Pendahuluan Semakin tahun semakin besar kebutuhan akan tanah, baik untuk kepentingan pembangunan perumahan atau gedung maupun untuk pelaksanaan usaha, termasuk usaha pertanian, sedangkan tanah 1 Xxxxx Xxxxxx,XX.XX. adalah Xxxxx Xxxxx III Fakultas Hukum Universitas Batanghari Jambi xxx Xxxxx Tetap PS. Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Hukum Universitas Batanghari Jambi. kosong yang tersedia sudah semakin sedikit xxx tidak pula memiliki tanah sendiri. Dikarenakan tanah sendiri tidak ada atau sangat kecil sedangkan kebutuhan untuk usaha sangat besar, maka diperlukan pihak xxxx xxxx memiliki lahan tanah yang luas untuk menggunakan tanahnya. Pihak yang membutuhkan lahan tanah yang luas untuk usahanya tidak hanya orang perorangan melainkan juga suatu badan usaha. Salah satu badan usaha yang memerlukan lahan tanah yang cukup luas untuk usahanya di kabupaten Muaro Jambi adalah PT. Era Sakti Wiraforestama. Perusahaan ini membutuhkan lahan tanah yang luas guna usaha perkebunan kelapa sawit. Dari usaha yang dilakukan, akhirnya PT. Era Sakti Wiraforestama mendapatkan lahan tanah yang diinginkannya dengan menggunakan tanah xxxxx masyarakat kecamatan Xxxx Xxxx. Penggunaan tanah masyarakat adat Xxxx Xxxx untuk keperluan usaha perkebunan PT. Era Sakti Wiraforestama bukanlah terjadi dengan sendirinya xxx penguasaan semena-mena, melainkan diawali dengan suatu perjanjian kepada xxxxx masyarakat pemilik tanah tersebut. Perjanjian yang diadakan antara PT. Era Sakti Wiraforestama dengan masyarakat adat Xxxx Xxxx adalah perjanjian penggunaan tanah untuk keperluan usaha, yang dituangkan dalam surat perjanjian. Dalam perjanjian yang diadakan, ditentukan xxx xxx kewajiban masing-masing pihak, umumnya hak dari pihak PT. Era Sakti Wiraforestama dapat menggunakan tanah milik masyrakat adat untuk kegiatan usaha perkebunannya hingga jangka waktu yang ditentukan dengan kewajiban membayar sejumlah harga dari hasil perkebunan yang dilakukan xxx mengembalikan pengelolaan tanah tersebut kepada xxxxx masyarakat adat pada saat berakhirnya jangka waktu perjanjian. Sedangkan hak masyarakat adat selaku pemilik tanah selain mendapatkan bagian hasil perkebunan juga mendapatkan tanahnya kembali setelah berakhirnya perjanjian. Dikarenakan penggunaan tanah untuk usaha perkebunan memakan waktu yang cukup lama, maka banyak terjadi perubahan- perubahan dalam pelaksanaan perjanjian yang kadangkala tidak diketahui oleh pihak xxxxx masyarakat, sehingga merugikan xxxxx masyarakat itu sendiri. Dengan terjadinya perubahan-perubahan dalam pelaksanaan perjanjian tanpa diketahui oleh pihak xxxxx masyarakat adat Xxxx Xxxx, timbulah berbagai permasalahan berupa :
Vlastnictví Zdravotnické zařízení si ponechá a bude uchovávat Zdravotní záznamy. Zdravotnické zařízení a Zkoušející převedou na Zadavatele veškerá svá práva, nároky a tituly, včetně práv duševního vlastnictví k Důvěrným informacím (ve smyslu níže uvedeném) a k jakýmkoli jiným Studijním datům a údajům.
Yeah I mean, I take them at bedtime, but the thing is that it depends on when I go to bed. – Hispanic/Latino, age 35 Setting up visual cues (e.g, calendars, location of pill bottles) as reminders also facilitated their retention in care and helped with navigating around individual and structural barriers (e.g., poor memory, transportation). Yeah I have, like I said that board that I have in the house, I have to also call in my medication because they mail it to me because of transportation issues. So a lot of my medication has to be mailed out so I have to xxxx on the calendar what days/time to call in you know. I call in like five days before the medication actually is going to run out because they have to mail it and I have to sign for it. – African American, age 48 These cues further served as tools to avoid missing medications by notifying the patient of impending prescription refills. As I was saying, the pill box, that really helps remind me of if I did take it or did not take it. Then, making sure that I have, when I get low, that I call it in, or else now I have it where they call me, so I have a relationship with the pharmacy – computerized, so they’ll call and say that you need to have it, so that’s good. I can either go pick it up or have it delivered, so I switched pharmacies also. One time I went to another pharmacy and it was always, you have to wait sometimes two or three hours for refills. Now, it’s about a half an hour wait if you go to pick it up, or it can be delivered to you. – African American, age 58 Finally, use of technology (e.g., programming cell phone reminders) facilitated ARV and appointment adherence. Seeking Instrumental Support. Help seeking was another common practice among MSM in this group, which facilitated movement across the care continuum. Care engaged MSM-LWH were more open to seeking out advice from other individuals compared to MSM-LWH in the other care groups. Many sought out instrumental support, from partners, family, and friends, during the disclosure process. Their MSM-LWH peers were another source of HIV-related support, by stressing the importance of attending appointments and frequent testing on HIV clinical outcomes (i.e. CD4 cell counts, viral load), and even providing tangible resources to assist with linkage into care. Yes, very supportive. They told me that there’s a lot of places that I can go and places I can be treated if I need to take medication, places where I can go that’s helpful towards that disease. – African American, age 45 Care engaged men were also more inclined to discuss the way in which their providers gave them support and how they would seek advice from them. Now, I have one of the greatest doctors. I see him now every three months…he makes sure I take that [medication] regularly. If I don’t, he knows because stuff starts to go crazy. So, I make sure I take it every day. He’s very persistent with that… Do not, his thing is stressed, do not miss a dose…And I’ve seen since I haven’t missed. I haven’t been missing… - African American, 52 Seeking Emotional Support. Similar to seeking instrumental support, many of the men sought out emotional support from friends, family members, partners, professionals, and support groups. Discussions of seeking emotional support usually emerged when the men were elaborating on their experiences with HIV disclosure and most of these men were able to gain compassion and empathy from people in their social network.