LICENSE LOCATION. 2.1 Subject to the terms hereinafter described, Railroad Company does hereby permit the Licensee an occupancy license in, on, upon, over, under, across, along and through said Railroad Right of Way from a point at: Milepost 50.10 of the MDDE Snow Hill Line, and continuing for approximately Four Thousand (4,000) feet north to Milepost (as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto). solely for the construction, installation, operation, maintenance, repair, reinstallation, replacement, relocation and removal therein of the System hereinabove described in Paragraph
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LICENSE LOCATION. City hereby grants to Licensee a license to use and occupy the Location, during the limited time periods, in the manner and for the purposes set forth in this Agreement. The Location is anywhere between the media parking signs in the approximate area depicted and outlined on Exhibit “A”. The Location shall be used to park Licensee’s “bus”, which is approximately forty (40) feet long (“Bus”). The Bus shall be parked on the driveway immediately next to, but not on the lawn so as to minimize any obstruction to the flow of traffic through the parking area. The Location may be used for the placement of tables, chairs or other display items outside of the Bus. The Bus may remain on the Location only during Business Hours as defined herein. Pursuant to this License, City hereby grants Licensee the right to use the Location during Business Hours as stated herein during the term of the License, in accordance with and upon the covenants, agreements, promises and conditions stipulated and agreed upon between the parties as set out in this License. Licensee may not park any other vehicles or place any of its property in, on or adjacent to the Location. Licensee may use the Location solely to engage in the Intended Use. Licensee acknowledges that there may be times when part of the Location is being used by members of the press for parking while conducting business within City Hall. Licensee shall use its best efforts to coordinate joint use of the Location so as to allow both the press and Licensee to use the area for its authorized purposes. Should a dispute arise concerning joint use of the Location, Licensee shall coordinate use of the Location through the office of City’s Real Estate Division Manager, whose decisions shall be final.


  • SOFTWARE LICENSE GRANT Where Product is acquired on a licensed basis the following shall constitute the license grant:

  • Software License Terms (a) Software that is made available by a Provider to Recipient in connection with any Service (any such Software being referred to herein as “TSA-Licensed Software”) provided hereunder will be subject to the terms set forth in this Section 3.5 except as otherwise provided in the applicable Service Schedule. The Provider hereby grants to the Recipient a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use, in object code form, any TSA-Licensed Software that is made available by the Provider pursuant to a Service Schedule. For the avoidance of doubt, the Provider that makes available any TSA-Licensed Software in connection with the provision of any Service retains the unrestricted right to enhance or otherwise modify such TSA-Licensed Software at any time, provided that such enhancements or other modifications do not disrupt the provision of such Service to the Recipient.

  • License Key 2.5. The Application Software may include an embedded security system which if provided must be used together with a license key. The license key may limit the use of the Application Software to the applicable Use Level and prevent a single User from using more than one workstation at the same time and is valid for a certain period of time following which the license key must be renewed. Customer is solely responsible for any cost or loss arising out of Customer’s failure or delay to renew the license key.

  • Third Party Software 1. The Software may contain third party software that requires and/or additional terms and conditions. Such required third party software notices and/or additional terms and conditions are located at xxxx:// and are made a part of and incorporated by reference into this XXXX. By accepting this XXXX, You are also accepting the additional terms and conditions, if any, set forth therein.

  • Software License Subject to the terms of this Agreement, Viasat grants to you a personal, non-exclusive, non-assignable and non-transferable license to use and display the software provided by or on behalf of Viasat (including any updates) only for the purpose of accessing the Service ("Software") on any computer(s) on which you are the primary user or which you are authorized to use. Our Privacy Policies provide important information about the Software applications we utilize. Please read the terms very carefully, as they contain important disclosures about the use and security of data transmitted to and from your computer. Unauthorized copying of the Software, including, without limitation, software that has been modified, merged or included with the Software, or the written materials associated therewith, is expressly forbidden. You may not sublicense, assign, or transfer this license or the Software except as permitted in writing by Viasat. Any attempt to sublicense, assign or transfer any of the rights, duties or obligations under this license is void and may result in termination by Viasat of this Agreement and the license. You agree that you shall not copy or duplicate or permit anyone else to copy or duplicate any part of the Software, or create or attempt to create, or permit others to create or attempt to create, by reverse engineering or otherwise, the source programs or any part thereof from the object programs or from other information made available under this Agreement.

  • License to Customer Vendor grants to Customer, a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty free license, solely for the Customer’s internal business purposes, to use, copy, modify, display, perform (by any means), transmit and prepare derivative works of any Vendor IP embodied in or delivered to Customer in conjunction with the Work Product. The foregoing license includes the right to sublicense third parties, solely for the purpose of engaging such third parties to assist or carryout Customer’s internal business use of the Work Product. Except for the preceding license, all rights in Vendor IP remain in Vendor.

  • Software Licensing Contractor represents and warrants that the software, if any, as delivered to City, does not contain any program code, virus, worm, trap door, back door, time or clock that would erase data or programming or otherwise cause the software to become inoperable, inaccessible, or incapable of being used in accordance with its user manuals, either automatically, upon the occurrence of licensor-selected conditions or manually on command. Contractor further represents and warrants that all third party software, delivered to City or used by Contractor in the performance of the Contract, is fully licensed by the appropriate licensor.

  • License Renewal Certified participants will be responsible for keeping track of their personal professional development hours for license renewal.

  • SOURCE CODE ESCROW FOR LICENSED PRODUCT If Source Code or Source Code escrow is offered by either Contractor or Product manufacturer or developer to any other commercial customers, Contractor shall either: (i) provide Licensee with the Source Code for the Product; or (ii) place the Source Code in a third party escrow arrangement with a designated escrow agent who shall be named and identified to the State, and who shall be directed to release the deposited Source Code in accordance with a standard escrow agreement acceptable to the State; or (iii) will certify to the State that the Product manufacturer/developer has named the State, acting by and through the Authorized User, and the Licensee, as a named beneficiary of an established escrow arrangement with its designated escrow agent who shall be named and identified to the State and Licensee, and who shall be directed to release the deposited Source Code in accordance with the terms of escrow. Source Code, as well as any corrections or enhancements to such source code, shall be updated for each new release of the Product in the same manner as provided above and such updating of escrow shall be certified to the State in writing. Contractor shall identify the escrow agent upon commencement of the Contract term and shall certify annually that the escrow remains in effect in compliance with the terms of this clause. The State may release the Source Code to Licensees under this Contract who have licensed Product or obtained services, who may use such copy of the Source Code to maintain the Product.

  • SOFTWARE LICENSE GRANT Where Product is acquired on a licensed basis the following shall constitute the license grant:

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