Incident Command System. The Incident Command System (ICS) is a standardized approach to the command, control, and coordination of emergency response providing a common hierarchy within which responders from multiple agencies can be effective.
Incident Command System. All agencies support and use the Incident Command System (ICS) or National Incident Management System (NIMS). Unified command may be used for fires within the Black Hills Forest Fire Protection District regardless of point of origin or jurisdictional location of the fire. Jurisdictions declaring a vested interest in suppression operations will be encouraged to participate within the unified command structure. Unified command will follow procedures outlined by the Incident Command System. If a wildfire crosses jurisdictional boundaries or threatens adjacent jurisdictions or otherwise becomes a fire with multi-jurisdictional interest, any jurisdiction with a vested interest may request a unified command structure. When unified command is not invoked or if a jurisdiction chooses not to participate within the unified command structure they may designate an agency representative capable of evaluating operational tactics and local resource availability and may issue a letter of Delegation of Authority from their agency line authority to the Incident Commander or Unified Command.
Incident Command System. It is understood that the Incident Command System (ICS) will be utilized for multiagency/multi-jurisdiction operations. The Incident Command System establishes common standards in organization, terminology, and procedures; and provides a means (unified command) for the establishment of a common set of incident objectives and strategies during multiagency/multijurisdictional operations while maintaining individual agency/jurisdiction authority, responsibility, and accountability. The Incident Commander (IC) assumes the primary leadership function at the incident location.
Incident Command System. A. All incidents shall be managed in accordance with the National Incident Management System and the National Response Framework.
B. If Incident Command (IC) has not been established, the most qualified EMS personnel shall assume the role of IC until command is transferred.
C. The IC is responsible for all functions of the Incident Command System (ICS) until other personnel are assigned those functions.
Incident Command System. The Santa Cruz County EMS Agency subscribes to the principles of the incident command system. In this regard, every EMS incident is under the direction and control of an incident commander. Further, the incident command system provides that patient care on-scene is to be directed by the first arriving highest medically qualified person until such a time as the patient is properly relinquished to another ALS provider.
Incident Command System. The on-scene management of an emergency incident and the structure and organization of responding resources within a standard hierarchy shall be governed as herein stated. All resources, including resources provided by the Contractor are subject to the direct orders and assignments of the incident commander and sector officers in order to affect the timely and orderly mitigation of the emergency.
Incident Command System. Both parties agree to use the Incident Command System (ICS) in resolving emergency incidents. The ICS requires a standardized on-scene emergency management chain of command process during an incident that applies to all response personnel from multiple disciplines, response agencies and/or jurisdictions. The ICS is used to centralize control of the facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and communications resources of multiple jurisdictions and functional agencies, both public and private, under a common organizational structure and mobilize such resources to best respond to the emergency incident.
Incident Command System. The Incident Command System (ICS), as defined in the Standardized Emergency Management System, shall be used as the emergency management system for all emergency incidents in the City of Coalinga under this Agreement. All resources operating on the incident shall take their direction through the Incident Commander established for the incident, under the Incident Command System (ICS).
Incident Command System. The Incident Command System (ICS) shall be used on every incident.
Incident Command System. Recipient shall coordinate and utilize a standard Incident Command System (“ICS”), to the greatest extent possible, for an emergency requiring mutual aid assistance under this Agreement. Recipient’s ICS shall be consistent with the concepts and principles of the National Incident Management System (“NIMS”) developed by the United States Department of Homeland Security. The Parties agree that Recipient’s ICS must allow for Unified Command (“UC”) to provide the most efficient and effective means for communication between and coordination of personnel and resources: 1) deployed by various agencies and jurisdiction at the federal, state and local levels; 2) deployed to an emergency occurring in two or more jurisdictions; or 3) deployed to an emergency occurring near the geographic boundary between two or more jurisdictions. Utilization of UC and ICS shall not be interpreted as increasing or decreasing the authority, responsibility, and accountability inherent to a local emergency response agency deployed by Provider under the terms of this Agreement.