LEVIES Sample Clauses
LEVIES. The PURCHASER is obliged to pay levies and other costs due and payable to the BODY CORPORATE from date on which the Body Corporate comes into existence, which levies shall be determined according to the provisions of the Act. In the event of the PURCHASER taking occupation after the coming into existence of the Body Corporate, he shall be liable for the levies and other costs due and payable from date of registration of transfer into his name. The levies will be calculated by the Managing Agent in terms of the participation quotas as calculated and set out on the Sectional Title plan by the Land Surveyors and approved by the Land Surveyors General Plan. The PURCHASER shall be bound by that. The estimated levies as provided by the Sales Agent is only an estimate and guide. It is subject to revision by the final calculation of the Managing Agent and approval by the Trustees (Body Corporate). Levies will also be due and payable, in the event that an exclusive use parking bay is allocated per this Agreement.
LEVIES. 13.1 As has already been explained in the paragraphs above, the Seller will be carrying out the obligations of the body corporate until it is established and will be bearing the costs associated with this. It is therefore agreed as follows:
13.2 From the completion date the Purchaser shall be liable for the levy calculated in accordance with the participation quota attributable to each unit, as if the Purchaser was the registered owner of the unit and as if the Body Corporate had already been established.
13.3 The Seller reserves the right to install fibre optic communication or any other data and/or voice communication services in respect of the development as well as a network to serve each individual unit within the development. In the event that the Seller so elects to install the aforesaid communication and network, an additional levy per month shall be imposed upon the owners by the Body Corporate for these services. The monthly additional levy will not be calculated according to the participation quota of each unit. The basic monthly charge will be shared in equal amounts by each owner of every unit used as a dwelling whether such owner make use of the service or not. The Purchaser acknowledges that he/she will be liable for this additional levy plus VAT thereon, an estimate of which is detailed in Schedule “A”.
13.4 Until the levies are formally determined by the Body Corporate the levies shall be deemed to be the amount determined by the managing agent referred to in paragraph 24 below.
13.5 All levies shall be paid monthly in advance on the first day of each and every calendar month provided that if the completion date falls on any day other than the first day of a calendar month, then the Purchaser shall be obliged to pay a pro rata share of the levies due for the calendar month in which the completion date occurs.
13.6 All levies shall be paid to the Seller until registration of transfer and thereafter to the Body Corporate of the sectional title scheme.
13.7 It has been explained to the Purchaser that the levy payable to the body corporate is allocated between the owners of units proportionately to the size of each unit. This allocation is called a participation quota.
LEVIES. 10.1 The Purchaser is liable for the payment of monthly levies as from date of occupation, to the Body Corporate, or until transfer of the Unit in the name of the Purchaser, to the Seller, whichever occurs first as appears from ANNEXURE D and subject to clause 10.5 hereof. The levies are payable monthly in advance before the 7th (seventh) day of each month. The initial estimated levy will be as set out in ANNEXURE D hereof.
10.2 The levies cover and represent all costs incurred by the Seller or the Body Corporate relating to the management, control, maintenance, improvement of and repairs to the Development Scheme and comprise, but is not limited to, all costs relating to the supply of electricity, fuel, gas, water, sewerage, insurance premiums, employees’ wages and all other costs, of any nature whatsoever.
10.3 The Purchaser is liable to pay for his own electricity consumption which is measured separately as well as rates and taxes from the Date of occupation or the date of registration of transfer of the Property into the name of the Purchaser, whichever date occurs first.
10.4 The Purchaser is liable for the payment in advance of levies from the Date of occupation or the date of registration of transfer of the Property into the name of the Purchaser, whichever date occurs first, together with all legal fees and other costs incurred as a result of non-compliance with this Contract. The first of such levy payments shall include the amount in respect of the Body Corporate’s obligation to repay the Seller amounts paid by the Seller, on behalf of the Body Corporate to Eskom and/or the local authority in respect of consumption deposits for the consumption of water and/or electricity, which amounts will be paid by the Purchaser as determined in accordance with the participation quota.
10.5 The initial levies as set out in ANNEXURE D will be adjusted by the Seller as costs rise. As the costs, to be paid by the total levies, rise, so too will levies rise. The Seller will give the Purchaser at least 1 (one) calendar month’s written notice of any rise or adjustment in the levies.
10.6 If the Purchaser makes use of outside services, this does not exempt the Purchaser from payment of the normal levies. The Purchaser, therefore, remains liable for the full levy as specified.
