Cleaning and Maintenance. 7.8.1 To keep all parts of the Leasehold Area clean and tidy;
7.8.2 To keep those parts of the Leasehold Area which have not been built upon properly surfaced and free of weeds.
Cleaning and Maintenance. The Employer will be responsible for the cleaning and maintenance of uniforms. This section shall equally apply to Detectives for their work attire.
Cleaning and Maintenance. The Licensee shall be responsible for the proper up-keep, cleanliness and safety of the Apartment and common areas and shall be responsible with the other Licensees for the up-keep of the common areas. The Licensee shall not allow any refuse or offensive matter to accumulate in any portion thereof and shall not store goods or equipment there. The Licensee shall be responsible for any breakage of glass in the windows and for any damage to the fixtures, fittings or structure of the Apartment or premises and shall cause same to be made good without delay and without cost to the Council.
Cleaning and Maintenance. 9.1 All Residents must clean and tidy their Accommodation and share responsibility for keeping clean and tidy the Common Parts of the Premises.
9.2 Without prejudice to any other clause, any Resident or Residents who persistently choose to leave their Accommodation and/or Common Parts of the Premises in an unclean, unhygienic or untidy manner may face disciplinary procedures as set out in SE1 – Student Code of Conduct.
9.3 The University reserves the right to remove and dispose of dirty crockery, utensils or other cooking equipment belonging to the University or the Residents and to levy a reasonable charge for cleaning.
9.4 If it becomes necessary for staff to carry out extra cleaning where Residents fail to clean and tidy their Accommodation, or common areas of the Premises, a charge as indicated in Schedule 1 will be levied on those to whom responsibility can be attributed or amongst the Residents if responsibility cannot be attributed (the University having made reasonable investigations).
9.5 If the University discovers during routine visits or inspections that these responsibilities have not been properly discharged, then a warning may be issued at the discretion of the Accommodation Department to those deemed liable for its remedy. Failure to comply with a warning will result in the University cleaning the relevant Accommodation and/or Common Parts of the Premises and charges indicated in Schedule 1 will be charged against those deemed liable. No warnings will be issued if in the opinion of the Accommodation Department it is deemed to be a significant or serious hazard to Health and Safety.
Cleaning and Maintenance. Residents are responsible for ensuring that their rooms and furniture are kept in good repair. This includes keeping rooms in a neat and sanitary condition. Excessive waste and clutter that would violate fire safety regulations is not permitted. Rooms must be kept in a sanitary condition in order to provide healthy living conditions. Excessive waste that attracts animals, or insects is not permitted. Vacuum cleaners can be requested from the Student Residences offices. The shared areas of residence (hallways, lounges, and public areas) are considered to be the joint responsibility of all residents. Each resident is expected to do his or her share to keep these areas neat and tidy for residents and their visitors. Maintenance problems should be reported through the residence application portal. By submitting a maintenance request online the resident provides consent for residence and/or other necessary university staff to enter the room to complete the required maintenance/repairs during regular office hours.
Cleaning and Maintenance. Contractor shall maintain all of its properties, vehicles, Facilities, and equipment used in providing service under this Agreement in a good, safe, neat, clean and operable condition at all times.
A. Vehicles shall be painted as necessary. Vehicles shall be thoroughly washed, and steam cleaned at least once per week so as to present a clean appearance. District may inspect Contractor’s vehicles at any time to determine compliance herewith. Contractor shall also make vehicles available to the San Mateo County Health Department for inspection upon request.
B. Contractor shall inspect each vehicle daily to ensure that all equipment is operable. Vehicles that are not operating properly shall be removed from service until fully restored to operation. Contractor shall perform all scheduled maintenance functions in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and schedule. Contractor shall keep accurate records of all vehicle maintenance, recorded according to date and mileage, and shall submit such records to District upon request.
C. Contractor shall repair, or arrange for the repair of, any vehicle and equipment rendered less than fully operable, so as to maintain all equipment in a safe and operable condition. If an item of repair is covered by a warranty, Contractor shall obtain warranty performance. Contractor shall maintain accurate repair records, which shall include the date and mileage, description of the repair and a signed verification by a maintenance supervisor that the repair has been properly performed.
D. Contractor shall furnish sufficient equipment to provide all services required under this Agreement, including availability of back-up Collection vehicles. Contractor shall furnish within thirty (30) days of request from District, a written inventory of all equipment and vehicles used in providing service, and shall submit an updated inventory to District annually. The inventory shall list all equipment and vehicles by manufacturer, identification number, date of acquisition, type, and capacity.
E. Contractor shall arrange to store all vehicles and other equipment in safe and secure location(s) in accordance with all applicable zoning regulations.
Cleaning and Maintenance. Collection vehicles shall be washed such that they are maintained in a reasonably clean and sanitary condition. Collection vehicles shall be designed and operated while in route in such a manner as to prevent Solid Waste from leaking, escaping or spilling. All Solid Waste shall be transported by means of vehicles equipped with watertight bodies fitted with close fitting covers. Loads shall be kept completely covered at all times except when material is being loaded or unloaded, or when vehicles are in the process of collection. Solid Waste shall be loaded on vehicles so that none of it falls, drops, or spills upon the ground, and it should be protected from wind and rain. A shovel, broom, and fire extinguisher shall be kept on each vehicle at all times. Any spillage of materials by the Contractor shall be immediately cleaned up by the Contractor at the Contractor’s sole expense. The equipment of the Contractor used under this Franchise Agreement shall be subject to inspection by the County. The Contractor shall allow the LEA to inspect all collection vehicles, including newly acquired collection vehicles, at a minimum of once per year. The LEA shall submit requests for annual inspection to the Contractor at least two (2) weeks in advance of the planned inspection.
Cleaning and Maintenance. Contractor shall maintain all of its properties, facilities and equipment used in providing service under the Contract in a safe, neat, clean and operable condition at all times.
Cleaning and Maintenance. It shall be the responsibility of each Tenant to maintain her/his apartment in a clean, safe and sanitary manner. Those residents incapable of performing cleaning and maintenance functions on their own must obtain other assistance. There must always be a clear path through the apartment to all fire exits including windows. Tenant must also maintain a 5’ clearance around the electric panel, Hot Water Heater, and Furnace at all times.