MSRP List Sample Clauses
MSRP List. The Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price List, a collection of MSRPs and related information broken down by specific commodities or equipment models. In the priority listed below, only the following are acceptable sources of current MSRPs and MSRP Lists for use under the solicitation and resulting Contract, if awarded: Manufacturer’s Annual U.S. Price Book, and Manufacturer’s official website.
MSRP List. The MSRP and MSRP list may not be custom or solely developed, created, maintained, altered, revised, changed, or utilized for purposes of the contract (see definition, MSRP).
MSRP List. Prior to Contract execution and during the life of the Contract, the Contractor shall submit a current and complete MSRP List for each awarded Representative Model, which shall include the MSRP for the Representative Model, OEM Options, Required Aftermarket Options and the Identified Aftermarket Options. The MSRP List is subject to the Department’s approval. The MSRP List shall include the following: Manufacturer’s Model Number, Manufacturer’s Item Description, and MSRP. Include a cover page, which shall list the applicable Group and Sub-Group, Manufacturer/Brand, Representative Model(s), and MSRP List date. The Department will verify MSRPs and, if a Contractor’s pricing differs from the published MSRPs, determine any adjustments allowed or necessary for reconciliation. The Contractor shall be responsible for removing all non-eligible and unacceptable commodities under the Contract from the Contractor’s MSRP List.