Unbundled Copper Loop – Non-Designed (UCL-ND The UCL–ND is provisioned as a dedicated 2-wire metallic transmission facility from AT&T’s Main Distribution Frame (MDF) to a customer’s premises (including the NID). The UCL-ND will be a “dry copper” facility in that it will not have any intervening equipment such as load coils, repeaters, or digital access main lines (DAMLs), and may have up to six thousand (6,000) feet of bridged tap between the End User’s premises and the serving wire center. The UCL-ND typically will be thirteen hundred (1300) Ohms resistance and in most cases will not exceed eighteen thousand (18,000) feet in length, although the UCL-ND will not have a specific length limitation. For Loops less than eighteen thousand (18,000) feet and with less than thirteen hundred (1300) Ohms resistance, the Loop will provide a voice grade transmission channel suitable for Loop start signaling and the transport of analog voice grade signals. The UCL-ND will not be designed and will not be provisioned with either a DLR or a test point. The UCL-ND facilities may be mechanically assigned using AT&T’s assignment systems. Therefore, the Loop Makeup (LMU) process is not required to order and provision the UCL-ND. However, Covad can request LMU based on existing procedures for LMU on other Loop types, for which additional charges would apply. For an additional charge, AT&T also will make available Loop Testing so that Covad may request further testing on the UCL-ND. Rates for Loop Testing are as set forth in Exhibit A. UCL-ND Loops are not intended to support any particular service and may be utilized by Covad to provide a wide-range of telecommunications services as long as those services do not adversely affect AT&T’s network. The UCL-ND will include a NID at the customer’s location for the purpose of connecting the Loop to the customer’s inside wire. OC will be provided as a chargeable option and may be utilized when the UCL-ND provisioning is associated with the reuse of AT&T facilities. OC-TS does not apply to this product.
Unbundled Copper Loop – Designed (UCL-D) The UCL-D will be provisioned as a dry copper twisted pair (2- or 4-wire) Loop that is unencumbered by any intervening equipment (e.g., filters, load coils, range extenders, digital loop carrier, or repeaters). A UCL-D will be 18,000 feet or less in length and is provisioned according to Resistance Design parameters, may have up to 6,000 feet of bridged tap and will have up to 1300 Ohms of resistance. The UCL-D is a designed circuit, is provisioned with a test point, and comes standard with a DLR. OC is a chargeable option for a UCL-D; however, OC is always required on UCLs where a reuse of existing facilities has been requested by Azul Tel. These Loops are not intended to support any particular services and may be utilized by Azul Tel to provide a wide-range of telecommunications services as long as those services do not adversely affect BellSouth’s network. This facility will include a Network Interface Device (NID) at the customer’s location for the purpose of connecting the Loop to the customer’s inside wire. Upon the Effective Date of this Agreement, Unbundled Copper Loop – Long (UCL-L) elements will no longer be offered by BellSouth and no new orders for UCL-L will be accepted. Any existing UCL-Ls that were provisioned prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement will be grandfathered at the rates set forth in the Parties’ interconnection agreement that was in effect immediately prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement. Existing UCL-Ls that were provisioned prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement may remain connected, maintained and repaired according to BellSouth’s TR73600 and may remain connected until such time as they are disconnected by Azul Tel or BellSouth provides ninety (90) calendar days notice that such UCL-L must be terminated.
Training and Professional Development 11.1 The Employer will develop and maintain an employee training and development plan and provide such plan to the Union upon request. Staff training is intended to provide an opportunity for classified staff employees for training sponsored by the University Training and Development and the UW Medical Centers Organizational Development and Training. Education/Professional Leave is intended to facilitate employee access to continuing education opportunities. Training and educational/professional leave may be used for the purpose of improving job performance, maintaining and increasing proficiency, preparing staff for greater responsibility, or increasing promotional opportunities within the framework of staff positions available at the University. 11.2 Any release time for training for employees accepted for such classes shall be in accordance with the Executive Order (currently No. 52) governing this matter. In the event that two or more employees request the same training period and supervision must limit the number of persons who may participate at one time due to work requirements, the selection will be made on a mutually agreeable basis within the department. 11.3 The training program is a proper subject for discussion by either departmental or University-wide Joint Union/Management Committees. 11.4 If the Employer requires an employee to receive training, reimbursement will be provided in accordance with the University travel rules. Employee attendance at Employer required training, either during or outside working hours, will be considered time worked and compensated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. 11.5 Employee attendance at training not required by the Employer and not covered by Executive Order 52, either on approved leave from or outside of working hours, will be voluntary and not considered time worked.
PROCUREMENT ETHICS Contractor understands that a person who is interested in any way in the sale of any supplies, services, construction, or insurance to the State of Utah is violating the law if the person gives or offers to give any compensation, gratuity, contribution, loan, reward, or any promise thereof to any person acting as a procurement officer on behalf of the State of Utah, or who in any official capacity participates in the procurement of such supplies, services, construction, or insurance, whether it is given for their own use or for the use or benefit of any other person or organization.