Life Cycle Costs. If specified in TDS 33.6, an adjustment to consider the additional life cycle costs for the period specified below, such as the operating and maintenance costs of the Goods, will be added to the Tender price, for evaluation purposes only. The adjustment will be evaluated in accordance with the methodology specified below and the following information:
Life Cycle Costs the costs during the life of the goods or equipment No (f) the performance and productivity of the equipment offered No.
Life Cycle Costs. If specified in TDS 33.6, an adjustment to consider the additional life cycle costs for the period specified below, such as the operating and maintenance costs of the Goods, will be added to the Tender price, for evaluation purposes only. The adjustment will be evaluated in accordance with the methodology specified below and the following information: [Note to Procuring Entity: Life cycle costing should be used when the costs of operation and/or maintenance over the specified life of the goods are estimated to be considerable in comparison with the initial cost and may vary among different Tenders. Life cycle costs shall be evaluated on a net present value basis. If life cycle costs apply, then specify the factors required to determine them for evaluation purposes.
Life Cycle Costs. If specified in TDS 33.6, an adjustment to consider the additional life cycle costs for the period specified below, such as the operating and maintenance costs of the Goods, will be added to the Tender price, for evaluation purposes only. The adjustment will be evaluated in accordance with the methodology specified below and the following information:
i) number of years for life cycle cost determination [insert the number of years of economic life of Xxxxx];
ii) the discount rate to be applied to determine the net present value of the life-cycle-cost is [insert the discount rate];
iii) the annual operating and maintenance costs (recurrent costs) shall be determined on the basis of the following methodology: [insert methodology E.
Life Cycle Costs. Not Applicable
Life Cycle Costs. Calculations showing probable cost comparisons of various alternatives considered;
Life Cycle Costs. If specified in TDS 33.6, an adjustment to consider the additional life cycle costsfor the period specified below, such as the operating and maintenance costs of the Goods, will be added to the Tender price, for evaluation purposes only. The adjustment will be evaluated in accordance with the methodology specified belowand the following information:
i) number of years for life cycle cost determination [insert the number of years of economic life of Xxxxx];
ii) the discount rate to be applied to determine the net present value of the life- cycle-cost is [insert the discount rate];
iii) the annual operating and maintenance costs (recurrent costs) shall be determinedon the basis of the following methodology: [insert methodology E.G. This should include factors that will be used for determination of life-cycle- cost such as costs of operation and maintenance, residual value at the end of economic life of Goods, major elements that will be used for determination of cost of operation and maintenance such as fuel, power, labor, spare parts, etc. unit prices of elements such as fuel, power, etc., quantity of annual usage such as Kms or Hours of operation of Goods, Formula for calculation of LCC, etc];
iv) and the following information is required from tenderers [insert any information required from tenderers, including prices e.g. Guaranteed fuel and/or power consumption, cost of labour, spare parts, etc].
Life Cycle Costs the costs during the life of the goods or equipment [insert Yes or No. If yes, insert the Methodology and criteria in Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria]
Life Cycle Costs. A prediction of any effects the proposed recommendation may have on life cycle cost.
Life Cycle Costs. If specified in TDS 33.6, an adjustment to consider the additional life cycle costs for the period specified below, such as the operating and maintenance costs of the Goods, will be added to the Tender price, for evaluation purposes only. The adjustment will be evaluated in accordance with the methodology specified below and the following information: [Note to Procuring Entity: Life cycle costing should be used when the costs of operation and/or maintenance over the specified life of the goods are estimated to be considerable in comparison with the initial cost and may vary among different Tenders. Life cycle costs shall be evaluated on a net present value basis. If life cycle costs apply, then specify the factors required to determine them for evaluation purposes. [Either amend the following text as required, or delete if life cycle cost is not applicable]
i) number of years for life cycle cost determination [insert the number of years of economic life of Xxxxx];
ii) the discount rate to be applied to determine the net present value of the lifecycle-cost is [insert the discount rate];
iii) the annual operating and maintenance costs (recurrent costs) shall be determined on the basis of the following methodology: [insert methodology E.