Layoff Recall Sample Clauses

Layoff Recall. A. As it relates to individual employees who are not regulated by the Teacher Tenure Act, if conditions warrant a layoff of personnel, the following procedure will be used: 1. In the event an employee must be laid off, layoff will be on the basis of seniority, certification, and qualifications. It is understood that the Association shall have the right to review the layoff list prior to notification of the individual to be laid off. 2. An employee in a position being reduced or eliminated shall have the right to be transferred to the full- time position held by the employee with the least seniority for which the more senior employee is certified and qualified. No part-time positions shall be created to retain a senior employee. 3. If the Board acts to lay off an employee, every effort will be made to notify the employee of that Board action within two (2) working days of the action. B. As it relates to individual employees who are not regulated by the Teacher Tenure Act, a laid off employee shall be recalled to the first vacancy for which he/she is certified and qualified and in reverse order of layoff. Changes in certification and qualifications after the effective date of an employee's layoff are only taken into consideration in recall to vacant positions. A laid-off employee will be recalled to a vacant position for which he/she is certified and qualified before consideration for transfer to an open position will be given to any currently employed, qualified applicant. It is the laid off employee’s responsibility to have on file with the District a current certificate (including any additions or revisions to the certificate) as well as a current statement of any qualifications upon which recall decisions may be based. C. As it relates to individual employees who are not regulated by the Teacher Tenure Act, an employee’s right to recall shall only extend for a period of three (3) years from the effective date of his/her layoff. D. As it relates to individual employees who are not regulated by the Teacher Tenure Act, a laid off employee may continue his/her health, dental and life insurance benefits by paying monthly the normal per-subscriber group premium for such benefits to the Board, subject to conditions of existing policies provided such continuation does not affect the group rate. E. As it relates to individual employees who are not regulated by the Teacher Tenure Act, during a period of impending layoffs in this District, the Board may grant reque...
Layoff Recall. 13.01 In the event of a lay-off the principle of seniority shall apply. 13.02 In the event of a lay-off the Company and the Union will endeavour to place displaced employees in other jobs. The Company shall give the employees who are subject to lay-off and the Union sixty (60) days notice. 13.03 Employees in the job concerned shall be given lay-off notice. An employee with seniority who is laid off in their unit can displace an employee with less seniority provided the employee is qualified to perform the job. 13.04 If a change in methods or operations occurs which may result in the lay-off of employees, the Company agrees to, in consultation with the Union, make a reasonable effort to train and adapt such employees in the operation of the new equipment or methods. 13.05 Employees who are laid-off will be retained on a recall list, and will maintain and accrue seniority, if not on lay-off for more than twenty four (24) months. When work is available, employees on the recall list will be recalled in order of seniority of their unit, provided that the employee to be recalled is qualified and able to do the work. 13.06 Notice of recall to work shall be directed by registered mail to the employee’s last known address, unless he/she has received prior notice by telephone which will be confirmed by registered mail. It shall be the employee’s responsibility to keep the Company informed of his/her address. 13.07 The recalled employee must notify the Company of his/her intention to return to work within five (5) days of the date of recall notice, and must return to work within ten (10) working days of date of recall notice or make alternate arrangements satisfactory to the Company.
Layoff Recall. 19.1 When a layoff occurs within the bargaining unit, the Union and those employees affected will be given at least thirty (30) calendar days notice in advance of the layoff or pay in lieu of notice, except in emergencies. When the event triggering the layoff is an unanticipated decrease in students that the employee works with, the layoff notification will be as close to thirty (30) days as is feasible but the employee will receive no less than ten (10) days notice or pay in lieu of notice. 19.2 This Article is invoked by: A. Reductions or restorations of scheduled work time of twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the work schedule. B. Reduction below previous insurance benefit eligibility level due to reduction in hours. 19.3 Layoff of employees shall occur on the basis of seniority (See definition in 19.7). The individual selected for layoff will be a person working in the affected classification (see Appendix A), within the affected area Service Center Area (County), and in a position that has the same number of hours (plus or minus five (5) hours per week) as the position being eliminated. In the event that the ESD requires the retention of a less senior employee in the affected classification, where it has been demonstrated by the ESD the less senior employee has greater qualifications for the retained position/assignment based on the job description and assigned work tasks, the ESD will meet with the Union to review the greater qualifications needed prior to any action being taken. 19.4 Employees who are given notice of a reduction of hours as described in 19.2 shall have the option to decline an involuntary assignment to a position with less hours and instead elect to be laid-off. 19.5 Whenever the ESD determines that a vacancy exists within a classification, laid- off employees from that classification will be recalled by seniority. The recall notice will be sent by certified mail to the last address the ESD has on record for the laid-off employee. A refusal of recall to a position which is comparable in pay and benefits to the position held prior to the layoff shall constitute voluntary termination and such employee shall lose any further right to recall. Comparable shall mean a position that has the same number of hours (plus or minus five (5) hours per week) with the same classification prior to layoff or a classification of higher pay and the same level of benefits previously held. The laid-off employee will have seven (7) calendar days from t...
Layoff Recall. Layoff and recall of employees shall be as provided in this section.
