RESPONDING MEMBER PERSONNEL. 44 45 A. National Incident Management System - When providing assistance under this Agreement, 46 the Requesting Utility and Responding Utility shall be organized and shall function under the 47 National Incident Management System. 49 B. Control - While employees so provided may be under the supervision of the Responding 50 Member, the Responding Member’s employees come under the direction and control of the 51 Requesting Member, consistent with the NIMS Incident Command System to address the 1 needs identified by the Requesting Member. The Requesting Member’s Authorized Official 2 shall coordinate response activities with the designated supervisor(s) of the Responding 4 records of work performed by personnel during the specified Period of Assistance. 6 C. Food and ShelterWhenever practical, Responding Member personnel must be self- 7 sufficient for up to 72 hours. When possible, the Requesting Member shall supply 8 reasonable food and shelter for Responding Member personnel. If the Requesting Member 9 is unable to provide food and shelter for Responding personnel, the Responding Member’s 10 designated supervisor is authorized to secure the resources necessary to meet the needs of 11 its personnel. Except as provided below, the cost for such resources must not exceed the 12 State per diem rates for that area. To the extent Food and Shelter costs exceed the State 13 per diem rates for the area, the Responding Member must demonstrate that the additional 14 costs were reasonable and necessary under the circumstances. Unless otherwise agreed 15 to in writing, the Requesting Member remains responsible for reimbursing the Responding 16 Member for all reasonable and necessary costs associated with providing food and shelter, 17 if such resources are not provided. 19 D. Communication – The Requesting Member shall provide Responding Member personnel 20 with radio equipment as available, or radio frequency information, in order to facilitate 21 communications with local responders and utility personnel. 23 E. Status - Unless otherwise provided by law, the Responding Member’s officers and 24 employees retain the same privileges, immunities, rights, duties and benefits as provided in 25 their respective jurisdictions. 27 F. Licenses and PermitsTo the extent permitted by law, Responding Member personnel that 28 hold licenses, certificates, or permits evidencing professional, mechanical, or other skills 29 shall be allowed to carry out activities and tasks relevan...
RESPONDING MEMBER PERSONNEL. A. National Incident Management System-When providing assistance under this Agreement, the Requesting Member and Responding Member are encouraged (but are not obligated) to be organized and function under NIMS.
RESPONDING MEMBER PERSONNEL. 30 A. National Incident Management System – When providing assistance under this Agreement, 31 the Requesting Member and Responding Member shall be organized and shall function under 32 the National Incident Management System (NIMS). 34 B. Control – During the Period of Assistance the Responding Member’s personnel remain 35 under the supervision of the Responding Member, the Responding Member’s employees 36 come under the direction and control of the Requesting Member, consistent with the NIMS 37 Incident Command System to address the needs identified by the Requesting Member. The
RESPONDING MEMBER PERSONNEL. A. National Incident Management System - When providing assistance under this Agreement, the Requesting Utility and Responding Utility shall be organized and shall function under the National Incident Management System. B. Control - While employees so provided may be under the supervision of the Responding Member, the Responding Member’s employees come under the direction and control of the Requesting Member, consistent with the NIMS Incident Command System to address the needs identified by the Requesting Member. The Requesting Member’s Authorized Official shall coordinate response activities with the designated supervisor(s) of the Responding Member(s). The Responding Member’s designated supervisor(s) must keep accurate records of work performed by personnel during the specified Period of Assistance. C. Food and ShelterWhenever practical, Responding Member personnel must be self sufficient for up to 72 hours. When possible, the Requesting Member shall supply reasonable food and shelter for Responding Member personnel. If the Requesting Member is unable to provide food and shelter for Responding personnel, the Responding Member’s designated supervisor is authorized to secure the resources necessary to meet the needs of its personnel. Except as provided below, the cost for such resources must not exceed the Missouri per diem rates for that area. To the extent Food and Shelter costs exceed the Missouri per diem rates for the area, the Responding Member must demonstrate that the additional costs were reasonable and necessary under the circumstances. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, the Requesting Member remains responsible for reimbursing the Responding Member for all reasonable and necessary costs associated with providing food and shelter, if such resources are not provided.
RESPONDING MEMBER PERSONNEL. 47 A. National Incident Management System - When providing assistance under this Agreement, 48 the Requesting Member and Responding Member shall be organized and shall function 49 under the National Incident Management System. 1 B. Control - While employees so provided may be under the supervision of the Responding
RESPONDING MEMBER PERSONNEL. 37 A. Incident Command System (ICS) – When providing response and recovery assistance 38 under this Agreement, the Requesting Utility shall be organized and shall function under the 39 Incident Command System.
RESPONDING MEMBER PERSONNEL. National Incident Management System - When providing assistance under this Agreement, the Requesting Utility and Responding Utility shall be organized and shall function under the National Incident Management System. Control - Responding Member personnel shall remain under the direction and control of the Responding Member. The Requesting Member's Authorized Official shall coordinate response activities with the designated supervisor(s) of the Responding Member(s). When ever practical, Responding Member personnel must be self sufficient for up to 72 hours. Food and Shelter - When possible, the Requesting Member shall supply reasonable food and shelter for Responding Member personnel. If the Requesting Member is unable to provide food and shelter for Responding personnel, the Responding Member's designated supervisor is authorized to secure the resources necessary to meet the needs of its personnel. Except as provided below, the cost for such resources must not


  • Qualified Personnel Contractor shall utilize only competent personnel under the supervision of, and in the employment of, Contractor (or Contractor’s authorized subcontractors) to perform the Services. Contractor will comply with City’s reasonable requests regarding assignment and/or removal of personnel, but all personnel, including those assigned at City’s request, must be supervised by Contractor. Contractor shall commit adequate resources to allow timely completion within the project schedule specified in this Agreement.

  • Principal Personnel The management of the Bidder company who make operational decisions. Proposed Price – The Vendor’s maximum hourly rate for an associated Job Title or Scope Variant for the initial and renewal term. A “not to exceed” price. Scope Variant – A gradation of experience within a Job Title. Staff – The temporary staff provided by the Contractor or Contractor’s subcontractor(s) to render information technology services identified by Customers. State – The State of Florida.