Common use of Paramedic Program Clause in Contracts

Paramedic Program. a. For the term of this agreement, in recognition that Xxxx Valley Paramedic Authority reimburses Xxxx Valley Fire Department for the cost of the engine company paramedic program, State licensed, Marin County accredited Captain or Firefighter/ Paramedics who are designated and serving as a Paramedic on an engine company shall receive a professional pay differential equal to 11 percent of base salary. This differential shall be based on and added to the current step of the Captain or firefighter/paramedic. b. Personnel designated and serving as Firefighter/Paramedic shall be expected to continuously maintain their Marin County Paramedic Accreditation unless released from the requirement by the Department. A firefighter/paramedic, upon promotion to Captain, will no longer be eligible for paramedic incentive pay, used to fill minimum daily paramedic staffing, and will be responsible for maintaining his/her certification if he/she desires to continue to remain paramedic certified in Marin County. Individuals currently working as Captain/Paramedic prior to July 1, 2015 may continue to work as a paramedic, including minimum daily paramedic staffing. A Captain or Firefighter/Paramedic who wishes to drop the County certification and stop functioning as a Captain or Firefighter/Paramedic will only be allowed to do so at the time of designation of a new Firefighter/Paramedic or, with the approval of the Chief, for valid reasons and will no longer be eligible for professional pay differential. c. The Department will set as a minimum standard for Paramedics the possession of current certificates for PALS or equivalent, PHTLS or equivalent and ACLS. It will be the individual responsibility of each Paramedic to maintain these certifications and any others mandated by the State of California and/or the County of Marin. All such recertifications will be completed by each paramedic in a timely manner so that no portion of a certification or minimum standard lapses during the course of employment as a Firefighter/Paramedic by the Xxxx Valley Fire Department. d. It is recognized that the maintenance of professional competency is the joint responsibility of the RVFD and each paramedic. The Department will allow each paramedic thirty two (32) hours per calendar year to maintain these skills. If the paramedic chooses to attend such skills maintenance on duty, then a replacement will be hired if needed. If the paramedic wishes to attend off duty, that person will be compensated at no more than eight hours of overtime per quarter.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Memorandum of Understanding, Memorandum of Understanding

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

Paramedic Program. a. For the term of this agreement, in recognition that Xxxx Valley Paramedic Authority reimburses Xxxx Valley Fire Department for the cost of the engine company paramedic program, State licensed, Marin County accredited Captain or Firefighter/ Paramedics who are designated and serving as a Paramedic on an engine company shall receive a professional pay differential equal to 11 percent of base salary. This differential shall be based on and added to the current step of the Captain or firefighter/paramedic. b. Personnel designated and serving as Firefighter/Paramedic shall be expected to continuously maintain their Marin County Paramedic Accreditation unless released from the requirement by the Department. A firefighter/paramedic, upon promotion to Captain, will no longer be eligible for paramedic incentive pay, used to fill minimum daily paramedic staffing, and will be responsible for maintaining his/her certification if he/she desires to continue to remain paramedic certified in Marin County. Individuals currently working as Captain/Paramedic prior to July 1, 2015 may continue to work as a paramedic, including minimum daily paramedic staffing. A Captain or Firefighter/Paramedic who wishes to drop the County certification and stop functioning as a Captain or Firefighter/Paramedic will only be allowed to do so at the time of designation of a new Firefighter/Paramedic or, with the approval of the Chief, for valid reasons and will no longer be eligible for professional pay differential. c. The Department will set as a minimum standard for Paramedics the possession of current certificates for PALS or equivalent, PHTLS or equivalent and ACLS. It will be the individual responsibility of each Paramedic to maintain these certifications and any others mandated by the State of California and/or the County of Marin. All such recertifications will be completed by each paramedic in a timely manner so that no portion of a certification or minimum standard lapses during the course of employment as a Firefighter/Paramedic by the Xxxx Valley Fire Department. d. It is recognized that the maintenance of professional competency is the joint responsibility of the RVFD and each paramedic. The Department will allow each paramedic thirty two (32) hours per calendar year to maintain these skills. If the paramedic chooses to attend such skills maintenance on duty, then a replacement will be hired if needed. If the paramedic wishes to attend off duty, that person will be compensated at no more than eight hours of overtime per quarter. e. Firefighter/Paramedics attending training during the duration of this contract utilizing funding either from the Department or an outside entity will be expected to remain with the Department, utilizing these skills, for a period of no less than three years from date of accreditation by the County. In order to facilitate this, both management and labor, at accreditation, will agree upon the dollar amount for such training items as tuition, books, etc. invested in each student. If the Firefighter/Paramedic leaves the Department to work for another Department within the first year after accreditation, then the entire amount will become due and payable to the funding entity. If the Firefighter/Paramedic leaves the Department to work for another Department within the second year after accreditation, then two-thirds of the amount will become due and payable to the funding entity. If the Firefighter/Paramedic leaves the Department to work for another Department within the third year after accreditation, then one third of the amount will become due and payable to the funding entity. All such payments shall be on a prorated basis and be deducted from any final separation check. All personnel affected by this section will be required to sign a statement to the above stipulation prior to the entry into any such Paramedic program.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Memorandum of Understanding

