Methodologies. The survival standards contained within Section 4 (Passage Survival Plan) will be measured using the best available technology and study designs approved by the Coordinating Committee. Current methodologies are summarized in Supporting Document C. These methodologies are not exclusive, and may be updated based on new information or techniques. Juvenile Plan Species survival shall be measured at a ninety-five percent (95%) confidence level, with a standard error of the estimate that shall be not more than plus or minus 2.5% (i.e. 5% error). Results from a study meeting this precision level will automatically be included in the three-year average, unless the study has violated critical model assumptions or has been determined to be invalid by the Coordinating Committee. If a study meet all of the testing protocol and model assumptions and provided that the standard error around the point estimate does not exceed plus or minus 3.5%, then the Coordinating Committee, following unanimous approval, may utilize this information in the calculation of the three-year average. Point estimates of survival measured from the three years of valid studies shall be averaged (arithmetic) to compare against the pertinent Plan Species Survival Standard. The use of survival studies with standard errors between 2.5% and 3.5% shall not be subject to Dispute Resolution. If the average of the 3 years of survival measurements is no more than 0.5 percent below the survival standard, the Coordinating Committee may decide whether an additional year of study is appropriate. If an additional year of study is undertaken, the study result (if valid) will be included in the calculation of the arithmetic mean. The testing shall reflect Representative Environmental Conditions and Representative Operational Conditions for each test, for each Plan Species and life history. Studies conducted during years where flow conditions, during the study, fall between the 10% and 90% points on the Flow Duration Curve (See Section 14, Figure 2a and 2b) shall be considered to have satisfied Representative Environmental Conditions (See Section 13, “Representative Environmental Conditions”). Should flow conditions fall outside the 10% and 90% points on the Flow Duration Curve but be between the 5% and 95% points on the Flow Duration Curve, then the Coordinating Committee, following unanimous approval, may utilize this information in the calculation of the three-year average. The use of survival studies that fa...
Methodologies. In calculating Call Notice/Optional SoftBank Conversion Notice Fair Market Value, each Qualified Appraiser will utilize customary valuation methodologies in their respective professional judgments, subject to such instructions mutually agreed by the Applicable FMV Parties within ten (10) days following the selection of the initial Qualified Appraisers, which shall include at a minimum the following:
Methodologies. For Eligible Employees who are eligible to retire on or after January 1, 2000, pensions will be paid using whichever of the following rates produces the largest lump sum amount. The benefits identified in this Memorandum of Agreement are only for those eligible employees covered by this collective bargaining agreement. This Memorandum of Agreement is effective January 11, 2021, and shall expire on February 2, 2023, unless extended by the parties in writing. CenturyTel of Central Wisconsin, LLC Telephone USA of Wisconsin, LLC Xxxxxx Xxxxx Labor Negotiator Communications Workers of America
Methodologies. On each occasion where the International Portfolio Independent Valuer is instructed to provide a valuation, it shall be provided with a copy of the guidelines as set out in Schedule 1 to this Agreement and advised to give all due regard to those guidelines.
Methodologies. On each occasion where the VCF Independent Valuer is instructed to provide a valuation, it shall be provided with a copy of the guidelines as set out in Schedule A to this Agreement and advised to give all due regard to those guidelines.
Methodologies. SLA Name Definition Source Documented Process
Methodologies. The Supplier will plan on using an agile process, starting with user needs. The methodology will be outlined in the Statement of Work (SOW).
Methodologies. Techniques of instruction, presentation, and/or student interaction. The bargaining unit member shall:
a. Instructional Faculty
i. Use means of presenting subject content (e.g., lecture, discussion, or demonstration) which effectively facilitate learning and support diversity and inclusion. In online or partially online courses, appropriate online methodologies are utilized to achieve the outcomes and objectives and include regular, substantive interactions.
ii. Employ fair and reasonable examinations and/or other assessments consistent with the objectives and outcomes of the course and aligned with the course outline of record. Regularly assess student learning outcomes and evaluate assessment data. Faculty shall not be evaluated on the results of the student learning and/or service area outcomes.
Methodologies. The proposals for amendment to the terms and conditions or methodologies shall be submitted to consultation in accordance with the procedure set out in Article 12 and approved in accordance with the procedure set out in this Article.
Methodologies. 1. Description of methodology and strategy, matrix of information required and source, outline of planned activities for the assignment, including field trips, interviews, discussions, surveys, reporting etc.
2. Means/strategy to access to information sources
3. Potential limitations/challenges and possible remedies mitigations