; facilitate three-way conferences involving the Mentor, Mentee and Principal; provide opportunities for Mentee to observe the Mentor and other teachers; share new and alternative materials, methods and resources with Mentee; observe Mentee's teaching in a classroom setting; conduct pre and post observation conferences; and assist Mentee with goal setting.
Loss of Seniority An employee shall lose all seniority and shall be deemed terminated if:
Teachers Xxxxxx Xxxxxx (lead), Xxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Board: Xxx Xxxxxxxx (lead), Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx, and Xxxx Xxxxx Supt: Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx and Xxx Xxxxxxxxx
Intermittent Leave If medically necessary due to the serious medical condition of the employee, or that of the employee's spouse, child, parent, registered domestic partner within the meaning of Minneapolis Code of Ordinances Chapter 142, or other dependents and/or members of their households who have a serious medical condition, leave may be taken on an intermittent schedule. In cases of the birth, adoption or xxxxxx placement of a child, family and medical leave may be taken intermittently only when expressly approved by the Employer.
Layoff Recall A. As it relates to individual employees who are not regulated by the Teacher Tenure Act, if conditions warrant a layoff of personnel, the following procedure will be used: 1. In the event an employee must be laid off, layoff will be on the basis of seniority, certification, and qualifications. It is understood that the Association shall have the right to review the layoff list prior to notification of the individual to be laid off. 2. An employee in a position being reduced or eliminated shall have the right to be transferred to the full- time position held by the employee with the least seniority for which the more senior employee is certified and qualified. No part-time positions shall be created to retain a senior employee. 3. If the Board acts to lay off an employee, every effort will be made to notify the employee of that Board action within two (2) working days of the action. B. As it relates to individual employees who are not regulated by the Teacher Tenure Act, a laid off employee shall be recalled to the first vacancy for which he/she is certified and qualified and in reverse order of layoff. Changes in certification and qualifications after the effective date of an employee's layoff are only taken into consideration in recall to vacant positions. A laid-off employee will be recalled to a vacant position for which he/she is certified and qualified before consideration for transfer to an open position will be given to any currently employed, qualified applicant. It is the laid off employee’s responsibility to have on file with the District a current certificate (including any additions or revisions to the certificate) as well as a current statement of any qualifications upon which recall decisions may be based. C. As it relates to individual employees who are not regulated by the Teacher Tenure Act, an employee’s right to recall shall only extend for a period of three (3) years from the effective date of his/her layoff. D. As it relates to individual employees who are not regulated by the Teacher Tenure Act, a laid off employee may continue his/her health, dental and life insurance benefits by paying monthly the normal per-subscriber group premium for such benefits to the Board, subject to conditions of existing policies provided such continuation does not affect the group rate. E. As it relates to individual employees who are not regulated by the Teacher Tenure Act, during a period of impending layoffs in this District, the Board may grant requests for voluntary leaves of absence if the Board deems it economically sound to approve such requests and a satisfactory replacement can be employed. F. As it relates to individual employees who are not regulated by the Teacher Tenure Act, notification of recall shall be in writing with a copy to the Association President. The notification shall be sent by certified mail to the employee’s last known address. It shall be the responsibility of each employee to notify the Board of any change in address.
