Other Subsidies. 1. The Parties agree to use their best endeavours to apply their competition law or other laws to remedy or remove distortions of competition caused by other specific subsidies related to trade in goods and services which are not cov ered by Article 11.7 (Prohibited Subsidies), insofar as they affect or are likely to affect trade of either Party, and also to prevent the occurrence of such situations. Annex 11-A contains guidance in particular on the types of subsidies which do not produce these effects.
2. The Parties agree to exchange information at the request of either Party and hold a first dialogue within two years of the entry into force of this Agreement with a view to developing rules applicable to other subsidies, taking into account developments at multilateral level. To that end, the Parties may take a decision in the Trade Committee.
Other Subsidies. Apart from the remunerations, social security and welfare set forth under 7.1 and 7.
Other Subsidies. Finally, the FSA generally prohibits subsidies granted for fishing or fishing related activities "outside of the jurisdiction of a coastal Member or a coastal non-Member and outside the competence of a relevant RFMO/A", that is to say, in the unregulated high seas (Article 5.1 of the FSA).
Other Subsidies. This article has had major components removed in its bid to be agreed by Ministers at the Ministerial but fails to reduce the fleet capacity of the big fishing fleets.