LOCAL CIRCUIT SWITCHING. 75.1 CenturyLink is not required to provide access to local circuit switching on an unbundled basis.
LOCAL CIRCUIT SWITCHING. 48.1. DS0 Capacity (i.e. mass market)
48.1.1. Sprint is not required to provide access to local circuit switching on an unbundled basis to CLEC for the purpose of serving end-user customers using DS0 capacity loops.
48.1.2. CLEC shall migrate its embedded base of end-user customers off of the unbundled local circuit switching element, including local circuit switching provided as part of UNE-P, to an alternative arrangement within 12 months of March 11, 2005. CLEC must submit the necessary orders to convert these UNEs to an alternative service arrangement within twelve months of March 11, 2005. CLEC must have completed the transition of the UNEs to alternative facilities or arrangements by the end of the twelve month period. If CLEC fails to submit the necessary orders, Sprint will convert the UNE-P to comparable access services. Sprint will assess the conversion charge and a management fee for the work performed by Sprint on behalf of CLEC.
48.1.3. Notwithstanding the above section, for a 12-month period from March 11, 2005, Sprint shall provide access to local circuit switching, including local circuit switching provided as part of UNE-P, on an unbundled basis for CLEC to serve its embedded base of end-user customers. The price for unbundled local circuit switching, including local circuit switching provided as part of UNE-P, obtained pursuant to this section is set forth on Table One. CLEC will true-up the rates paid for local circuit switching, including local circuit switching provided as part of UNE-P, back to March 11, 2005. CLEC may not obtain new local circuit switching as an unbundled network element.
LOCAL CIRCUIT SWITCHING. 49.1. Embarq is not required to provide access to local circuit switching on an unbundled basis.
49.2. Any local circuit switching element that CLEC previously obtained from Embarq on an unbundled basis, including local circuit switching previously provided as part of UNE-P, shall be subject to the following:
49.2.1. Such local circuit switching must be converted to an alternative arrangement within thirty (30) Days after the Effective Date of this Agreement. If CLEC fails to submit the necessary orders to convert and complete the transition of such local circuit switching element to an alternative service arrangement within thirty (30) Days of the Effective Date of this Agreement, Embarq will convert such local circuit switching to comparable Wholesale Services. Embarq will assess the conversion charge and a management fee for the work performed by Embarq on behalf of CLEC.
49.2.2. Any local circuit switching, including local circuit switching provided by Embarq to CLEC as part of UNE-P between 03/11/05 and 03/10/06 shall be subject to billing by Embarq at the transition rates established by the FCC, and any local circuit switching, including local circuit switching provided by Embarq to CLEC as part of UNE-P after 03/10/06 shall be subject to billing at the rates charged by Embarq to CLECs for such service under separate commercial agreements.
LOCAL CIRCUIT SWITCHING. 49.1. Embarq is not required to provide access to local circuit switching on an unbundled basis.
LOCAL CIRCUIT SWITCHING. The local circuit switching UNE is defined as: (i) line-side facilities, which include, but are not limited to, the connection between a loop termination at a main distribution frame and a switch line card; (ii) trunk-side facilities, which include, but are not limited to, the connection between trunk termination at a trunk-side cross-connect panel and a switch trunk card; and (iii) all features, functions and capabilities of the switch. VERIZON will only provide circuit switching and shared transport as a UNE under the circumstances described in Rule 51.319(c)(2). At SPRINT’s request, VERIZON will make available the following types of Circuit Switching as UNEs:
LOCAL CIRCUIT SWITCHING. 49.1. DS0 Capacity (i.e., mass market)
49.1.1. Embarq is not required to provide access to local circuit switching on an unbundled basis to CLEC for the purpose of serving end-user customers using DS0 capacity loops.
49.1.2. CLEC shall migrate its embedded base of end-user customers off of the unbundled local circuit switching element, including local circuit switching provided as part of UNE-P, to an alternative arrangement within thirty (30) days of the Effective Date of this Agreement. If CLEC fails to submit the necessary orders to convert and complete the transition of these UNEs to an alternative service arrangement within thirty (30) days of the Effective Date of this Agreement, Embarq will convert the UNE-P to comparable Wholesale Services. Embarq will assess the conversion charge and a management fee for the work performed by Embarq on behalf of CLEC. Any unbundled local circuit switching, including local circuit switching provided as part of UNE-P over such UNEs after 03/11/05 and prior to such conversion shall be billed at the rates for Wholesale Service set forth on Table One.
49.1.3. CLEC may not obtain new local circuit switching as an unbundled network element.
LOCAL CIRCUIT SWITCHING. The local circuit switching UNE is defined as: (i) line-side facilities, which include, but are not limited to, the connection between a loop termination at a main distribution frame and a switch line card; (ii) trunk-side facilities, which include, but are not limited to, the connection between trunk termination at a trunk-side cross- connect panel and a switch trunk card; and (iii) all features, functions and capabilities of the switch. GTE reserves the right not to provide circuit switching and shared transport as a UNE under the circumstances described in Rule 51.319(c)(2).
LOCAL CIRCUIT SWITCHING. 49.1. DS0 Capacity (i.e. mass market)
49.1.1. Embarq is not required to provide access to local circuit switching on an unbundled basis to CLEC for the purpose of serving end-user customers using DS0 capacity loops.
49.1.2. CLEC may not obtain new local circuit switching as an unbundled network element.
LOCAL CIRCUIT SWITCHING. As required by the Arbitration Orders and as set forth in 47 C.F.R. §51.319(d)(1), Local Circuit Switching encompasses all line-side and trunk-side facilities, plus the features, functions and capabilities of the local circuit switch. The features, functions, and capabilities of the local circuit switch shall include the basic switching functions of connecting lines to lines, lines to trunks, trunks to lines, and trunks to trunks. Local Circuit Switching includes all vertical features that the Local Circuit Switch is capable of providing, including custom calling, custom local area signaling services features, and Centrex, as well as any technically feasible customized routing function.
68.1 Brightspeed is not required to provide access to local circuit switching on an unbundled basis.