Layoff Recall. 13.01 When there is a reduction in the workforce, the Employer agrees that employees shall be laid-off in the reverse order of their seniority provided that the remaining employees are willing and able to perform the work. The employees shall be recalled to work in order of their seniority. 13.02 In the event of a reduction in the workforce, all probationary employees in the job classification affected in the plant, shall be laid off before any employee with seniority is laid off. 13.03 Employees on temporary job postings shall be removed before any employee on a permanent job. 13.04 In the event of a reduction in workforce under this Article, the Chairperson shall be the last person removed from his or her classification during their term of office. Thereafter, they will be subject to all bumping provisions except that they will not be laid off during their term of office, so long a full time work at their own level or a lower wage is available in the plant which they are qualified to perform. 13.05 Any permanent employee, who is subject to layoff, may bump a less senior employee from an equivalent or other job classification provided he/she is capable of performing the minimum requirements within five (5) working days of bumping into the job. 13.06 The Company will give the employee the required notice of layoff or pay as provided in accordance with the Employment Standards Act. A list of employees declared surplus will be made available to the Union at least five (5) working days prior to the Notice required under the Employment Standards Act. 13.07 When there is an increase in the work force, laid off employees shall be recalled to work in the order of seniority. 13.08 No new employee or employees shall be hired until laid off employees have been given the opportunity to return to work. 13.09 In the event of a temporary layoff of St. Catherine's employees becomes necessary, that layoff shall be carried out as follow, provided that the employees retained to perform the work available during the layoff shall be the employees who are able and willing to perform the work required of them: (i) If it appears to the company that the layoff will not exceed seven (7) calendar days (a temporary layoff), then the employees affected shall be laid off in accordance with their seniority within the site concerned. (ii) The temporary layoff provisions shall not be used for the purpose of avoiding plant-wide layoffs or bargaining unit-wide seniority adjustments by sche...
Layoff Recall. When Skilled Trades employees are on layoff in a classification, the nature of which they customarily perform, and consideration is being given to outside contracting said work, Integram Seating Trades employees will be given first priority for the work, before letting the contract provided that they can perform the available work.
Layoff Recall a. Subject to the provisions below, in cases of layoff and recall, normally the employee or employees with the least total service in the affected classification(s) will be laid-off first; and recalled on the basis of greatest length of total service in the affected classification(s). b. Employees with the greatest length of service in a department whose classifications are to be affected by a layoff may, to avoid a layoff, bump laterally or downward into another classification within the same department, provided he/she is qualified to perform the duties and responsibilities of the other classification, and provided further that the employee affected by the bumping has less departmental seniority. Under no circumstances shall this clause be interpreted or applied to provide for upward bumping rights. For purposes of this clause a “division” of the Utility department or the Community Services department shall be deemed to be a “department”. c. If an employee subject to layoff cannot bump within their department, and if that employee has held a permanent position in another department, he/she may bump into a vacant position of that classification in the department or bump an employee in that classification in the department with less City seniority, providing he/she has the skills and abilities to perform the current duties and responsibilities of the position and meets the current qualification requirements. d. When, in the judgment and discretion of the City, an employee with lesser seniority has critical skills and abilities required by the City under the circumstances, then the City may retain and/or reclassify such employees even though it means laying off or failing to recall employees with greater seniority. ”Critical skills” shall mean those skills, which cannot be acquired by a typical employee within a thirty-day period. e. All efforts will be made by the City to give 30 days-notice prior to the effective date of layoff.
Layoff RecallSection 1 - Layoff When a reduction in the bargaining unit working force is necessary, bargaining unit members shall be laid off as follows so long as those remaining have sufficient qualifications to efficiently perform all work required: (a) Probationary bargaining unit members in the classification of the layoff will be laid off first. (b) When additional layoffs in the classification are necessary the bargaining unit member with the least seniority in such classification will be the first laid off. (c) Bargaining unit members who would otherwise be laid off pursuant to paragraph (b) above may request that they be retained in another classification as follows: Should such bargaining unit member have greater seniority than another employee in an equal or lower paid classification within the same seniority grouping, they may elect to bump the least senior employee in such seniority grouping who is in one of such equal or lower paid classifications. For example, if the least senior aide in the Instructional Aide Seniority Grouping is in the Classroom Aide classification, a more senior aide in the Chapter I Aide classification who would otherwise be laid off may elect to bump such least senior Chapter I Aide. If the employee cannot bump the least senior employee within the same seniority grouping, but has sufficient seniority in another classification (within or outside of their seniority grouping), they may elect to bump the least senior employee in such other classification in which they hold greater seniority. For example, an aide in the Instructional Aide Seniority Grouping who had previously acquired seniority in the Playground/Lunchroom Aide classification could, if they were more senior, elect to bump the least senior Playground/Lunchroom Aide. Bargaining unit members making such request must do so, in writing, within three
Layoff Recall. 19.7.1 Definition: Whenever any permanent position is to be abolished, or it becomes necessary because of lack of funds, lack of work, or reorganization, to reduce the number of employees in a specific job classification(s), a layoff shall occur. Layoff/Recall provision does not apply to Associate Educators and School Success Program Assistants (see Section 19.2).
Layoff Recall. When a skilled trades employee is on layoff and the Company is contemplating contracting out work, the nature of which has been historically and customarily performed by such skilled trades employee(s), the Company will offer the work to the laid off skilled trades employee(s) prior to letting the contract, provided that he can perform the available work.