Minimum retention Sample Clauses
Minimum retention. The lender is required to hold in its own portfolio a minimum of 5 percent of the original total loan amount. The amount required to be maintained must be of the unguaranteed portion of the loan and cannot be participated to another. The lender may enter into no agreement that reduces its exposure below the minimum 5 percent it is re- quired to retain in its portfolio. The lender may sell the remaining amount of the unguaranteed portion of the loan only through participation.
Minimum retention. The lender is required to hold in its own portfolio or retain a minimum of 5 percent of the total loan amount. This amount must be of the non-guaranteed portion of the loan and cannot be participated to an- other. The lender may sell the remain- ing amount of the non-guaranteed por- tion of the loan only through participa- tion.
Minimum retention. The Business Associate will retain the documentation required pursuant to 45 CFR164.316(b)(2) for six (6) years from the date of its creation or the date when it last was in effect, whichever is later.
Minimum retention. Supplier shall not terminate the employment of a Transitioned Employee during the Interim Period for any reason other than “cause” or “performance,” unless and to the extent ABM initiates a change and/or a reduction in the scope of Services provided by Supplier necessitating such termination of a Transitioned Employee. For purposes of this provision, “cause” shall mean flagrant disregard of Supplier’s rules (including any violation of Supplier’s Business Conduct Guidelines), insubordination or misconduct (as defined in Supplier’s human resource policies), or criminal conduct, and “performance” shall mean that the Transitioned Employee’s job performance is at a level that would justify dismissal under Supplier’s established human resource policies. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, Supplier also shall not relocate a Transitioned Employee or his or her assigned “work location,” as such term is defined in the Supplier’s Relocation guidelines, during the Interim Period, unless ABM initiates a change and/or a reduction in the scope of Services provided by Supplier necessitating such relocation or reassignment, or Supplier identifies another assignment off of the ABM contract that is acceptable to the Transitioned Employee, and provided that Supplier shall inform ABM in advance of any such relocation or reassignment during this period.
Minimum retention. You shall keep for your own account; a minimum retention of << currency & value>> or the uninsured portion of (i) the Net Debt up to the amount of the Credit Decision and of (ii) the covered Collection Expenses, whichever is the greater. If the minimum retention value is greater, the difference shall be deducted from any indemnity due with respect to a Buyer. Net Debts with a value less than <<currency & value>> shall not be eligible for indemnification. You shall keep these Debts for your own account.
Minimum retention. LSG shall not terminate any Transitioned Employee employed by LSG who signs the Agreement and Release for a period of at least ninety (90) days following the Transitioned Employee's Employment Commencement Date for any reason other than "cause." For purposes of this provision, "cause" shall mean intentional or gross disregard of a material LSG rule or policy relating to employee conduct, or gross misconduct resulting, in either case, in material harm to LSG, or conviction for a felony or other crime involving moral turpitude.
Minimum retention. With respect to each Transitioned Employee who signs, in a timely manner, an Agreement and Release in the form attached as Schedule 5.4(b) to this Agreement or such other form as TXU shall require (“Agreement and Release”), Buyer shall not terminate such Transitioned Employee within the first ninety (90) days after such Transitioned Employee’s Employment Effective Date for any reason other than “cause”. For purposes of this provision, “cause” shall mean intentional or gross disregard of a material Buyer rule relating to employee conduct, or gross misconduct resulting, in either case, in material economic harm to Buyer, or conviction for a felony or other crime involving moral turpitude. TXU shall notify Buyer in writing of each Transitioned Employee who executes the Agreement and Release in a timely manner.
Minimum retention. Service Provider shall not, without the affected employee’s approval, relocate a Transitioned Employee or his or her assigned work location during the *** immediately following such Transitioned Employee’s Employment Effective Date, unless such relocation or reassignment is expressly disclosed in the Transitioned Employee’s offer letter and agreed to by him or her at the time of hiring. For a period of *** following the Effective Date, Service Provider will inform Allegheny each month of Transitioned Personnel who are no longer providing Services to Allegheny.
Minimum retention. PC's minimum retention (the "Minimum Retention" for the purposes of this Agreement) shall be an amount to be withdrawn from the LIPET Account by the PC and retained by it each month during the Term hereof from Practice Revenues deposited into such account for such month, which amount shall be the sum of the amounts described in subparagraphs (a) through (c) below:
Minimum retention. Pool Re will determine for each Member on a bespoke basis, for each Underwriting Period, the minimum permitted amount of the Section 1 Retention and the minimum permitted amount of the Section 2 Retention (the “Minimum Retentions”). Members can choose to agree a Retention above the Minimum Retentions in return for a lower premium.