No text Sample Clauses

No text. 7. Option 1: Developed country Parties and other Parties included in Annex II to the Convention shall provide support for the research, development and application of environmentally sound technologies and facilitate the transfer of and access to such technologies for developing country Parties, including by, inter alia, strengthening cooperative action, providing financial resources to address barriers caused by the absence of domestic research and development capability and innovations, and enhancing access to environmentally sound technologies and know-how.
No text. Option 4: [Developed countries] [All] Parties shall regularly communicate the progress [of implementation] [made in implementing] [pertaining to the financial provisions] the provisions and support for technology development and transfer in accordance with Articles 6 and 9 of this Agreement [, taking into account the provisions of the Convention] [in a measurable, reportable and verifiable manner]. [The overall implementation of the commitments will be periodically assessed through a global stock-take in accordance with Article 10 of this Agreement.]
No text. 5. The Technology Mechanism shall serve this Agreement [and shall be strengthened in line with its mandate for this purpose].
No text. 102. Option 1: Requests the SBSTA to provide advice on how the assessments of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change can inform the stocktaking of the implementation of the Agreement pursuant to its Article 10, paragraph 1, and to report to the IPC on this matter at its [second][first] session;
No text. [Requests the SBSTA to elaborate accounting guidance for Parties that engage in international transfers of mitigation outcomes to avoid double counting of effort, and guidance that would enable such Parties to demonstrate that mitigation outcomes are real, permanent, additional and verified, for consideration by the IPC at its [X] session and adoption by the CMA at its first session;]
No text. 103. Option 1: Also requests the IPC to develop modalities for the stocktaking referred to in Article 10, paragraph 1, of the Agreement and to make recommendations to the CMA for consideration and adoption at its first session; the IPC should be guided by paragraph 101 above and Article 10, paragraph 1, of the Agreement, take into account the advice of the SBSTA referred to in paragraph 102 above and consider the following when developing the modalities: (a) The arrangements for the stocktaking, including the institutional arrangements and the relationship with other processes and procedures under the Agreement and the Convention; (b) The operational processes and procedures, including relevant time frames; (c) The manner in which the stocktake process shall serve as input to the high-level sessions established under Article 4, paragraph 10 of the Agreement; (d) The form and nature of the outcomes of the stocktaking[, taking into account the nature of the process as described in Article 10, paragraph 1, of the Agreement];
No text. Article 8 (
No text. [Takes note of] [Welcomes] the synthesis report on the aggregate effect of INDCs contained in document FCCC/CP/2015/7 [and notes with concern the gap between the aggregate effect of Parties’ INDCs and the aggregate effect of emissions consistent with having a likely chance of holding the increase in global average temperature to below 2 ºC or 1.5 ºC above pre-industrial levels, as well as their adequacy in fulfilling the purpose of the Agreement and the relative fair efforts made by Parties in implementing their commitments;
No text. 5. Option 1: The [Technology Mechanism] [institutional arrangements for technology established under the Convention] shall [be strengthened and] serve this Agreement [by facilitating enhanced action on technology development and transfer].
No text. The completed bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope on or before the time and at the place indicated in this Invitation for Bids. The bid envelope must be marked with name of the person, firm or corporation presenting the bid as well as with the bid opening date, bid number and bid title. The bid and all other documents requiring signatures must be signed and notarized.