Opting Out 6.1 The Opt-Out Deadline has Expired
Working Out of Class Section 1 Whenever an employee is requested to perform the tasks of a higher graded position that employee shall receive the rate of pay of that higher graded position or five percent (5%) above his/her regular rate of pay if the rate of pay for the higher graded position is less than five percent (5%) over and above that employee's regular rate of pay and his/her regular position whichever is greater for each and every hour worked in any higher grade during that contract year.
Working Out of Classification 11.1 Employer shall avoid, whenever possible, working an employee on an out-of-class assignment for a prolonged period of time. Any employee working an out-of-class assignment for a period in excess of fifteen (15) working days during a year shall receive the rate of pay for the out-of-class assignment in a higher classification not later than the sixteenth (16th) day of such assignment. For purposes of this Article, an out-of-class assignment is defined as an assignment of an employee to perform, on a full-time basis, all of the significant duties and responsibilities of a position different from the employee’s regular position, and which is in a classification higher than the classification held by such employee. The rate of pay for an approved out-of-class assignment shall be the same rate the employee would receive if such employee received a regular appointment to the higher classification.
Covering Classes Employees shall not be required to substitute for absent employees. Where substitutes cannot be obtained for an absent employee, temporary coverage will be worked out mutually by the principal and the affected employee. The principal shall establish a list of volunteers and shall rotate requests for coverage among those who volunteer. Where said lists have not been established, teachers shall not be subject to disciplinary action for refusal to cover classes. Employees who volunteer to increase their normal work load by covering the class of an absent employee when no substitute is available shall have their hourly rate increase by twenty-five ($25) dollars during the period spent covering a class (rounded to the nearest half hour). Employees who volunteer to increase their normal work load by accepting a portion of the students assigned to an absent employee in order to cover a class when no substitute is available shall have their daily rate increased by twenty- five ($25) dollars on those days when they accept a portion of the students assigned to an absent employee. Classes will be proportioned as equally as possible. In elementary schools where sufficient volunteers are available, classes shall be divided equally among at least four (4) employees. When volunteers substitute by covering other classes, they are responsible to provide adequate planning for their own classes for the following school day.
Work Out of Class Employees assigned to work out-of-classification in accordance with Article 26 Section 10- -Work Out-of-Classification shall receive holiday pay at the higher rate of pay, if the holiday falls during their work out-of- classification assignment. REV: 2015, 2019, 2021 ARTICLE 58T--HOLIDAYS (Temporary Employees)
NOTICE TO THE CLASS 4.1 The Notice Plan shall consist of the following:
MAXIMUM OUT-OF POCKET EXPENSE means the total amount you pay each plan year for covered healthcare services. We will pay up to 100% of our allowance for the covered healthcare service for the rest of the plan year once you have met the maximum out-of-pocket expense. See the Summary of Medical Benefits for your maximum out-of-pocket expenses.
SPECIALIZED JOB CLASSES Where there is a particular specialized job class in which the pay rate is below the local market value assessment of that job class, the parties may use existing means under the collective agreement to adjust compensation for that job class.