General Consulting Services. The Consultant shall (insert scope of services or insert "See Attached." statement and attach the scope of services.)
General Consulting Services. The standards for the term “general consulting services” require that the Consultant, by the execution of this agreement, contracts that it is possessed of that degree of care, learning, skill, and ability which is ordinarily possessed by other persons doing similar consultation work and further contracts that in the performance of the duties herein set forth it will exercise such degree of care, learning, skill, and ability as is ordinarily employed by such persons under similar conditions and like circumstances and shall perform such duties without neglect. This standard is also applicable to non-professional services provided by licensed professionals, such as materials testing, quality control, estimating and information analysis services.
General Consulting Services. 1.1 The TOWN shall, from time to time, in its sole and absolute discretion, authorize the CONSULTANT in writing to provide services by means of a TASK ORDER under the terms of this Agreement. A TASK ORDER shall, by mutual agreement of the parties hereto, set forth (1) the scope of services,
General Consulting Services. The Consultant shall provide material testing and inspection services as described in RFP C16-11 (ESPLOST) – “On Call” Architectural/Engineering Services (Annual Contract), which is hereby incorporated by reference. In the event of conflict with any services as proposed by the Consultant, the requirements of the Request for Proposal shall govern.
General Consulting Services. Without in any manner limiting the generality of the General Consulting Services to be provided by the Consultant as set forth in section "2.1" of the Agreement hereinabove, it is hereby also acknowledged and agreed that the Consultant will provide the following specific geological consulting services to the Company, or to any of the Company's respective subsidiaries, as the case may be, and as may be determined by the Board of Directors, from time to time, in its sole and absolute discretion, and in conjunction with the geological development of the Company's various Business interests subject, at all times, to the direction of the Board of Directors:
General Consulting Services. Consultant shall perform the following --------------------------- services at the request of INS's management:
(a) Strategic planning;
(b) Identify and pursue strategic alliances with software vendors;
(c) Evaluate and develop cooperative alliance proposals and participate in negotiations at the request of management;
(d) Travel to perform the aforesaid services as requested by management.
General Consulting Services. 1. Assist County staff and the committee, using the Consultant’s knowledge of “best practices,” in the preparation of procedures, policies, manuals, forms, charters, bylaws, ordinances, Plan documents and other important documentation for the County and committee consideration and approval, if appropriate. Ongoing updates of these documents will also be expected to be prepared in reaction to legal and economic changes.
2. Consult with County staff and the committees on actions necessary to be in compliance with current and proposed changes in laws, regulations, ordinances, etc. and the impact of those changes to the Plans.
3. Provide peer review of the Plans versus plans of similar size and diversity.
4. Assist County staff and the committee in developing and evaluating surveys that the County may want for Plan participant input on its Record Keeper.
5. Assist County staff and the committees in analyzing and identifying the need for new or enhanced services including the development of Request for Proposals (RFPs).
6. Review education and participant training materials and the delivery systems utilized for the training materials currently available to Plan participants. Recommend changes to ensure that materials are complete and accurate.
7. Review account statement, newsletters and participant communications, including the Plan’s web site. Recommend changes to ensure that materials are complete and accurate.
8. Monitor performance of the Record Keeper services and adherence to the terms and conditions of the contract, including but not limited to: any changes in senior personnel; company ownership; record keeping services; field representatives and their ability to service the Plan and assist participants.
9. Make recommendations to County staff and the committees regarding areas needing improvement and any monetary penalties to be imposed against the Record Keeper.
General Consulting Services. 1.1 The TOWN shall, from time to time, in its sole and absolute discretion, authorize the CONSULTANT in writing to provide services by means of a TASK ORDER under the terms of this Agreement. A TASK ORDER shall, by mutual agreement of the parties hereto, set forth (1) the scope of services, (2) the time period(s) for performance, (3) method and amount of compensation, (4) the provisions of Articles I and II of this Agreement which are applicable, (5) the deliverables, if any (which are the items to be provided to the TOWN as a result of the services), and (6) the services, information, and data that can be provided by the TOWN to CONSULTANT.
1.2 The TOWN does not guarantee, warrant, or represent that any number and/or any particular type of services will be assigned to the CONSULTANT under the terms of this Agreement and/or under any TASK ORDER(S) issued hereunder. Furthermore, the purpose of this Agreement is not to authorize a specific TASK ORDER, but to set forth certain duties, obligations, rights, and responsibilities that may be incorporated by reference into any TASK ORDER(S) that may be mutually agreed to by the parties. The TOWN shall have the sole discretion to select the service(s), if any, which may be assigned to the CONSULTANT.
1.3 All references to drawings shall mean both traditionally drafted as well as computer- based, and all submissions of drawings will include paper, mylar, and computer file versions as appropriate.
1.4 When so authorized and instructed by the TOWN, a representative of the CONSULTANT shall attend meetings of the TOWN to advise and assist in matters within the scope of the CONSULTANT’s profession as well as to clarify and help define the TOWN’s requirements for a particular project within the scope of this Agreement.
1.5 The CONSULTANT shall provide minor reports and opinions of probable cost which do not contemplate the full professional services required under ARTICLE III, items 2 through 6, and which do not occupy a substantial amount of time of the CONSULTANT's representative delegated to serve the TOWN.
1.6 The CONSULTANT shall be available for office consultation at the CONSULTANT's place of business in Florida and maintain liaison with TOWN officials.
1.7 The CONSULTANT shall provide services as required by fiscal and legal advisors to bond financing, except when these services are provided under ARTICLE IV, Items 2 through 7.
1.8 The CONSULTANT shall provide services as CONSULTANT or engineer as may be required ...
General Consulting Services. During the Initial Term (as hereinafter determined) and during the continuance of this Agreement the Company hereby agrees to retain the Consultant as a consultant of the Company, or to and on behalf of any of the Company's respective subsidiaries, as the case may be and as may be determined by the Board of Directors, from time to time, and in its sole and absolute discretion, and the Consultant hereby agrees to accept such position in order to provide such geological consulting services as may be determined by the Board of Directors, from time to time, and in its sole and absolute discretion, in order to develop the various Business interests of the Company during the continuance of this Agreement (collectively, the "General Consulting Services"); it being initially acknowledged and agreed by each of the Parties hereto that the Consultant's initial and required General Consulting Services under the terms and conditions of this Agreement are particularly described in Schedule "A" which is attached hereto and which forms a material part hereof; and it being further acknowledged and agreed by each of the Parties hereto that the Consultant shall commit and provide to the Company the General Consulting Services on a reasonably sufficient basis during the continuance of this Agreement for which the Company, as more particularly set forth hereinbelow, hereby agrees to provide to the order and direction of the Consultant each of the proposed compensation amounts as set forth in Article "4" hereinbelow. In this regard it is hereby acknowledged and agreed that the Consultant shall be entitled to communicate with and shall rely upon the immediate advice, direction and instructions of the President of the Company, or upon the advice or instructions of such other director or officer of the Company as the President of the Company shall, from time to time, designate in times of the President's absence, in order to initiate, coordinate and implement the General Consulting Services as contemplated herein subject, at all times, to the final direction and supervision of the Board of Directors.
General Consulting Services. Phase 1 ESA: Work may include, but is not limited to, general site review and assessment