Measure 3. In Years 3-5 of the charter term, the Charter School’s CCRPI score shall be better than both the State and the local district. Renewal decisions for new start-up charter schools first opening in 2014 or later will be based in part on whether the school’s CCRPI score was equal to or better than both the State and local district in Year 2, and better than both the State and local district in Years 3-4 of the charter contract.
Measure 3. In 2016-17 and all remaining years of the charter contract, the Charter School’s CCRPI score shall be better than both the State and the local district. The renewal decision at the end of the charter term will be based in part on whether the school’s CCRPI score was equal to or better than both the State and local district in 2015-16, and better than both the State and local district in 2016-17 and in all but the last of the remaining years of their charter contract.
Measure 3. In each year of the charter, 100% of parents will participate in at least one parent/student/teacher conference.
Measure 3. In Years 3-5 of the charter term, the Charter School’s CCRPI score shall be better than both the State and the local district.
Measure 3. During each year of the charter term, the percentage of students who meet or exceed state standards on each content area of the CRCT will be greater than the DeKalb county average.
Measure 3. The Charter School’s graduation rate will exceed that of the district and/or state by 5% during each year of its charter term after a baseline is established in Year 1 of the charter.
Measure 3. In 2015-2016 and all remaining years of the charter contract, the Charter School’s CCRPI score shall be better than both the State and the local district.
1. Measure 1: During each year of the charter term, the Charter School shall demonstrate growth gains rates of at least one Norm Curve Equivalent on the Measures of Academic Progress norm-referenced assessment (MAP Assessment) in reading and mathematics.
2. Measure 2: By the third year of each cohort, for those students who attended for the previous two years, at least 60% of those students will score at or above grade level on the MAP Assessment. The renewal decision at the end of the charter term will be based in part on whether the school’s CCRPI score was equal to or better than both the State and local district in 2014-2015, and better than both the State and local district in 2015-2016 and in all but the last of the remaining years of their charter contract. “ Paragraph 8(b) of the charter contract shall be revised to add the following organizational goals and shall read as follows:
Measure 3. During each year of the charter term, the percentage of students in grades 3, 5, and 8 scoring in the Does Not Meet category on the Georgia Writing Assessment will decrease by at least 2% from a baseline established in the first year.
Measure 3. On the Annual Parent Satisfaction Survey, respondents will rate the school events at least a 3.0 on a 4 point scale.
Measure 3. All faculty members will receive at least three PLU units yearly to assure their continued educational improvement.