Noon Meal. Lunch reimbursement may be claimed only if the employee is in travel status and is performing required work more than thirty-five (35) miles from his/her temporary or permanent work station and the work assignment extends over the normal noon meal period.
Noon Meal. Eligibility for noon meal reimbursement shall be based upon the employee being on assignment, over thirty-five (35) miles from their temporary or permanent work station, with the work assignment extending over the normal noon meal period.
Noon Meal. Lunch reimbursement may be claimed only if the teacher is performing required work more than thirty-five (35) miles from their temporary or permanent work station and the work assignment extends over the normal noon meal period.
Noon Meal. A nurse may claim lunch reimbursement only if the nurse is performing required work more than thirty-five (35) miles from their temporary or permanent work station and the work assignment extends over the normal noon meal period.