Claims A. To accept HHSC's reimbursement rates as payment in full for the services specified in this Contract to the persons for whom a payment is received, and to make no additional charge to the individual, any member of their family or to any other source for any supplementation for such services, unless specifically allowed by HHSC rules. B. To submit claims for payment in accordance with HHSC Claims Administrator billing guidelines applicable to the services under the Contract. C. That except as may be specifically authorized by HHSC in writing, if Contractor is required to use an HHSC-approved EVV system, Contractor must ensure that claims for services are supported by service delivery records that have been verified by the Contractor and fully documented in an HHSC-approved EVV system before being submitted for payment. D. That HHSC may make proper adjustments to the Contractor's payments from month to month to compensate for prior overpayments, underpayments or payments not made in accordance with the requirements of this Contract. The Contractor further agrees HHSC may withhold Contractor's payments, in whole or in part, because of differences from whatever cause until such differences are resolved. E. That the Contractor is responsible for payment of any valid audit exceptions found by HHSC, HHS or the Texas Attorney General's Medicaid Fraud Control Unit ("AG-MFCU"). F. That in accordance with §403.0551, Texas Government Code, and unless otherwise prohibited by any other law, any payments due to the Contractor under this Contract will be first applied toward any debt or back taxes the Contractor owes the state of Texas. Payments will be so applied until such debts and back taxes are paid in full. G. That failure to upload EVV data elements or enter the EVV data elements completely, accurately, or in a timely manner, may result in claim denial.