Nature of Project. Declarant intends to develop the Project as a Common Interest Development which shall be a planned development as defined in California Civil Code Section 1351(k). The Project is intended to be created in conformity with the provisions of the Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act (California Civil Codx, Xxxxxxx 0000 et seq.). To establish the Project, Declarant desires to impose on the Project these mutually beneficial restrictions, easements, assessments and liens under a comprehensive general plan of improvement and development for the benefit of all of the Owners, the Parcels and Common Area within the Project.
Nature of Project. The online project may not be used for political, ideological or religious aims above all. In addition, it may not be used for commercial or fundraising purposes. For example, the Organization may not embed within the project elements or links aimed at promoting the sale of goods or services.
Nature of Project. Intervention 3
Nature of Project. At no cost to Weber County, Qnergy is solely responsible for the funding, developing, installing, operating, and maintaining the Methane Mitigation Project. Qnergy shall undertake all costs and efforts to create Carbon Offset Credits and monetize their value.
Nature of Project. Amended and Restated Conditional Development Permit, 0000 Xxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx Agreement, Heritage Tree Removal Permits and Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the implementation of a vehicular trip cap to accommodate an increase in employees at the Project site beyond 3,600 employees (Project).
Nature of Project. The partners listed above hereby agree that they shall be considered partners for the following purpose: To create and successfully implement the project “…Project title….”, which is the multiannual cooperation project initiated by …Name of organization…. And short description of project…
Nature of Project. Intervention 1 1 Very Low risk 2 Low risk 3 Med risk 4 High risk 5 Very High risk Low Medium High Risk 4 The Overall Risk rating is calculated using the MODE function which determines the most frequently occurring value.
Nature of Project. Intervention 2 3 The Overall Risk rating is calculated using the MODE function which determines the most frequently occurring value.