Leave, Unpaid Education. The provisions of Article 20.3.1 do not apply to education leave requested for the purpose of commencing or continuing full-time studies toward a University degree, diploma or technical program. If granted, such leaves will normally be for up to a maximum of one (1) year, but may be reviewed with the consent of the department head. A letter of application must be submitted to the department head at least three (3) months prior to the commencement of the proposed leave.
Leave, Unpaid Education. The provisions of Article 20.3.1 do not apply to education leave requested for the purpose of commencing or continuing full-time studies toward a University degree, diploma or technical program. If granted, such leaves will normally be for up to a maximum of one (1) year, but may be reviewed with the consent of the Associate Vice-President, Human Resources and the department head. A letter of application, accompanied by a recommendation from the member’s department head must be submitted to the Associate Vice-President, Human Resources with a copy to the President of the Association at least three (3) months prior to the commencement of the proposed leave. A description of the arrangements for covering the member’s duties during the leave shall accompany the department head’s recommendation.