Paramedic Program. a. For On September 2, 2004, the term of this agreement, in recognition that Xxxx Valley Paramedic Authority reimburses Xxxx Valley (RVPA) approved a funding request by the Larkspur Fire Department to implement an Engine Company Paramedic Program. The funding does not increase daily staffing. It provides for differential pay, equipment and training coverage. Currently, the RVPA has authorized atotal of up to seven Paramedics for the cost Larkspur Fire Department. As a result of the engine company consolidation between Larkspur and Corte Madera Fire, a specific Firefighter Paramedic classification was created and Paramedic differential pay was incorporated into the base salary of the classification. Previous Paramedic differential pay was also considered in setting the salaries of other classifications. The Authority shall utilize a Firefighter Paramedic classification for its paramedic program, State licensed, Marin County accredited programs. The Firefighter Paramedic classification shall not receive a differential for performing basic paramedic duties. The base salary for the Firefighter Paramedic classification includes the appropriate compensation for paramedic duties. Engineer: An Engineer who is performing paramedic duties shall be eligible for a 4% paramedic differential. Fire Captain: A Fire Captain or Firefighter/ Paramedics who are designated and is performing paramedic duties shall be eligible for a 4% paramedic differential. Personnel serving as a Paramedic on an engine company shall receive a professional pay differential equal to 11 percent of base salary. This differential shall be based on and added to the current step of the Captain or firefighter/paramedic. b. Personnel designated and serving as Firefighter/Paramedic paramedics shall be expected to continuously maintain their Marin County Paramedic Accreditation unless released from the requirement by the Departmentparamedic accreditation. A firefighter/paramedic, upon promotion paramedic may choose to Captain, will no longer be eligible for maintain accreditation and will therefore no longer receive a paramedic incentive pay. However, used before discontinuing accreditation or if an employee wishes to fill minimum daily paramedic staffing, and will be responsible for maintaining his/her certification if he/she desires to continue to remain paramedic certified in Marin County. Individuals currently working as Captain/Paramedic prior to July 1, 2015 may continue to work no longer serve as a paramedicparamedic in the Authority, including minimum daily they must provide the Authority with advance notice. The Authority will then remove the employee from paramedic staffingduty after a replacement has been secured. A Captain or Firefighter/Paramedic who wishes to drop the County certification and stop functioning as a Captain or Firefighter/Paramedic will only be allowed to do so at the time of designation of a new Firefighter/Paramedic or, with the approval of the Chief, for valid reasons and will no longer be eligible for professional pay differential. c. The Department Authority will set as a minimum standard for Paramedics paramedics the possession of current certificates for PALS or equivalent, PHTLS or equivalent and ACLS. It will be the individual responsibility of each Paramedic paramedic to maintain these certifications and any others anyothers mandated by the State of California and/or the County of Marin. All such recertifications recertification's will be completed by each paramedic in a timely manner so that no portion of a certification or minimum standard lapses during the course of employment as employmentas a Firefighter/Paramedic paramedic by the Xxxx Valley Central Marin Fire Department. d. Authority. It is recognized that the maintenance of professional competency is the joint responsibility of the RVFD and each paramedic. The Department Authority will allow each paramedic thirty two (32) up to 48 hours per calendar year of Continuing Education annually to maintain these skills. The use of these hours must be approved in advance by the Fire Chief or designee and will be tracked by calendar year. The paramedic will attend all Continuing Education classes on duty as required by the Battalion Chief. If necessary, as determined by the paramedic chooses to attend such skills maintenance on dutyBattalion Chief, then a replacement will employee may be hired if neededto ensure adequate attendance for certification or renewal. If the paramedic wishes to attend attends off dutyduty Continuing Education Classes, that person will be compensated by the Authority at no more than eight hours the overtime rate, for the amount of overtime per quarterContinuing Education credits given for said class. Employees who would receive a pay cut due to the elimination of educational incentive, shall be Y-rated until such time as a combination of the paramedic differential, step increases and/or salary increases would offset the reduction due to the elimination of their education incentive.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Memorandum of Understanding

