Optional Long Term Disability Insurance. This plan is available to you on an optional and employee-pay-all basis. Long term disability insurance may provide disability benefits for periods of total disability which exceed 119 days. To be eligible for this benefit, you must be under the age of 65 and be a member of either the Public Service Pension Plan or the Uniformed Services Pension Plan. To be eligible for LTD benefits, claim forms must be submitted with 10 months from date of disability and the employee must be totally disabled for at least 119 calendar days. This plan is available to you and your insured dependents on an optional and employee-pay-all basis. Coverage is available for basic and major restorative dental procedures. This plan is available to you and your dependents on an optional and employee-pay-all basis. Critical Conditions Insurance will provide a lump sum payment to insured employees in the event he/she and/or dependents are afflicted, while coverage is in force, with a critical condition as defined in the policy.
Optional Long Term Disability Insurance. This plan is available to you on an optional and employee-pay-all basis. Long term disability insurance may provide disability benefits for periods of total disability which exceed 119 days. To be eligible for this benefit, you must be a member of either the Public Service Pension Plan or the Uniformed Services Pension Plan.
Optional Long Term Disability Insurance. Regular employees who have completed their probationary period can participate in an optional long-term disability plan in accordance with the provider’s conditions and shall pay the required premiums for the policy.