Committee Work Sample Clauses

Committee Work. All time spent by employees on Employer established committees and committees mentioned in this contract (including side letters) shall be considered time worked and shall be paid at the appropriate rate of pay. Time spent on committee work will not be counted towards the calculation of overtime.
Committee Work. All time spent by employees on Employer established committees and committees mentioned in this contract (including side letters) shall be considered paid release time (provided the employee is scheduled to work during the time of the committee meeting) and shall be paid at the regular rate of pay.
Committee WorkAll teachers are required to serve on a committee working to improve the school program. No teacher shall be required to serve on more than one (1) committee during the school year unless he/she so desires. Committees shall be formed as the need arises in such areas as curriculum improvement, equipment need or procurement, teaching techniques, design of classrooms and teacher-in-service training. Building administrators will organize, update, and post all building/district committee memberships annually in the fall. All committees shall be advisory in nature. The committees are to be advised as to Board action on each report submitted with reasons given for Board action.
Committee Work. Each full-time tenured faculty member shall serve on one standing District committee or ad hoc committee.
Committee WorkPursuant to the Workload Article of this Agreement, each tenured librarian shall serve on one standing District committee.
Committee Work. Promote and support leadership opportunities on a local and national level by encouraging service on both local and national committees as well as the executive committee.
Committee Work. The committee shall meet a minimum of six (6) times per year. Time spent in the committee and preparation work as agreed upon by the committee shall be paid at the nurse’s straight time rate of pay.
Committee Work a. Each member is expected to serve on at least one (1) full year or two (2) part year committees per year as part of the job function. The Principal may assign the committee on which the staff member will serve. Committee work taking place outside the normal student day should not exceed three (3) hours per week.
Committee WorkThe District and SEA will consult regarding what committees are necessary, the number of participants, the stipend rate and timing/duration of the committee. A participation stipend will be paid to designated individuals who participate.
Committee WorkUnit members may be provided release time during regular school hours, at the discretion of the Superintendent, to perform committee work.