Market Risks Sample Clauses

Market Risks. An ETF is exposed to the economic, political, currency, legal and other risks of a specific sector or market related to the index and the market that it is tracking.
Market Risks. The investment of the Token is subject to normal market fluctuations and the risks inherent in an investment in equity securities and similar instruments and there can be no assurance that appreciation will occur.
Market Risks. While Derivative Transactions entered into by client pursuant to this Agreement would normally be over-the-counter or exchange-traded transactions, the underlying assets of certain Derivative Products may or may not be exchange-traded securities or other financial products, e.g. an exchange-traded futures contact or option. Upon physical settlement of such a Derivative Transaction, you may acquire the relevant securities or an open position in respect of such exchange-traded product and would be exposed to the risks associated therewith. You should therefore be aware of and understand the risk associated with such exchange-traded products. Market conditions (e.g. illiquidity) and/or the operation of rules of certain markets (e.g. the suspension of trading in any securities or any contract or contract month because of price limits or circuit breakers) may increase the risk of loss by making it difficult or impossible to effect transactions or liquidate or offset positions. Further, normal pricing relationships between the underlying asset and the futures contract or between the underlying asset and the option may not exist. This can occur when, for instance, the futures contact underlying an option is subject to price limits while the option is not. The absence of any underlying reference price may make it difficult to judge fair value of a Derivative Transaction.
Market Risks. (a) GSI’s businesses have been and may in the future be adversely affected by conditions in the global financial markets and broader economic conditions (b) GSI’s businesses have been and may in the future be adversely affected by declining asset values, particularly where it has net “long” positions, receives fees based on the value of assets managed, or receives or posts collateral
Market Risks. The crypto market is still volatile. No user should have funds invested in cryptocurrencies or digital tokens that they are not willing to lose completely. Because of market fluctuations, it is unknown whether one or more digital assets will increase or decrease in value or lose all or substantially all of their value. Users must be aware of the care and use of the possession of crypto assets.
Market Risks. FECR’s freight traffic is generally affected by overall economic conditions, especially those in the state of Florida. Also, the level of state and federal highway and other public projects can affect the amount of aggregate loadings FECR’s customers request. There can be no assurance that the overall economy or that of Florida’s will continue to experience higher than average national growth or rebound quickly from any slowdowns. Fuel Price Risks. FECR’s operations require significant amounts of diesel fuel. Prices of diesel fuel can vary greatly. Generaly, the increases in fuel price are passed along to customers through a “fuel surcharge.” However, there are no assurances that these surcharges will cover the entire fuel price increase for a given period, or that competitive market conditions wil effectively allow freight providers the ability to pass along this cost. Interchange Carrier Risks. Approximately 46.0 percent of FECR’s traffic is interchanged from CSXT or NS. The ability of these carriers to market and service southbound traffic into the Florida market will affect the amount of traffic FECR moves.
Market Risks. (a) Sources of market risk to which portfolio exposure is appropriate are as follows: - Level and shape of the UK yield curve - Yield spread between Gilts and various qualities of non-government debt (b) The investment Manager at all times must be able to identify all such sources of risk to which the Portfolio in aggregate is exposed. This requirement applies to both physical and derivative securities. The purchase of securities with exposure to sources of risk other than those listed above is allowed only with the prior written consent of the Client. (c) The Investment Manager shall maintain an awareness of the range of values that can be assumed by the various sources of market risk to which the Portfolio is exposed. In addition, the Investment Manager shall maintain an awareness of the likelihood that any given source of market risk will assume a given value within a year. The range and likelihood of values described above shall be based on reasonable empirical evidence. (d) The Investment Manager shall STRESS TEST the sensitivity of the Portfolio to changes in the value of relevant risk sources across the full range of likely values the risk sources may assume. Futures, options, forward contracts and other derivative instruments will be included in this analysis of Portfolio risk exposures. The Investment Manager will manage the Portfolio so that its stress-test sensitivity to an adverse change in market conditions is expected to be no more than a 2% decline in principal value relative to the Benchmark Index over any one-year period, based on a statistical confidence of two standard deviations. (e) On a prospective basis, the Investment Manager will manage the TRACKING ERROR of the Portfolio with respect to the Benchmark Index. The tracking error of the Portfolio is the annualized standard deviation of the difference between the returns of the Portfolio and the returns of the Benchmark Index. The prospective annualized tracking error for the Portfolio should not exceed 100 basis points, based on a statistical confidence of one standard deviation. (f) The Investment Manager will ensure that the Client's Portfolio shall be invested at all times such that, under the Actuarial Resilience Test (as advised by the Appointed Actuary), the excess of the Portfolio value over the Liabilities will exceed L2.5 million. The maximum effective duration of the Portfolio will never be more than +/-5% of the effective duration of the Benchmark Index. Procedures for demo...
Market Risks. The Client acknowledges and understands that financial markets are subject to various risks, including but not limited to market volatility, economic factors, and political events. The Client is solely responsible for assessing and managing the risks associated with their trading and investment activities.
Market Risks. The investments in securities market are subject to normal market fluctuations and other risks inherent to investing in such investments and there can be no assurance that any appreciation in value will occur. Prospective investors are advised that the value of investment and their income from it may go down as well as up. An investment should only be made by persons who have the ability to sustain a loss. The financial markets may be adversely affected as a result of geopolitical situations, or historically unprecedented events, which could diminish the value of investments.