Need Sample Clauses
Need. The terms of this contract may be modified if the State determines that there has been a significant increase or decrease in the duration, scope, cost, complexity or character of the services to be performed. A supplemental agreement will be executed to authorize such significant increases or decreases. Significant is defined to mean a cost increase of any amount and a cost decrease of twenty percent (20%) or more of the original estimated project cost.
Need. The terms of this contract may be modified if the State determines that there has been a significant increase or decrease in the duration, scope, cost, complexity or character of the services to be performed. A supplemental agreement will be executed to authorize such significant increases or decreases. Significant is defined to mean a cost increase of any amount and a cost decrease of twenty percent (20%) or more of the original estimated project cost. B. Compensation. Additional compensation, if appropriate, shall be calculated as set forth in Article 3 of the contract (Compensation). Significant changes affecting the cost or maximum amount payable shall be defined to include but not be limited to new work not previously authorized or previously authorized services that will not be performed. The parties may reevaluate and renegotiate costs at this time.
Need. There presently exists a budgeted, full-time and vacant position as stated in subparagraph 1, and the Department needs require the assignment of another employee to continue said duties.
Need. A participant is considered to need child care in order to participate in the program if he or she:
(i) Is the parent or legal guardian of, or is acting in loco parentis for, a child under 13 who resides with the participant;
(ii) Has a family income that does not exceed 75 percent of the State's median income for a family of the same size;
(iii) At the time of acceptance into the program, is not currently receiving child care assistance from another source, including a parent or guardian, which would continue to be provided while the participant serves in the program; and
(iv) Certifies that he or she needs child care in order to participate in the program.
Need. In the event the District anticipates a significant loss in revenue or change in program which requires a reduction in work force (RIF), the District shall follow the procedures contained in this section.
Need. This section should establish the justification for the pumpout work based on (a) the results of the surveys of existing pumpout stations and waste reception facilities and the number of recreational vessels; (b) that part of the guidance related to determining the adequacy and reasonable availability of pumpout stations and waste reception facilities and, (c) that part of the Guidance describing the waters most likely to be affected by the discharge of sewage from vessels.
Need. The two freeway segments that constitute the project limits have been identified for participation in the Roadway Departure Safety Improvement Program in the Alignment Delineation and Lighting (ADL) category. The project qualifies for the Traffic Safety Index for State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) program code 201.010. The SHOPP Performance Measure for the project is 460 collisions reduced over the life of the project (15 years).
Need. There is a demonstrated need for the establishment of an organization of the Cities and the County within the area to provide a forum for study and development of recommendations to area-wide problems of mutual interest and concern to the Cities and the County and to facilitate the development of policies and action recommendations for the solution of problems.
Need. Russian attacks on energy infrastructure in Ukraine have caused significant damage to energy generation and led to country-wide electricity cuts. Strengthening Ukraine’s defences against russian air attacks and supplying equipment for energy infrastructure can help prevent further damage and disruptions and help restore the country’s energy supply, which is essential for uninterrupted operation of the technology sector and broader economy.
Need. Secure Party branding and setup of the sites so it represents the brand for users and customers and making it eligible as part of each Party’s “portfolio”.