Nondisclosure and Nonuse Sample Clauses

Nondisclosure and Nonuse. Unless authorized or instructed in advance in writing by Corporation, or required by law (as determined by licensed legal counsel), Executive will not, except as required in the course of Corporation’s business, during or after his employment, disclose to others or use any Confidential Information, unless and until, and then only to the extent that, such items become available to the public through no fault of Executive.
Nondisclosure and Nonuse. Each party shall treat Confidential Information as strictly confidential and use the same care a reasonable person would under similar circumstances. The parties agree not to use such Confidential Information except for the purposes set forth in the Agreement and shall disclose such Confidential Information only to those directors, officers, employees and agents of such party (a) whose duties justify their need to know such information, and (b) who have been informed of their obligation to maintain the confidential status of such Confidential Information. The receiving party will promptly notify the disclosing party if the receiving party learns of any unauthorized possession, use or disclosure of the Confidential Information and will provide such cooperation as the disclosing party may reasonably request, at the disclosing party’s expense, in any litigation against any third parties to protect the disclosing party’s rights with respect to the Confidential Information.
Nondisclosure and Nonuse. Employee acknowledges that during his or her employment with Silverleaf, he or she may have access to and become acquainted with Silverleaf Confidential Information, as defined below. Except as Employee's duties during his or her employment with Silverleaf may require or Silverleaf may otherwise consent in writing, Employee agrees that he or she shall not at any time disclose or use, directly or indirectly, either during or subsequent to his or her employment with Silverleaf, any Silverleaf Confidential Information.
Nondisclosure and Nonuse. Executive acknowledges that prior to and during Executive's employment with the Company, Executive had and will have occasion to create, produce, obtain, gain access to or otherwise acquire, whether individually or jointly with others, Confidential Information. Accordingly, during the term of Executive's employment with the Company and at all times thereafter, Executive shall keep secret and shall not, except for the Company's benefit, disclose or otherwise make available to any person or entity or use, reproduce or commercialize, any Confidential Information, unless specifically authorized in advance by the Company in writing.
Nondisclosure and Nonuse. The Institution does not have the authority to consent to provisions which require confidentiality, or Nondisclosure in violation of Tennessee Open Records Act. Therefore, each party will treat the other party’s Confidential Information as Confidential to the extent permitted by law. Specifically, each party receiving Confidential Information agrees not to disclose such Confidential Information except to those directors, officers, employees and agents of such party, and shall use the same care to prevent disclosure of such information as such party uses with respect to its own confidential and proprietary information, provided that in any case it shall not use less than the care a reasonable person would use under similar circumstances.
Nondisclosure and Nonuse. Unless authorized or instructed in writing by the Company, or required by legally constituted authority, Employee will not, except as required in the course of the Company's business, during or after his employment, disclose to others or use any Confidential Information, unless and until, and then only to the extent that, such items become available to the public through no fault of Employee.
Nondisclosure and Nonuse. Employee agrees that, except as may be required to be disclosed to a third party in the discharge of Employee's duties under this or other Agreements with Employer, he/she shall regard and preserve as confidential all information pertaining to the business of Employer, its customers, and others that has been obtained by him/her during the course of his/her employment. During any period of employment by or other affiliation with Employer, Employee shall not, directly or indirectly, use for Employee's own benefit or for the benefit of any third party or disclose to any others any of such information without written authority from the President of Employer. Employee shall not directly or indirectly knowingly acquire or attempt to acquire an interest in any business entity relating to any line of business in which Employer engages or intends to engage and, to Employee's knowledge, with which Employer has within the previous twelve months entertained discussions or which has within the previous twelve months requested and received information relating to the acquisition of such business by Employer. The obligations set forth in the preceding sentences of this Subsection shall not apply to any information which is or comes into the public domain through no wrongful act or omission of Employee. This Subsection shall not be construed as restricting Employee from disclosing any information (whether proprietary and confidential to Employer or not) to employees of Employer or others engaged by Employer who reasonably require access to such information in order to discharge their duties to Employer. Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Subsection, if Employee obtains any information subject to statutory, regulatory, or judicial restraints on disclosure, including but not limited to federal and state securities laws and regulations, or any information which he is directed to disclose by law, regulation, government administrative action, or judicial order, he shall observe said restraints and directives.
Nondisclosure and Nonuse. Each party shall treat Confidential Information as strictly confidential and use the same care a reasonable person would under similar circumstances. The parties agree not to use such Confidential Information except for the purposes set forth in the Agreement and shall disclose such Confidential Information only to those directors, officers, employees and agents of such party (a) whose duties justify their need to know such information, and (b) who have been informed of their
Nondisclosure and Nonuse. During the term of this Agreement and for a period of ten (10) years after termination or expiration of this Agreement, Institution and Investigator agree and will ensure that their employees and agents, including, without limitation, Study Team Members and Subinvestigators, agree to maintain in strict confidence all of the Confidential Information and not to use any Confidential Information except as expressly permitted under 9.2. Nesdělování a nepoužívání. Zdravotnické zařízení a Zkoušející se zavazují, že po dobu platnosti Xxxxxxx a ještě deset (10) let po jejím ukončení nebo uplynutí doby její platnosti budou zachovávat přísnou důvěrnost ohledně veškerých Důvěrných informací a že je kromě případů výslovně povolených touto Smlouvou nebudou nijak používat, a že zajistí, aby se k tomu zavázali rovněž jejich zaměstnanci a zástupci, včetně mimo jiné Členů studijního týmu a this Agreement. Confidential Information is and remains the confidential and proprietary property of Sponsor and may be disclosed to third parties by Institution or Investigator (as applicable) only on a need-to-know basis as necessary for purposes expressly authorized in this Agreement. Institution and Investigator agree that any third party to whom disclosures of Confidential Information are made shall be bound by obligations of confidentiality and non-use at least as restrictive as those contained in this Article 9. Spoluzkoušejících. Důvěrné informace jsou a zůstávají důvěrným a chráněným vlastnictvím Zadavatele a smějí být Zdravotnickým zařízením nebo případně Zkoušejícím sdělovány pouze takovým třetím stranám, které je potřebují znát pro účely výslovně povolené v této Smlouvě. Zdravotnické zařízení a Zkoušející se zavazují, že třetí strana, jíž budou Důvěrné informace sděleny, bude vázána povinností zachovávat důvěrnost informací a nevyužívat je, která bude přinejmenším stejně omezující jako povinnosti stanovené v tomto Článku 9.
Nondisclosure and Nonuse. Contractor will not, during and after the term of this Agreement, disclose the Confidential Information to any third party or use the Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of the Services on behalf of Company. Contractor will take all reasonable precautions to prevent any unauthorized disclosure of the Confidential Information including, but not limited to, having each employee of Contractor, if any, with access to any Confidential Information, execute a nondisclosure agreement containing terms that are substantially similar to the terms contained in this Agreement.