Measure 2. Actual and proposed budgets for each school year will demonstrate effective allocation of resources.
Measure 2. If the school’s first-year CCRPI score is lower than either or both the local district and the State, the school shall have until the end of Year 2 of the charter term to close the gap between the Charter School and whichever score is higher, the local district or the State.
Measure 2. During each year of its charter term, the percentage of students scoring in the Advanced/Honors categories on the Mathematics and English Language Arts portions of the GHSGT will exceed the baseline established in Year 1 by an additional 1% per year.
Measure 2. During each year of the charter term, the Charter School will track and adapt strategies to recruit a larger number of diverse candidates, including, but not limited to, direct recruiting of graduates from HBCUs and the use of the Georgia Charter School Association Job Fair.
Measure 2. During each year of the charter term, the Charter School will demonstrate growth and increased rigor on the CRCT by increasing by 2% from the first year’s baseline the percentage of students who exceed standards on the CRCT in the areas of Reading/English Language Arts, Mathematics and Science.
Measure 2. The Charter School will increase the number of students in work-based learning programs by 2% during each year of this Renewal Charter after a baseline is established in Year 1 of this Renewal Charter.
Measure 2. During each year of the charter term, the percentage of students scoring in the Advanced/Honors categories on the Mathematics and English Language Arts of the GHSGT will at least match the Gwinnett County School District’s (GCSD) 2011- 2012 district average in the first year of the charter term. Each subsequent year, using the XXXX 0000-0000 district average as a baseline, the Charter School will exceed the baseline in each grade level and subject tested by an additional 5% per year until the percentage of students in each grade level scoring in the Advanced/Honors categories is at or above 50%. At that point, the Charter School will increase the number of students in the Advanced/Honors categories by 2% per year for the remainder of the charter term.
Measure 2. The percentage of students scoring in the Exceeds Standards category on the EOCTs will at least match the XXXX 0000-0000 district average in the first year of the charter term. Each subsequent year, using the XXXX 0000-0000 district average as a baseline, the Charter School will exceed the baseline in each grade and subject tested by an additional 5% per year until the percentage of students in each grade level scoring in the Exceeds Standards category is at or above 50%. At that point, the Charter School will increase the number of students in the Exceeds Standards category by 3% per year for the remainder of the charter term.
Measure 2. Ninety-five percent (95%) of graduates will score Meets or Exceeds on the Georgia High School Writing Test.
Measure 2. During each year of the charter term, the percentage of students who meet or exceed state standards on each content area of the CRCT will be greater than the local district Average by at least 2% in all subjects in all grade levels.