SAMPLE Sample Clauses
SAMPLE. (If applicable and the project has specifications, insert the specifications into this section.)
SAMPLE. Subcontractors shall not be recognized as having any direct or contractual relationship with City. Contractor shall be responsible for the work of subcontractors, which shall be subject to the provisions of this Agreement. Subcontractors will be provided with a copy of the Agreement and be bound by its terms. Contractor is responsible to City for the acts and omissions of its subcontractors and persons directly or indirectly employed by them.
SAMPLE. Contractor agrees to assign only competent personnel according to the reasonable and customary standards of training and experience in the relevant field to perform services under this Agreement. Failure to assign such competent personnel shall constitute grounds for termination of this Agreement. The payment made to Contractor pursuant to this Agreement shall be the full and complete compensation to which Contractor and Contractor’s officers, employees, agents, and subcontractors are entitled for performance of any work under this Agreement. Neither Contractor nor Contractor’s officers or employees are entitled to any salary or wages, or retirement, health, leave or other fringe benefits applicable to employees of the City. The City will not make any federal or state tax withholdings on behalf of Contractor. The City shall not be required to pay any workers' compensation insurance on behalf of Contractor. Contractor shall pay, when and as due, any and all taxes incurred as a result of Contractor’s compensation hereunder, including estimated taxes, and shall provide City with proof of such payments upon request.
SAMPLE. Unless agreed otherwise, wheeled or track lay- ing equipment shall not be operated in areas identified as needing special measures except on roads, landings, tractor roads, or skid trails approved under B5.1 or B6.422. Purchaser may be required to backblade skid trails and other ground disturbed by Purchaser’s Opera- tions within such areas in lieu of cross ditching required under B6.6. Additional special protection measures needed to protect such known areas are identified in C6.24.
SAMPLE. Quantity adjustments shall not be made under this Section after there is modification for Catastrophic Damage under BT8.32.
SAMPLE. In the case of modification of a part or provision of the GTC, the unaltered part or provision, or both shall remain in effect. The CARES Act Special Funding Terms and Conditions shall relate to a particular project and be peculiar to that project but shall not weaken the character or intent of the GTC. In consideration of the mutual promises contained in this Agreement, the City and Contractor agree as follows:
SAMPLE. A sale by a lender or an affiliate or subsidiary of a lender that acquired the real property by foreclosure or deed in lieu of foreclosure;
SAMPLE. If the whole or any part of the Premises is acquired by a condemning authority, either by sale in lieu of condemnation or by the exercise of the power of eminent domain, then in and as a direct result of that event, this Agreement will terminate from the date of sale or title vesting, and Company will have no claim whatsoever, including claims of apportionment, against Authority either for the value of any unexpired Term of this Agreement or for the value of leasehold improvements. However, nothing in this provision will limit or destroy any right of Company to separately claim moving costs or business loss solely against the condemning authority where statutes or other applicable law apply.
SAMPLE. Solid Waste shall mean (1) any waste that is or becomes defined as a “solid waste”, “waste”, “special waste”, “garbage”, or “commercial solid waste” under any environmental law, including but not limited to, the rules of the FDEP, specifically Chapter 62-702, FAC; or (2) any waste that can require special handling and management, including but not limited to, white goods, waste tires, used oil, lead-acid batteries, construction and demolition debris, ash residue, yard trash, biological wastes, and mercury-containing devices and lamps; or (3) any waste that is not hazardous waste and that is not prohibited from disposal in a lined landfill under Rule 62-701.300, FAC; or (4) yard trash, construction and demolition debris, processed tires, asbestos, carpet, cardboard, paper, glass, plastic, or furniture other than appliances.
SAMPLE. The Vendor shall secure and maintain for the duration of this Agreement a General Liability Insurance policy or policies at no cost to the City of Dover. The coverage of said insurance policy shall be in an amount of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence and Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) in the aggregate. An insurance certificate shall be supplied to the City of Dover by the Vendor, as well as proof of an endorsement or policy additional insured provisions confirming the City of Dover’s additional insured status. The City of Dover shall be named as an additional insured on the Vendor’s general liability insurance policy, which coverage shall apply on a primary and noncontributory basis, and, subject to the dollar amounts specified above, cover the City of Dover with the same scope of coverage provided to the Vendor under the general liability policy without subjecting the City of Dover to any different or additional terms, conditions, limitations or exclusions. A condition of the insurance coverage shall be thirty (30) days’ notice to the City of Dover upon cancellation of the policy. The Vendor shall also provide the City of Dover certificates of renewal and, if requested, proof of an endorsement or policy additional insured provisions for any applicable insurance policy no later than ten (10) business days prior to the expiration of said policy.