Credit Check You are authorized, in your discretion, should you for any reason deem it necessary for your protection to request and obtain a consumer credit report for the Customer.
Credit Checks 9.1 The Reseller agrees that: (a) When the Reseller applies to Voip-Unlimited to open an account, Voip-Unlimited may check the following records about the Reseller and its business partners: (i) Voip-Unlimited’s own; (ii) Personal and business records at credit reference agencies (CRAs). When CRAs receive a search from Voip-Unlimited they will place a search footprint on the Reseller’s business credit file that may be seen by other parties including lenders. They supply to Voip-Unlimited both public (including the electoral register) and shared credit and fraud prevention information; and (iii) those at fraud prevention agencies (FPAs); (b) For directors, Voip-Unlimited may seek confirmation, from credit reference agencies, that the residential address provide is the same as that shown on the restricted register of directors' usual addresses at Companies House; (c) Voip-Unlimited may make checks such as assessing the Reseller’s application and verifying identities to prevent and detect crime and money laundering. Voip-Unlimited may also make periodic searches at CRAs and FPAs to manage the Reseller’s account with it; (d) Information on applications will be sent to CRAs and will be recorded by them. Including information on the Reseller’s business and its proprietors and CRAs may create a record of the name and address of the Reseller’s business and its proprietors if there is not one already. Where the Reseller borrows from us, we will give details of the Reseller’s accounts and how the Reseller manages it/them to CRAs; (e) If the Reseller borrows and does not repay in full and on time, CRAs will record the outstanding debt. This information may be supplied to other organisations by CRAs and FPAs to perform similar checks and to trace the Reseller’s whereabouts and recover debts that the Reseller owes. Records remain on file for 6 years after they are closed, whether settled by the Reseller or defaulted; (f) If the Reseller gives Voip-Unlimited false or inaccurate information and Voip-Unlimited suspect or identifies fraud Voip-Unlimited will record this and may also pass this information to FPAs and other organisations involved in crime and fraud prevention; (g) If the Reseller has borrowed from Voip-Unlimited and does not make payments that it owes Voip- Unlimited, Voip-Unlimited may trace the Reseller’s whereabouts and recover debts; (h) Voip-Unlimited and other organisations may access and use from other countries the information recorded by fraud prevention agencies; and (i) The Reseller’s data may also be used for other purposes for which the Reseller gives specific permission or, in very limited circumstances, when required by law or where permitted under the terms of the Data Protection Xxx 0000.
Original Checks ▪ After you receive confirmation that we have received an image, you must securely store the original check for 14 calendar days after transmission to us and make the original check accessible to us at our request. Upon our request from time to time, you agree to deliver to us within 5 calendar days, at your expense, the requested original check in your possession. If you fail to deliver the requested original check to us in a timely manner, such amount will be reversed from your account. Promptly after such period expires, you must destroy the original check by first marking it “VOID” and then destroying it by cross-cut shredding or another commercially acceptable means of destruction. After destruction of an original check, the image will be the sole evidence of the original check.
Union Check-Off The Employer agrees to the monthly check-off of all Union Dues, Assessments, Initiation Fees, and written assignments of amounts equal to Union Dues. The check-off monies deducted in accordance with the above paragraph shall be remitted to the Union by the Employer within two (2) weeks of the end of each month. The Employer shall provide the Union's Provincial Office with a list of all employees hired, and all employees who have left the employ of the Employer (who shall be designated as terminated and shall include discharges, resignations, retirements and deaths) in the previous month along with a list of all employees in the bargaining unit and their employee status and the amount of dues or equivalent monies currently being deducted for each employee.
Dishonored Checks The Transfer Agent may receive any fees reasonably related to the cost incurred by the Transfer Agent when a shareholder purchases shares by check and the purchase is subsequently canceled because the check was dishonored by the shareholder’s bank.
Criminal Background Checks Provider and College reserve the right to conduct criminal background checks on Resident to determine Resident’s suitability to live in Residence Facility, and Resident consents and agrees that Provider and College has permission to conduct criminal background checks on Resident.
Criminal Background Check It is the Responsibility of CHESAPEAKE CENTER, INC. to make certain that its employees, agents, volunteers, and contractors, who have contact with students receiving services are fingerprinted and have a background check in compliance with Family Law Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, and Section 5-551 through 5-557. CHESAPEAKE CENTER, INC. may not hire, contract, or otherwise engage an individual to participate in this Cooperative Agreement who has been convicted of a crime involving child abuse or neglect; contributing to the delinquency of a minor; a crime of violence as set forth in Criminal Law Article §14-101, Annotated Code of Maryland; or has evidence of a criminal history which in the opinion of Chesapeake Center, Inc. makes the individual unfit to participate in this Cooperative Agreement.
Returned Checks In the event that a check intended as payment for Rent is dishonoured for whatever reason, the same shall be considered as Late Rent with the late fee being payable on the same.
OFAC Sanctions None of Southwest, any Southwest Entity or any director or officer or, to the Knowledge of Southwest, any agent, employee, affiliate or other Person acting on behalf of any Southwest Entity (a) engaged in any services (including financial services), transfers of goods, software, or technology, or any other business activity related to (i) Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria or the Crimea region of Ukraine claimed by Russia (“Sanctioned Countries”), (ii) the government of any Sanctioned Country, (iii) any person, entity or organization located in, resident in, formed under the laws of, or owned or controlled by the government of, any Sanctioned Country, or (iv) any Person made subject of any sanctions administered or enforced by the United States Government, including, without limitation, the list of Specially Designated Nationals (“SDN List”) of the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”), or by the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, Her Majesty’s Treasury, or other relevant sanctions authority (collectively, “Sanctions”), (b) engaged in any transfers of goods, technologies or services (including financial services) that may assist the governments of Sanctioned Countries or facilitate money laundering or other activities proscribed by United States Law, (c) is a Person currently the subject of any Sanctions or (d) is located, organized or resident in any Sanctioned Country.
Background Check The Department or Customer may require the Contractor to conduct background checks of its employees, agents, representatives, and subcontractors as directed by the Department or Customer. The cost of the background checks will be borne by the Contractor. The Department or Customer may require the Contractor to exclude the Contractor’s employees, agents, representatives, or subcontractors based on the background check results. In addition, the Contractor must ensure that all persons have a responsibility to self-report to the Contractor within three (3) calendar days any arrest for any disqualifying offense. The Contractor must notify the Contract Manager within twenty-four (24) hours of all details concerning any reported arrest. Upon the request of the Department or Customer, the Contractor will re-screen any of its employees, agents, representatives, and subcontractors during the term of the Contract.