Notification of Damages. The Seller shall, where damage is caused to the Facility as a consequence of a matter required to be insured under § 20.1 (Maintenance of Insurance), as soon as reasonably practicable notify the Buyer of such damage and such remedial action as the Seller proposes to take.
Notification of Damages. If a shipment arrives with visible or obvious damage or loss of cargo, the customer must notify us promptly (in no event later than the time limit established in the applicable Intermodal Circular) in writing advising us of the nature and extent of the loss or damage. Prompt notification is required to enable us to comply with its underlying agreements with the transportation providers, to allow the removal of damaged trailers and containers from further use until repairs can be made, and to permit us and the transportation providers to inspect the shipment. The transportation providers may consider you to have waived and released the claim if there is a failure to provide this prompt notification. The customer will (or will cause its consignee to) preserve and make available to our or the transportation provider’s inspectors all damaged cargo, all cargo received in good condition and all packaging, blocking, bracing and security devices to assist the inspectors in determining the cause of the damage or loss. Failure to inspect damaged cargo for whatever reason will not change the burden of proof or your obligation to mitigate damages nor will it be considered an admission of liability by the Company or the transportation provider. During normal business hours, please call our freight claims services department to advise of the loss, damage, shortage or other exceptions at 800-837-7584. After normal business hours, you should call your customer solutions team at 000-000-0000, press #4, or dial your customer solutions team’s toll free number direct. You may also select ext. 23498 to reach the evening manager. You may also notify us by e-mail at
Notification of Damages. HemoSense shall notify Dade Behring of any physical loss or damage to the rTF within fifteen (15) days of receipt thereof.
Notification of Damages. Lessee shall immediately notify Lesser as to any damages to the leased property.
Notification of Damages. If a shipment arrives with visible or obvious damage or loss of cargo, the customer must notify Streamline promptly (in no event later than the time limit established in the applicable Intermodal Circular) in writing advising Streamline of the nature and extent of the loss or damage. Prompt notification is required to enable Streamline to comply with its underlying agreements with the transportation providers, to allow the removal of damaged trailers and containers from further use until repairs can be made, and to permit Streamline and the transportation providers to inspect the shipment. The transportation providers may consider you to have waived and released the claim if there is a failure to provide this prompt notification. The customer will (or will cause its consignee to) preserve and make available to Streamline’s or the transportation provider’s inspectors all damaged cargo, all cargo received in good condition and all packaging, blocking, bracing and security devices to assist the inspectors in determining the cause of the damage or loss. Failure to inspect damaged cargo for whatever reason will not change the burden of proof or your obligation to mitigate damages nor will it be considered an admission of liability by Streamline or the transportation provider. For claims please email or contact your customer service representative.
Notification of Damages. The Seller shall, where damage is caused to the Facility as a consequence of a matter required to be insured under § 20.1 (Maintenance of Insurance), as soon as reasonably practicable notify the Buyer of such damage and such remedial action as the Seller proposes to take. przez okres obowiązywania niniejszej Umowy, utrzyma w mocy (lub zapewni utrzymanie w mocy) takie polisy ubezpieczeniowe wydane przez renomowanego ubezpieczyciela, które zostałyby uznane za właściwe i odpowiednie zgodnie z Dobrą Praktyką Branżową. Sprzedający wykonuje powyższe zobowiązanie z uwzględnieniem zobowiązań Sprzedającego wynikających z niniejszej Umowy, a ochrona ubezpieczeniowa nie może być mniejsza niż kwota określona w Rozdziale B Części I (Warunki Indywidualne). Sprzedający, po otrzymaniu stosownego wezwania, niezwłocznie przedstawi Kupującemu dowody (w formie not ubezpieczeniowych) takiego ubezpieczenia.
Notification of Damages the Borrower and the Shipowning Companies shall promptly notify the Lender of any damages to or alteration of any single Continuing Vessel involving costs in excess of USD 1,000,000 (United States Dollars one million);
Notification of Damages. The Client will notify the Xxxxxxx Gallery immediately of any damages, nuisances, malfunctions or obstructions occasioned in or about the Facility. Royalties: The Client is solely responsible for obtaining all licenses with regard to the use of copyrighted music, dramatic or other works in the Xxxxxxx Gallery and shall immediately pay when due any and all royalties, fees and costs arising from the use of such works and from the use of any patented, trademarked, or franchised articles, devices, or processes in or on the Xxxxxxx Gallery.
Notification of Damages. Renter shall immediately notify fairgrounds as to any damages to the leased property.
Notification of Damages. The Client will notify the Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Centre immediately of any damages, nuisances, malfunctions or obstructions occasioned in or about the Facility. Royalties: The Client is solely responsible for obtaining all licenses with regard to the use of copyrighted music, dramatic or other works in the Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Centre and shall immediately pay when due any and all royalties, fees and costs arising from the use of such works and from the use of any patented, trademarked, or franchised articles, devices, or processes in or on the Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Centre. The Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Marks: The use of trademarks, trade names, service marks, logos, designs and symbols that belong to the Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Centre is forbidden unless a written authorization is obtained in advance from the Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Centre. Except for the purposes of describing the location of the event, the words ‘the Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Centre and/or the Xxxxxxx Foundation’ must not appear in any advertising or notices with regard to the event unless the Client secures written permission from the Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Centre. The Client agrees to seek prior approval of any design and promotional material that features these terms. No Dancing: Dancing is not permitted at the Facility. Musical Performance: Musical performances may be held in the Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Centre. SOCAN fees are payable as noted under Royalties. Photography: Photography without flash is permitted. Merchandising: Sales of merchandise must be approved in advance by the Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Centre. Smoking: Smoking or the use of E-cigarettes are not permitted anywhere within the Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Centre. Devices and Electrical Equipment: All devices, equipment and materials used in conjunction with the Event shall meet all applicable standards and specifications required by law or regulation, including Canadian Standards Association standards.