Measure 5. The Charter School will meet all financial reporting deadlines set by the Department and their local school district as it relates to the district meeting the Department’s deadlines.
Measure 5. The Charter School will maintain a 90% retention rate of continuing teachers and excluding teachers dismissed for cause, relocation or dismissed by the school.
Measure 5. The Charter School will increase the percentage of students who are employed in a job directly related to technical certificates received or enrolled in post-secondary education within six months of graduation from high school by 25% by the end of the charter term after a baseline is established in Year 1 of the charter.
Measure 5. If in any year of the Charter term, the Charter School fails to meet or exceed a State Performance Target in any subject or with regard to graduation rate, each year thereafter, the Charter School shall reduce the number of students not meeting or exceeding State Performance Targets by 10% each year until the Charter School meets or exceeds State Performance Targets.
i. Goal 2: Each cohort of students will demonstrate proficiency and i mprovement over prior years’ performance.
Measure 5. During each applicable year of the charter term, the percentage of students scoring in the Exceeds Standards category for Mathematics and Reading/English Language Arts portions of the CRCT will at least match the XXXX 0000-0000 district average. Each subsequent year, using the XXXX 0000-0000 district average as a baseline, the Charter School will exceed the baseline in each grade and subject tested, including Science, by an additional 5% per year until the percentage of students in each grade level scoring in the Exceeds Standards category is at or above 50%. At that point, the Charter School will increase the number of students in the Exceeds Standards category by 2% per year for the remainder of the charter term.
Measure 5. During each year of the charter term, the percentage of students in grade 12 that pass the Georgia High School Writing Test will increase by at least 2% from the first year’s baseline.
Measure 5. In Year 1 of the charter term and with a 15% growth rate annually thereafter, at least 30% of all students and teachers will maintain either electronic or hard copy portfolios of student products and performance.
Measure 5. During each year of the charter term, the percentage of charter school students scoring in the exceeds category in all subject areas on the EOCT will exceed the baseline average by 2%
Measure 5. In Years 2 – 5 of the charter term, the number of students receiving post-secondary credits through dual-enrollment in career and technical postsecondary programs will increase by 5% per year from the baseline established in Year 1.