LOTTERY PROCEDURE. In the event a greater number of applications is received than spaces available after all priority students have been offered admission, a random electronic selection process (hereinafter “Lottery”) shall be used to determine which students will be admitted. All eligible applicants will be placed in the lottery. Eligible applicants are those students who reside in the DeKalb County School District, meet age requirements for Kindergarten and First Grade enrollment, and submit a timely application. Of the names not selected for admittance, the Lottery shall also be used to establish a waiting list based upon the order drawn, which will be used to admit students to enrollment in the event a seat becomes available (the “Waitlist”). Unless otherwise cancelled or withdrawn by the Applicant, all eligible applications submitted during the Open Application Period will be placed into the Lottery held each spring on a date selected by GLOBE. The order in which grades will be drawn will be determined by ordering the grades beginning with the grade where the applications received exceed the available spots by the highest percentage and ending with the grade for which the opposite is true. Priority applicants are ranked based on the order outlined above and will be assigned lottery numbers ahead of all other applicants. Prior to the Lottery drawing, GLOBE will identify any/all open seats available for the upcoming year for Grade Levels K, First and Sixth Grade. Following the Lottery drawing, students in each grade level will be offered a seat starting with the lowest number and progressing to the highest number until all available seats in each class, in each Grade Level, are filled. Each parent/guardian of each student who has received a winning lottery number will receive notice of the winning drawing and an offer of acceptance. Parents/guardians will then have until 4:00 PM on the 10th business day from the date of sending such notice and offer of acceptance in which to either accept or decline the offer. Acceptance must be made in writing via electronic communication unless communicated as otherwise authorized herein. After 4:00 PM on the 10th business day from the date of sending such notice, an available seat which has been neither declined nor accepted shall be deemed declined and may be offered to the next parent/guardian based on the next lottery number. All non-electronic communications and responses shall be subject to the same deadlines for response and acce...
LOTTERY PROCEDURE. Prior to the Closing Date and after finalization of the list referred to in Section 3.1 above, the Lottery shall be conducted on a mutually agreed date (in any event not less than ten (10) days prior to the Closing Date). Allergan and Ligand shall conduct the Lottery as follows:
LOTTERY PROCEDURE. Agamim will hold up to three lotteries per grade beginning with its highest grade and proceeding in descending grade order, based on timely applications received. Lotteries will be held for a given grade only if there is at least one more applicant than the board-determined class size at that grade—for example, 28 applications for 25 student slots in a grade. Agamim’s 2015-16 lotteries will be conducted using an electronic randomizing process for each of the grade levels containing on-time applications for 2015-16. The electronically randomized lists will become the waiting list for each grade, with the randomized list of siblings for a given grade being placed in the first places on the waiting lists (beginning in Y2), the randomized list of staff children being placed immediately following the sibling applicants (beginning in Y2), and the randomized list of general applicants being placed immediately following the staff children applicants. See Minn. Stat. § 124D.10 (2012) (stating that charter school shall give enrollment preference to sibling of enrolled pupil and to xxxxxx child of that pupil's parents and may give preference for enrolling children of the school’s staff before accepting other pupils by xxx). Starting in the first enrollment period, in February 2015, if a student is admitted through the general lottery and that student has one or more siblings in other grades also subject to a lottery, these siblings are automatically admitted as long as available enrollment as determined by the Board remains in the applicable grades.


  • RECOVERY PROCEDURES The nature and severity of any disaster will influence the recovery procedures. One crucial factor in determining how AT&T TENNESSEE will proceed with restoration is whether or not AT&T TENNESSEE’s equipment is incapacitated. Regardless of whose equipment is out of service, AT&T TENNESSEE will move as quickly as possible to aid with service recovery; however, the approach that will be taken may differ depending upon the location of the problem.

  • BILLING PROCEDURE a. The Contractor shall submit, not more than semi-monthly, properly completed A-19 vouchers (the "voucher") to one of the following: The Department of Children, Youth, and Families Attn: Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx PO Box 40970 Olympia WA 98504-0970 Or, email a scan of an original, signed A-19 voucher directly to the DCYF Contract Manager at b. Payment to the Contractor for approved and completed work shall be made by warrant or Electronic Funds Transfer by DCYF and considered timely if made within 30 days of receipt of a properly completed voucher. Payment shall be sent to the address designated by the Contractor and set forth in this Contract. c. Each voucher must clearly reference the DCYF Contract Number and the Contractor's Statewide Payee Registration number assigned by the Office of Financial Management (OFM). d. Properly completed vouchers and attachments completed by the Contractor must contain the information described in Exhibit A under the Section titled "Compensation and Voucher Payment".

  • ORDERING PROCEDURE Orders placed against this contract may be in the form of an agency issued purchase order on an as-required basis. Or an agency may also use the Arkansas State Purchasing Card (P- Card) to purchase furniture.