Layoff and Recall Section 19.1 Reasons, Notice When the Employer determines, because of lack of work, lack of funds, reorganization, or a job abolishment that is to last more than one (1) year, a layoff is necessary, the Employer shall notify the affected employees twenty-one (21) calendar days in advance of the effective date of the layoff or job abolishment. It is understood and agreed that no provisions of Civil Service Law or rules shall apply to layoffs. Section 19.2 Classifications The Employer shall determine in which classification(s) layoffs will occur. Within each classification affected, employees will be laid off in accordance with their classification seniority for the classifications affected by the layoff. The employee(s) with the least classification seniority as defined in Article 20 will be laid off first. Bumping or displacement will also occur in accordance with the employee’s seniority with the least senior employee, as defined by Article 20, laid off first. Section 19.3 Recall List Employees who are laid off shall be placed on a recall list for a period of eighteen (18) months. If there is a recall, employees who are still on the recall list shall be recalled, in the inverse order of their layoff. Notice of recall shall be sent to the employees by certified or registered mail. The Employer shall be deemed to have fulfilled its obligation by mailing the recall notice by registered mail, return receipt requested, to the last mailing address provided by the employee. Employees shall be responsible for keeping the Office notified, in writing, of any changes in his address. The recalled employee shall have seven (7) calendar days following the receipt of the recall notice to notify the Employer of his intention to return to work and shall have fourteen (14) calendar days following the receipt of the recall notice in which to report for duty, unless a different date for returning to work is otherwise specified in the notice. If the employee does not respond within seven (7) calendar days the employee shall be removed from the recall list. If, upon recall, an employee must receive additional training, the Employer shall provide and pay for the training required to maintain his certification. The employee shall be required to complete the training in a timely fashion established by the Employer. If the employee fails to complete the training, the employee may be removed without recourse to the grievance procedure or the State Personnel Board of Review. Section 19.4 Bumping Bumping rights will be extended to the employee under this Agreement. Employees may bump or displace employees in other classifications so long as the employee previously worked in the classification or assignment and displaces an employee with less seniority. Employees from other bargaining units not covered by this Agreement, and other employees of the Sheriff’s Office who previously worked in a classification covered by this Agreement, may displace into positions covered by this Agreement so long as the employee displaced has less classification seniority. The employee displaced will be the one with the least seniority. Employees seeking to displace less senior employees will displace to the most recently held classification, and the next most recent, etc. until the employee is able to displace a less senior employee. If no employee in a previously-held classification has less seniority, then the employee seeking to displace shall be laid off. Employees displaced shall be placed on the recall list. An employee who is displaced may take a voluntary layoff, when layoffs occur rather than displace to a lower classification.
Auxiliary Employees (a) An auxiliary employee shall receive a letter of appointment clearly stating their employment status and expected duration of employment. (b) Auxiliary employees who have worked 1827 hours in 33 pay periods and who are employed for work which is of a continuous full-time or continuous part-time nature, shall be converted to regular status effective the beginning of the month following the month in which they attain the required hours. (c) For the purposes of (b) above and Clauses 31.6—Application of Agreement, 31.9—Medical, Dental and Group Life Insurance, 31.11—Annual Vacations and 31.12—Eligibility Requirements for Benefits, hours worked shall include: (1) hours worked at the straight-time rate; (2) hours compensated in accordance with Clause 31.10—Designated Paid Holidays; (3) hours that a seniority rated auxiliary employee cannot work because they are on a recognized WCB claim arising from their employment with the government to a maximum of 420 hours of missed work opportunity within 14 calendar weeks from the beginning of the claim; (4) annual vacation pursuant to Clause 31.11(d)—Annual Vacations; (5) compensatory time off provided the employee has worked 1827 hours in 33 pay periods; (6) missed work opportunities during leaves pursuant to Clause 2.10 (a) Time Off for Union Business—Without pay, except that during the first 33 pay periods of employment such credit shall be limited to 105 hours; (7) leaves pursuant to Clause 2.10(b)—Time Off for Union Business—With pay; Notwithstanding (3) above, an auxiliary employee eligible for conversion to regular status shall not be converted until the employee has returned to active employment for 140 hours. The effective date of such conversion shall be the first of the month following the date on which eligibility for conversion occurs. (d) For the purposes of (b) above and Clauses 31.6—Application of Agreement, 31.9—Medical, Dental and Group Life Insurance, 31.11—Annual Vacations and 31.12—Eligibility Requirements for Benefits, hours beyond the 420 hours in (c)(3) above, that an auxiliary employee cannot work because they are on a recognized WCB claim arising from their employment with the government are not added to the 1827 or 1200 hours nor are the days charged against the 33 or 26 pay periods.