Non-Instructional. A non-instructional assignment is any professional faculty service or activity authorized by the District or the state that does not satisfy the conditions of an instructional assignment as defined above. The different components of a non- instructional assignment are contained in 12.3.
Non-Instructional. Paraeducators in this classification provide support for building or program operations that are non-instructional for the majority of their work day. The following assignments are considered an example of non-instructional: • Building • Bus • Lunch • Recess
Non-Instructional. Days Subject to Article D.24, non-instructional days shall be used on the basis of a minimum of 75% for employee professional development activities and 25% for in-service.
Non-Instructional. Assistants working in a library without the benefit of a librarian-one 47 additional day after the school year ends. 180 days changed to 181 days. 4 5 6 7 8 10 11
Non-Instructional. Compensation for non-instructional committee work shall be at the rate of $23.72 per hour.
Non-Instructional. Duties
1. Regular classroom teachers shall not perform or be required to perform any lunchtime recess duties.
2. Teachers shall not be required to perform non-instructional duties after the 7½ hour school day.
3. A teacher will be granted at least thirty (30) minutes consecutive for lunch each school day. No school activity shall be required during this period.
Non-Instructional. Faculty
i. Communicate the purpose, mission and scope of the program area.
ii. Explain the department or program procedures to be followed.
iii. Demonstrate clear and respectful communication when engaged in dialogue with their students, colleagues, and others that they interact with on campus or in the community on behalf of the campus.
Non-Instructional. Faculty
i. Use means of presenting subject content, (e.g., lecture, discussion, demonstration or workshops) which effectively facilitate learning and support diversity and inclusion.
ii. Employ fair and reasonable assessments, if applicable, consistent with the objectives and outcomes and aligned with the principal content. If applicable, regularly assess student learning and/or service area outcomes and evaluate assessment data. Faculty shall not be evaluated on the results of the student learning and/or service area outcomes.
Non-Instructional. Paraprofessional shall mean those paraprofessionals working as building control and/or parking lot paraprofessionals.
Non-Instructional. Paraprofessionals – Media Distributors