  • Move-Out Procedure Prior to either (i) the expiry of the Term, or (ii) the date on which the Resident is to vacate the Residence (detailed in Table 1 & 3), the Manager, or designate, can be requested in advance by the Resident to complete a visual inspection of the Suite to view the state of cleanliness and repair. If no request to inspect the suite is made by the Resident, the inspection will take place once the Resident has vacated the suite. In the event the Resident chooses to have the inspection completed prior to vacating the suite, the Manager, or designate, will inspect the suite and inform the Resident of potential damage and/or cleaning charges and outline what steps the student may take to mitigate charges. On vacating, all garbage and belongings of the Resident must be removed, and the suite must be cleaned to the point of restoring the suite to its original condition. Once the Resident has vacated, the Manager, or designate, will complete a documented visual inspection of the Suite. In the event deficiencies are found, the cost of cleaning the suite and restoring it to its original state may be deducted from the Resident’s original Deposit. There is a minimum cleaning charge of

  • Complaint Procedure Section 1. Complaints involving charges of sexual harassment, crime (whether misdemeanor or felony), or charges of discrimination are explicitly excluded from consideration under this Article. Such charges shall be pursued under appropriate laws, policies and procedures. Section 2. Complaints by students which fall within the purview of District Student Grievance Procedures shall be processed and investigated under that procedure and shall not be subject to the provisions of this Article. Any subsequent disciplinary action resulting from the Student Grievance Procedures will be discussed with the Adjunct Faculty Member in a separate meeting and the Adjunct Faculty Member will be given the opportunity to have a union representative present; no Member shall be disciplined without just cause. Section 3. Any complaint about an Adjunct Faculty Member shall be immediately investigated by the President or designee. If the complaint appears to have substance, the complaint and the name of the person making the complaint should generally be provided to the Adjunct Faculty Member within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of the complaint. Section 4. The complaint and the results of the investigation conducted by the President or designee shall be put into writing. If the investigation appears to substantiate the complaint, as soon as possible after such determination has been made, the President or designee shall meet with the Adjunct Faculty Member to discuss the issues which seem to be involved. The Adjunct Faculty Member may be represented by the Association during this meeting. Section 5. If, after the meeting prescribed in Section 4, there appears to be cause, the person making the complaint shall meet with the President or designee and the Adjunct Faculty Member in an attempt to further understand the complaint or to respond to the complaint and reach a settlement. The Adjunct Faculty Member may be represented by the Association during this meeting. Section 6. If the complaint cannot be settled to the satisfaction of all parties during the meeting provided for in Section 5, the Adjunct Faculty Member may prepare a written response to the complaint. The response shall be attached to the complaint. The complaint and the Adjunct Faculty Member’s response shall be placed in the Adjunct Faculty Member’s Personnel file. Section 7. At any point at which the complaint is judged to be untrue or unsubstantiated, all records of the complaint shall be removed from the personnel file.

  • Disciplinary Procedure 20.01 All employees shall have the following rights: A. An employee shall be entitled to only Union representation at each step of the disciplinary procedure. B. An employee shall not be coerced, intimidated, or suffer any reprisals either directly or indirectly that may adversely affect his hours, wages, or working conditions as a result of the exercise of his rights under this procedure. 20.02 An employee may resign following the service of a Notice of Discipline. Any such resignation will be processed in accordance with the provisions contained herein and the employee's employment shall be terminated. 20.03 Discipline shall be imposed only for just cause. The specific acts for which discipline is being imposed and the penalty proposed shall be specified in the Notice of Discipline. The Notice served on the employee shall contain a reference to dates, times and places, if possible, and shall also be given to the local union president and xxxxxxx. The Employer shall notify the employee and the Union within seven (7) days after the Employer has knowledge of the incident that the Employer intends to impose discipline that may result in a suspension or discharge. Disciplinary actions resulting in a reprimand shall be imposed within ten (10) days after the Employer has knowledge of the incident. Notice of Disciplinary actions resulting in a suspension or discharge shall be issued within sixty (60) days after the Employer has knowledge of the incident resulting in the proposed disciplinary action. 20.04 Before any discipline is imposed, the employee and his/her union representative shall be entitled to a pre-disciplinary hearing before the employee's department head. If after this hearing the department head decides to impose a penalty that does not involve a suspension, demotion, or removal from service, the department head may impose the penalty, and the employee may grieve it. Where the department head seeks as a penalty the imposition of a suspension without pay, a demotion or removal from service, he shall make such a recommendation to the Mayor and notice of such proposed discipline shall be made in writing and served on the employee personally or by registered or certified mail, return receipt request, with a copy to the local union president and xxxxxxx. If the employee grieves the proposed suspension, demotion, or removal from service, the Mayor or designee shall convene a hearing at Step 3 of the grievance procedure. 20.05 The Union on behalf of all the employees covered by this Agreement and its own behalf hereby waives any and all rights previously possessed by such employees to appeal any form of disciplinary action (e.g. suspensions, demotion or discharge) to any Civil Service Commission. 20.06 Discipline shall not be implemented until either: 1. the matter is settled, or 2. the employee fails to file a grievance within the time frame provided by this procedure, or 3. the penalty is upheld by the arbitrator or a different penalty is determined by the arbitrator, or 4. the penalty may be imposed after the hearing before the Mayor in Section 20.04, subject to the Union's right to appeal it to arbitration.