Paramedic Program. a. For the term of this agreement, in recognition that Xxxx Valley Paramedic Authority reimburses Xxxx Valley Fire Department for the cost of the engine company paramedic program, State licensed, Marin County accredited Captain or Firefighter/ Paramedics who are designated and serving as a Paramedic on an engine company shall receive a professional pay differential equal to 11 percent of base salary. This differential shall be based on and added to the current step of the Captain or firefighter/paramedic.. … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.5" + Tab after: 0.94" + Indent at: 0.94" b. Personnel designated and serving as Firefighter/Paramedic shall be expected to continuously maintain their Marin County Paramedic Accreditation unless released from the requirement by the Department. A firefighter/paramedic, upon promotion to a higher rank, will Captain, will no longer be eligible for paramedic 2015-16 Firefighter Mou redline w exhibits.doc2015-16 Firefig9hter Mou redline w exhibits2015-16 Firefighter Mou redline w incentive pay, used to fill minimum daily paramedic staffing, and will be responsible for maintaining his/her certification if he/she desires to continue to remain paramedic certified in Marin County. Individuals currently working as Captain/Paramedic prior to July 1, 2015 may continue to work as a paramedic, including minimum daily paramedic staffing. A Captain or Firefighter/Paramedic who wishes to drop the County certification and stop functioning as a Captain or Firefighter/Paramedic will only be allowed to do so at the time of designation of a new Firefighter/Paramedic or, with the approval of the Chief, for valid reasons and will no longer be eligible for professional pay differential. c. The Department will set . b. have the option, during his/her probation period, to drop the County certification and stop functioning as a minimum standard for Paramedics the possession of current certificates for PALS or equivalent, PHTLS or equivalent and ACLSfirefighter/paramedic. It will be the individual responsibility of each Paramedic A firefighter/paramedic who wishes to maintain these certifications and any others mandated by the State of California and/or drop the County certification and stop functioning as a firefighter/paramedic will only be allowed to do so at the time of Marin. All such recertifications will be completed by each paramedic in a timely manner so that no portion designation of a certification or minimum standard lapses during new firefighter/paramedic or, with the course of employment as a Firefighter/Paramedic by the Xxxx Valley Fire Department. d. It is recognized that the maintenance of professional competency is the joint responsibility approval of the RVFD and each paramedic. The Department will allow each paramedic thirty two (32) hours per calendar year to maintain these skills. If the paramedic chooses to attend such skills maintenance on dutyChief, then a replacement will be hired if needed. If the paramedic wishes to attend off duty, that person will be compensated at no more than eight hours of overtime per quarterfor valid reasons.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Memorandum of Understanding

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

Paramedic Program. a. For the term of this agreement, in recognition that Xxxx Valley Paramedic Authority reimburses Xxxx Valley Fire Department for the cost of the engine company paramedic program, State licensed, Marin County accredited Captain or Firefighter/ Paramedics who are designated and serving as a Paramedic on an engine company shall receive a professional pay differential equal to 11 percent of base salary. This differential shall be based on and added to the current step of the Captain or firefighterFirefighter/paramedicParamedic. b. Personnel designated and serving as Firefighter/Paramedic shall be expected to continuously maintain their Marin County Paramedic Accreditation unless released from the requirement by the Department. A firefighter/paramedic, upon promotion to Captain, will no longer be eligible for paramedic incentive pay, used to fill minimum daily paramedic staffing, and will be responsible for maintaining his/her certification if he/she desires to continue to remain paramedic certified in Marin County. Individuals currently working as Captain/Paramedic prior to July 1, 2015 may continue to work as a paramedic, including minimum daily paramedic staffing. A Captain or Firefighter/Paramedic who wishes to drop the County certification and stop functioning as a Captain or Firefighter/Paramedic will only be allowed to do so at the time of designation of a new Firefighter/Paramedic or, with the approval of the Chief, for valid reasons and will no longer be eligible for professional pay differential. c. The Department will set as a minimum standard for Paramedics the possession of current certificates for PALS or equivalent, PHTLS or equivalent and ACLS. It will be the individual responsibility of each Paramedic to maintain these certifications and any others mandated by the State of California and/or the County of Marin. All such recertifications will be completed by each paramedic in a timely manner so that no portion of a certification or minimum standard lapses during the course of employment as a Firefighter/Paramedic by the Xxxx Valley Fire Department. d. It is recognized that the The maintenance of professional competency is the joint responsibility of the RVFD and each paramedic. The Department will allow each paramedic thirty thirty-two (32) hours per calendar fiscal year to maintain these skills. The RVFD and the RVFFA will work together to determine the best way to transition to the fiscal year. If the paramedic chooses to attend such skills maintenance on duty, then a replacement will be hired if needed. If the paramedic wishes to attend off duty, that person he or she will be compensated at no more than eight hours of overtime per quarterday.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Memorandum of Understanding

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