Literature Sample Clauses
Literature. The manufacturer/dealer shall furnish price lists, catalogs, and description literature upon request by any using entity, and at no cost to the entity.
Literature. Upon request, the Contractor shall furnish literature reasonably related to the product offered, for example, user manuals, price schedules, catalogs, descriptive brochures, etc.
Literature. We will furnish you with copies of each Fund’s Prospectus, sales literature and other information made publicly available by the Fund, in reasonable quantities upon your request. We shall file Fund sales literature and promotional material with the NASD and SEC as required. You agree to deliver a copy of the current Prospectus to your customers in accordance with the provisions of the Securities Act of 1933. You may not publish or use any sales literature or promotional materials with respect to the Funds without our prior review and written approval.
Literature. JCC: EDU/ENG 2440, EDU/ENG 2650, ENG 1540 (if ENG 1510 and ENG 1530 are taken), ENG 2510, ENG 2520, ENG 2530, ENG 2550, ENG 2560, ENG 2580, ENG 2590, ENG 2610, ENG 2620, ENG 2830, ENG 2850, ENG 2870, SPA 2530, THE 1510, THE 1520 -JCC: 3 credits in any ART, XXX, MUS, or THE course(s) or ENG 2540, ENG 2890 -JCC: ARA 1510, ARA 1520, ASL 1510, ASL 1520, FRE 1510, FRE 1520, FRE 2510, FRE 2520, RUS 1510, SPA 1510, SPA 1520, SPA 2510, SPA 2520, SPA 2550 Courses must be selected from at least two different categories (the categories are behavioral sciences, economics, and political science). -JCC: BUS 2580, CMM 1510, EDU 2340, HUS 1280, PSY 1510, PSY 1550, PSY 1610, PSY 2500, PSY 2520, PSY 2530, PSY 2550, PSY 2560, PSY 2570, PSY 2580, PSY 2600, PSY 2710, SOC 1510, SOC 2520, SOC 2540, SOC 2560, SOC 2580 -JCC: ECO 1530, ECO 2610, ECO 2620 -JCC: CRI 2380, CRI 2530, CRI 2640, POL 1510, POL 1520, POL 1550, POL 2530, POL 2570, POL 2860
Literature. Any literature, including education and promotional materials, distributed by SUBRECIPIENT for purposes directly related to the CONTRACT shall include language that SUBRECIPIENT’s services are supported by funding from the California Department of Aging as directed by COUNTY. For the purposes of the CONTRACT, such literature shall include written materials as well as electronic media such as web pages or other information on the Internet. COUNTY shall have the right to review and approve all literature prior to distribution. SUBRECIPIENT must ensure the availability of printed materials that are approved by COUNTY and in languages appropriate to the demographic composition of the COUNTY.
Literature. Any literature distributed by CONTRACTOR for the purpose of apprising businesses, participants, or the general public of its programs under this Agreement shall state that its programs are supported by the County of Orange and the Orange County Workforce Investment Board, and shall state that the program is an "equal opportunity employer/program" and that "auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities."
Literature. All menus, sales literature and promotional literature and similar materials of the Seller.
Literature. All sales literature, promotional literature, catalogs and similar materials related to the Business.
Literature. JCC: ENG 1540 (if ENG 1510 and ENG 1530 are taken), ENG 2510, ENG 2520, ENG 2530, ENG 2550, ENG 2560, ENG 2580, ENG 2590, ENG 2610, ENG 2620, ENG 2830, ENG 2850, ENG 2870, INT 2530, INT 2540, SPA 2530, THE 1510, THE 1520 Courses in the major will satisfy this requirement. -JCC: ARA 1510, ARA 1520, ASL 1510, ASL 1520, FRE 1510, FRE 1520, FRE 2510, FRE 2520, GER 1510, RUS 1510, SPA 1510, SPA 1520, SPA 2510, SPA 2520, SPA 2550 Courses must be selected from at least two different categories (the categories are behavioral science, economics, and political science). -JCC: BUS 2580, CMM 1510, EDU 2340, HUS 1280, PSY 1510, PSY 1550, PSY 1570, PSY 1610, PSY 2500, PSY 2520, PSY 2530, PSY 2550, PSY 2560, PSY 2570, PSY 2580, PSY 2600, PSY 2710, SOC 1510, SOC 1520, SOC 1530, SOC 2520, SOC 2540, SOC 2560, SOC 2570, SOC 2580 -JCC: ECO 1530, ECO 2610, ECO 2620 -JCC: CRI 1540, CRI 2380, CRI 2530, CRI 2640, POL 1510, POL 1520, POL 1550, POL 1560, POL 2530, POL 2570, POL 2860 Note: at least one History course is required, and two areas must be met. -JCC: HIS 1510, HIS 1520, HIS 1530, HIS 1540, HIS 2590, HIS 2560, HIS 2590 -JCC: ENG 2730, ENG 2840, INE 2770, ANT 1510, ANT 1520, ANT 1530, ANT 2510, ANT 2520, ANT 2540, ANT 2600, GEO 1520, INT 2530, INT 2540 -JCC: PHL 1510, PHL 1520, PHL 1570, PHL 2550, PHL 2570, PHL 2610, PHL 2630, PHL 2650, PHL 2720 Must include one course each in physical sciences and life sciences, one of which must have a laboratory. -JCC: AST 1510, CHE 1530, CHE 1550, CHE 1560, GLG 1510, GLG 1520, GLG 1550, HUS 1310, MET 1510, PHY 1250, PHY 1260, PHY 1510, PHY 1610, PHY 1620, PHY 1710, PHY 2710, PHY 2720 -JCC: ANT 1510, ANT/BIO/CMM 2600, BIO 1500, BIO 1510, BIO 1570, BIO 1580, BIO 1700, BIO 1820, BIO 1830, BIO 2510, BIO 2520, BIO 2530 or BIO 2531 (lecture) or BIO 2531 and BIO 2532 (lecture and lab), BIO 2550, BIO 2560, BIO 2570, BIO 2620, BIO 2640, BIO 2660, BIO 2670, BIO 2760, BIO 2800, BIO 2820, BIO 2830, BIO 7003 (Introduction to Biotechnology), BIO 7504 (From Science Fiction to Fact), BIO 7505 (Biology: A Molecular Approach) -JCC: MAT 1540, MAT 1600, MAT 1630, MAT 1640, MAT 1710, MAT 1720, MAT 2650, MAT 2670, MAT 2680, CSC 1510, CSC 1570, CSC 1580, CSC 1590, MAT 1670 One course in the Department of Physical Education (GE: Physical Education). -JCC: Any PHE course or CRI 1290
Literature. 19 Any literature, including educational and promotional materials, distributed by CONTRACTOR for 20 purposes directly related to this Agreement shall indicate that CONTRACTOR’s services are supported 21 by federal, state and county funds, as appropriate. For the purposes of this Agreement, distribution of 22 such literature shall include written materials as well as electronic media such as the Internet. 23