  • Mandatory Procedures The parties agree that any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be resolved solely by means of the procedures set forth in this Article, and that such procedures constitute legally binding obligations that are an essential provision of this Agreement. If either party fails to observe the procedures of this Article, as may be modified by their written agreement, the other party may bring an action for specific performance of these procedures in any court of competent jurisdiction.

  • Hearing Procedure 5.1. At hearings, the following procedures will be followed, subject to the discretion of the Chair to modify these procedures as circumstances require to ensure a fair hearing: (a) The Chair will open the hearing, introduce the Members of the Panel, and outline how the hearing will proceed. (b) The Clerk will introduce the appeal and confirm that notice of appeal has been provided to all parties in accordance with the Act. (c) The Chair will ask if anyone objects to any Member of the Panel hearing the appeal and any objections may be addressed as a preliminary matter, if necessary. (d) The Chair shall then call upon Administration to outline the matter under appeal and make submissions, if any. (e) The Chair shall then call upon the Applicant if different from the Appellant, to make submissions, if any. (f) The Chair shall then call upon the Appellant to make submissions, if any. (g) The Chair shall then call upon any individuals in favour of the appeal and who are entitled to be heard by the Board in accordance with the Act to speak. (h) The Chair shall then call upon any persons opposed to the appeal and who are entitled to be heard by the Board in accordance with the Act to speak. (i) The Chair will then call upon the Applicant to provide closing comments, if any. (j) The Chair will then call upon Administration to provide closing comments, if any. (k) The Chair will then call upon the Appellant to provide closing comments, if any. (l) Members may ask any presenter questions through the Chair at any time, although questions will generally be asked after the presenter has completed their submissions. (m) Once Members have asked all their questions, the Chair will close the hearing. (n) The Board shall deliberate and make its decision in private in accordance with the Act. 5.2. Submissions to the Board may be made by individuals, their agents, their consultants and their legal counsel. 5.3. All individuals who want to address the Board shall provide their full name, location of residence and indicate whether they are speaking on their own behalf, for another person, or for a group. 5.4. An individual who does not provide their identity will not be given the opportunity to address the Board. 5.5. The Chair may limit repetitious oral submissions.

  • Reply Procedures In connection with any Auction, each Lender holding the relevant Term Loans subject to such Auction may, in its sole discretion, participate in such Auction and may provide the Auction Agent with a notice of participation (the “Return Bid”) which shall be in a form reasonably acceptable to the Auction Agent, and shall specify (i) a discount to par (that must be expressed as a price at which it is willing to sell all or any portion of such Term Loans) (the “Reply Price”), which (when expressed as a percentage of the par principal amount of such Term Loans) must be within the Discount Range and (ii) a principal amount of such Term Loans, which must be in whole increments of $1,000,000 (or, in any case, such lesser amount of such Term Loans of such Lender then outstanding or which is otherwise reasonably acceptable to the Auction Agent) (the “Reply Amount”). Lenders may only submit one Return Bid per Auction, but each Return Bid may contain up to three bids only one of which may result in a Qualifying Bid. In addition to the Return Bid, the participating Lender must execute and deliver, to be held in escrow by the Auction Agent, an Assignment and Assumption with the dollar amount of the Term Loans to be assigned to be left in blank, which amount shall be completed by the Auction Agent in accordance with the final determination of such Lender’s Qualifying Bid pursuant to clause (c) below. Any Lender whose Return Bid is not received by the Auction Agent by the Auction Response Date shall be deemed to have declined to participate in the relevant Auction with respect to all of its Term Loans.

  • Bumping Procedure In the application of this Article, permanent part-time employees cannot displace permanent full-time employees or vice versa provided that permanent full-time employees who have exhausted their bumping rights hereunder and are to be laid off from work shall have the right to displace a permanent part-time employee with lesser GO seniority, within their section. Such bumping within the section may only be in a downward or lateral direction provided they are qualified, willing and able to do the work (refer to Schedule “E-I” and “E-I OFPT”). Downward shall be defined as lesser pay per hour and/or lesser hours per week (permanent full-time vs. permanent part-time). Lateral shall be defined as same pay per hour. In the application of this Article, permanent part-time employees cannot displace permanent full-time employees or vice versa provided that permanent full-time employees who have exhausted their bumping rights hereunder and are to be laid off from work, shall have the right to displace any permanent part-time employee with lesser GO Transit seniority, within their section provided they are able, willing and qualified. Due to the nature of the bumping procedure and the unpredictability of the direction and results of that bumping, the layoff must take precedent over all other normal movement of employees (i.e., standing applications). During layoffs an employee may choose to accept an open position for which he/she is qualified rather than bumping within their classification or section and should he/she elect this option, they shall retain recall rights to the original classification without loss of seniority. Where an OFPT employee who has been notified or is on layoff and currently possesses the qualifications and skills of a position they have held previously, then the employee may bump laterally or downward within their section or another section where the previously held position is identified. At the time of layoff the employee must satisfy the criteria identified in the current job description, and the employee must have satisfied the performance standards of that classification. Should the parties agree that the bumping procedure will likely cause significant movement within a classification or section, then the parties may agree to have a “master” sign-up take place which will be the sole responsibility of the Union to administer.