Media Contacts. Institution and Investigator shall not, and shall ensure that its personnel do not engage in interviews or other contacts with the media, including but not limited to newspapers, radio, television and the Internet, related to the Study, the Investigational Product, Inventions, or Study Results without the prior written consent of Sponsor. This provision does not prohibit publication or presentation of Study Results in accordance with this Section.
Media Contacts. Contractor shall issue no news release, press release, or other statement to members of the news media or any other publication regarding this Agreement or the Project within one (1) year of Project completion without District’s prior written authorization. Contractor shall not post or publish any textual or visual representations of the Project without approval of District.
Media Contacts. Consultant shall issue no news release, press release or other statement to member of the news media or any other publication regarding this Contract or the Project without the District’s prior written authorization.
Media Contacts. Consultant shall issue no verbal, written or electronic releases or statements including, but not limited to, news releases, press releases, or other statements to members of the news media or any other publication regarding this Contract or the Project within one year of Project completion without the District’s prior written authorization. Consultant shall not post or publish any textual or visual representations of the Project without approval of District.
Media Contacts. Institution shall not, and shall ensure that Research Personnel do not, engage in interviews or other contacts with the media, including but not limited to newspapers, radio, television and the Internet, related to this Agreement, including without limitation, the Study, the Study Drug, Inventions (as defined in Section 9.0), or Study Data without the prior written consent of the Sponsor. This provision does not prohibit disclosure of Study Data in accordance with Sections 8.1 or 8.2. Furthermore, no party shall use the name or identifying marks of another party without prior written consent of the party whose name or identifying mark is proposed to be used.
Media Contacts. Confidentiality - Unless otherwise specifically authorized in writing, the CM/GC shall provide no news release, press release, or any other statement to a member of the news media regarding this Project without the Department’s prior written authorization. Furthermore, except in the case where the Department specifically authorizes disclosure of Department’s confidential information in writing, the CM/GC shall maintain the confidentiality of the Department’s information pertaining to the Project, unless withholding such information
Media Contacts. Xxxxx Xxxxx
Media Contacts. Design-Builder shall provide no news release, press release, or any other statement to a member of the news media regarding this Project, without Owner’s prior written authorization.
Media Contacts. Institution shall not, and shall ensure that Institution’s personnel do not engage in interviews or other contacts with the media, including but not limited to newspapers, radio, television and the Internet, related to the Study, dat a údajů) a/nebo požadovat odložení navrhované publikace či prezentace po dobu dodatečných šedesáti (60) dnů, aby umožnil Zadavateli uplatnění patentové ochrany ve vztahu k takovému Objevu.
5.2 Multicentrické publikování Je-li tato Studie multicentrickou studií, Zdravotnické zařízení tímto souhlasí, že bez předchozího písemného souhlasu Zadavatele nebude nezávisle publikovat, prezentovat či jakkoli jinak odhalovat, zveřejňovat, sdělovat či zpřístupňovat jakékoli výsledky nebo informace vztahující se k činnostem Zdravotnického zařízení, jež jsou prováděny na základě této Smlouvy, a to až do doby, než dojde ke zveřejnění multicentrické publikace; to však za podmínky, že nedojde-li k multicentrickému zveřejnění nejpozději do osmnácti (18) měsíců od okamžiku dokončení Studie a uzavření databáze ve všech výzkumných centrech či k jakémukoli dřívějšímu ukončení platnosti či předčasnému ukončení Studie, Zdravotnické zařízení bude oprávněno publikovat a prezentovat výsledky činnosti Zdravotnického zařízení, jež je prováděna na základě této Smlouvy, a to včetně Studijních dat a údajů, výhradně v souladu s podmínkami stanovenými v odstavci 5.3 “Důvěrnost nezveřejněných dat a údajů”.
Media Contacts. Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx – Xxxxxxx Xxxx (Xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx, +00 (0)000 000 0000)