Subsidies definition
Examples of Subsidies in a sentence
Subsidies from one fund to another without a requirement for repayment are reported as interfund transfers.
In no case will the reimbursement amount exceed the total amount of Subsidies made by the Advisor with respect to a Fund (or Class, as applicable) pursuant to this Agreement and no reimbursement will include any amounts previously reimbursed.
Subsidies to the following types of cross-owned affiliates are covered in these additional attribution rules: (ii) producers of the subject merchandise; (iii) holding companies or parent companies; (iv) producers of an input that is primarily dedicated to the production of the downstream product; or (v) an affiliate producing non-subject merchandise that otherwise transfers a subsidy to a respondent.
The rights and obligations of the Parties relating to subsidies and countervailing measures shall be governed by Articles VI and XVI of the GATT 1994 and the WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, except as provided for in paragraph 2.
Operating Grants, Subsidies and ContributionsRefer to all amounts received as grants, subsidies and contributions that are not non-operating grants.