10.7 Aside from the purchase price, the levies and Occupational Rental (if applicable) the Purchaser is not obligated to pay any further amounts to the Seller, except for damages as set out in t...
LEVIES. The Purchaser shall be liable for and shall pay the monthly levies charged by the Home Owners’ Association on and from the 1st day of the month following the month in which transfer is registered.
LEVIES. 22.1 The bona fide estimate of the monthly levy, pending the final determination thereof, is as set out in the Transaction details of the Information Schedule.
LEVIES. Where any levy applies to the Milk, ADFC will pay the levy on behalf of the Supplier. The amount of any levy will be deducted from the payment to the Supplier.
LEVIES. Except otherwise stated in this Concession Agreement, the Concessionaire shall pay all tonnage, levies, cess, royalties, rent and other payments or compensation, if any, for plant and machinery or other materials required for the Works.
LEVIES. 5.1 The PURCHASER is obliged to pay levies and other costs due and payable to the Home Owners Association
5.2 However, no levies are payable to a managing agent as no such agent will be appointed. Each owner is responsible to insure and maintain their respective property.
5.3 Maintenance of the Communal Property and fixtures, will be the joint responsibility of both owners Signature by PURCHASER as confirmation X X
LEVIES. 20.1 It is estimated that the initial Levies payable by the Purchaser will be equal to the amount set out in Item 10 of the Information Schedule.
20.2 As from the Transfer Date the Purchaser shall be liable to pay the Levy to the Body Corporate. Levies shall be payable monthly in advance before or on the 1st day of each month.
20.3 An estimate, for a period of 3 (THREE) years in advance, of the total expenditure for the control, management and administration of the Scheme (including all common amenities and facilities contained therein) and for the provisioning and availability of the compulsory minimum Health Care Services is given in Annexure “D”. This estimate reflects only the total expenses to be paid out by the Body Corporate, and not the building up of financial reserves from time to time which remain under the control of the Body Corporate to fund future expenses.
20.4 An estimate, for a period of 2 (TWO) years in advance, of the Levy payable by the Purchaser is given in Item 10 of the Information Schedule. This estimate does not include any taxes, levies or charges that are or may be imposed on the Purchaser in its capacity as owner of the Property by Government (such as rates and CSOS levies).
20.5 In accordance with a determination made by the Developer in terms of section 32(4) of the erstwhile Sectional Titles Act (now section 11(2) of the Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act), certain components of the Levy will be based on the Floor Area (or participation quota) of the Section, and other components will be charged per section, irrespective of the size of the section. A breakdown of the levy components and the basis of their allocation is reflected in Annexure “E”.
20.6 The Purchaser (along with other members of the Body Corporate) shall be liable for the payment of the expenditure mentioned in clause 20.3 via the Levies raised and charged on it as owner of the Property, but the Purchaser shall, during the abovementioned 2 (TWO) year period, not be liable for the payment of any such expenditure over and above such levy estimate given in clause 20.4 above. This limitation is subject to the clarifications set out in clauses 20.3 and 20.4.
20.7 The compulsory minimum Health Care Services which are included in the Levy and some of the optional extra Health Care Services which are available for an additional fee are set out in Annexure “F”. During the Development Period, and depending on demand and uptake, the Seller and/or the Managing Agent r...
LEVIES. 13.1 As has already been explained in the paragraphs above, the Developer will carry out the obligations of the body corporate until it is established and will bear the associated costs. It is therefore agreed as follows:
13.2 From the completion date, the Purchaser shall be liable for the levy calculated in accordance with the participation quota attributable to each unit, as if the Purchaser was the registered owner of the unit and as if the Body Corporate had already been established.
13.3 As no levy will by then have been formally determined by the Body Corporate the levy shall be deemed to be the amount determined by the Developer’s Managing Agent.
13.4 Such levy shall be paid monthly, in advance, on the first day of each and every calendar month provided that if the completion date falls on any day other than the first day of a calendar month, the Purchaser shall be obliged to pay a proportionate share of the levy due for the calendar month in which the completion date occurs.
13.5 Such levy shall be paid to the Developer until registration of transfer and thereafter to the Body Corporate of the sectional title scheme.
13.6 The Purchaser understands that the Developer has explained that levies payable to the body corporate is allocated between the owners of residential units proportionately to the size of each unit. This allocation is called a participation quota.