Blood Donations Sample Clauses
Blood Donations. An employee may be granted leave with pay, up to a maximum of two (2) hours, for donating blood during regularly scheduled hours of work.
Blood Donations. Employees in regular positions, who donate blood without receiving compensation for such donation, may have up to two (2) hours off with pay to recover with prior approval of the Division Chief for each such donation. This benefit shall not be charged to any accumulated leave; provided, however, if the employee is unable to work, any time in excess of two (2) hours must be charged to accumulated sick leave or taken as leave without pay. Evidence of each donation must be presented to the Division Chief to receive this benefit. Employees in regular positions who are apheresis donors may have up to four (4) hours off with pay to recover with prior approval of the Division Chief for each such donation, provided no compensation is received for such donation. This benefit shall not be charged to any accumulated leave; provided, however, if the employee is unable to work any time in excess of four (4) hours may be charged to accumulated sick leave or be taken as leave without pay. Evidence of each apheresis donation must be presented to the Division Chief to receive this benefit.
Blood Donations. Employees in regular positions, who donate blood without receiving compensation for such donation, may have up to two (2) hours off with pay to recover, as necessary, provided the employee has received prior approval of the immediate supervisor to make the donation. This benefit shall not be charged to any accumulated leave; provided, however, if the employee is unable to work, any time in excess of two (2) hours may be charged to accumulated sick leave or be taken as leave without pay. Evidence of each donation must be presented to the appointing authority to receive this benefit. Employees in regular positions who are apheresis donors may have up to four (4) hours off with pay to recover, as necessary, with prior approval of the immediate supervisor for each such donation, provided no compensation is received for such donation. This benefit shall not be charged to any accumulated leave; provided, however, if the employee is unable to work any time in excess of four (4) hours may be charged to accumulated sick leave or be taken as leave without pay. Evidence of each apheresis donation must be presented to the appointing authority to receive this benefit. Blood and apheresis donation and recovery time will not be pro-rated for job sharing and part-time employees.
Blood Donations. With prior supervisory approval of absence from work, employees will be allowed up to one hour of paid time while donating blood at Employer sanctioned Community Blood Bank collections. With prior supervisory approval of absence from work, employees will be allowed to flex work schedules while responding to Community Blood Bank emergency appeals in life threatening circumstances. Replenishment of low blood supplies is not considered to be a life threatening circumstance.
Blood Donations. 9/19/1 Employees who donate blood or donate blood for the purpose of pheresis shall be allowed reasonable time off in pay status to donate blood at the closest blood center to his/her work unit.
Blood Donations. Employees in regular positions who donate blood without receiving compensation for such donation may have up to two (2) hours off with pay with prior approval of the Fire Chief or designee to make such donation. This benefit shall not be charged to accumulated leave. Any time in excess of two (2) hours must be charged to accumulated sick leave or be taken as leave without pay. Evidence of each donation must be presented to the Fire Chief or designee to receive this benefit.
Blood Donations. Up to three (3) hours of administrative leave shall be granted to unit members at the end of a tour of duty for the purpose of donating blood.
Blood Donations. Employees shall be given a reasonable period of paid time off at their regular rate to donate blood.
Blood Donations. Subject to the reasonable operating needs of the court or court-related agency, an employee shall be allowed three and one-half hours leave with pay for blood donations made during an employee’s normal working hours. Such leave only shall be used on the day such donation is made and shall include all time spent making such donation (including travel time to and from the collection point). This provision shall not apply to an employee who receives a fee for such donation.
Blood Donations. Employees shall not be unreasonably denied time off without loss of pay or leave for the purpose of making blood donations or undergoing bone marrow registry testing.