PIPE AND ACCESSORIES. A. General 1. Clean and flush pipe system of foreign matter prior to testing. 2. Prior to pressure testing, the City reserves the right to require the line to be pigged. If pigging of the line is required, City staff shall be notified at least 48 hours prior to pigging of the line. City staff must be present to witness and verify the insertion of the pig and additionally to be present to witness and verify the successful removal of the pig for each section pigged. 3. Notify the City a minimum of 48 hours prior to testing. 4. Perform tests in the presence of the City. 5. Length of line to be tested at one time shall be subject to approval of the City. 6. Pipe sections shall not be accepted and placed into service until specified test limits have been met. 7. Repair defects in the pipe system. Make repairs to the same standard as specified for the pipe system. 8. Retest repaired sections until acceptance. 9. Repair visible leaks regardless of the test results. B. Pressure Mains 1. The City shall approve the source, quality, and method of disposal of water to be used in test procedures. 2. Obtain City’s permission 48 hours prior to filling or flushing of pipe system with water from City’s water system. City shall operate valves connected to the existing water system. Keep pipe interior clean during construction to minimize the amount of water required for flushing. Where large quantities of water may be required for flushing, City reserves the right to require that flushing be done at periods of low demand. 3. Pressure test in accordance with AWWA C600 for ductile iron pipe and AWWA C605 and M23 for PVC pipe and the following. 4. Make pressure tests between valves. Furnish suitable test plugs where line ends in “free flow.” 5. Provide air vents at the high points in the line section to be tested for releasing of air during filling. Service corporation stops may be used for air vent when located at a high point. Leave corporation stops in place after testing and note locations on As-Constructed Drawings. 6. Allow concrete blocking to reach design strength prior to pressure testing. 7. Force main shall be completely filled with water, all air expelled from the pipe, and the discharge end of the pipeline shall be plugged and adequately blocked before hydrostatic test begins. 8. Upon completing a section of pipe between valves, test pipe by maintaining for a two hour period a hydrostatic pressure equal to 1.5 times the system working pressure or 150 psi, whicheve...
PIPE AND ACCESSORIES. A. Ductile Iron Pipe for Gravity Sewer and Force Main 1. General a. Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP) shall meet the requirements of AWWA C-151 and as required herein. b. Ductile Iron Sewer Pipe must be easily recognized by brownish red bells and spigots, as well as, exterior stenciling of the words “For Sewer Only”.
PIPE AND ACCESSORIES. A. General 1. Provide erosion control measures as required. Erosion control measures including seeding and mulching shall be designed, installed and maintained in accordance with the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Land Quality Section’s “Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual”. The Developer/Engineer is responsible for securing all required permits. 2. Pipe installation shall meet the following general guidelines: a. Handle pipe and accessories in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Take particular care not to damage pipe coatings. b. Carefully inspect pipe immediately prior to laying. Do not use defective pipe. Replace pipe damaged during construction. x. Xxx pipe to design grade and alignment. d. Provide proper equipment for lowering pipe into trench. e. Provide tight closure pipe ends when work is not in progress. f. Keep pipe interior free of foreign materials. g. Do not lay pipe in water or when the trench or weather conditions are unsuitable for the work. h. Clean bell and spigots before joining. Make joints and lubricate gasket in accordance with pipe manufacturer recommendation. i. Block fittings with concrete or restrained joints. B. Trenching for Underground Pipe Installation
PIPE AND ACCESSORIES. A. General 1. Provide erosion control measures as required. Erosion control measures including seeding and mulching shall be designed, installed and maintained in accordance with the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Land Quality Section’s “Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual”. The Developer/Engineer is responsible for securing all required permits. 2. Pipe installation shall meet the following general guidelines: a. Lay pipe in the presence of a representative of the Town, unless specifically approved otherwise. b. Handle pipe and accessories in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Take particular care not to damage pipe coatings. c. Carefully inspect pipe immediately prior to laying. Do not use defective pipe. Replace pipe damaged during construction. x. Xxx pipe to design grade and alignment. e. Provide proper equipment for lowering pipe into trench. f. Do not lay pipe in water or when the trench or weather conditions are unsuitable for the work. g. Provide tight closure pipe ends when work is not in progress. h. Keep pipe interior free of foreign materials. i. Clean bell and spigots before joining. Make joints and lubricate gasket in accordance with pipe manufacturer recommendation. j. Block fittings with concrete or restrain as required to prevent movement.


  • Inclusion and accessibility The institution will provide support to incoming mobile participants with fewer opportunities, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. Information and assistance can be provided by the following contact points and information sources: Although a brief overview is provided in this agreement, more detailed information is sent to the nominees in order for them to prepare their exchange.

  • Inspection and Acceptance Cisco may reject any or all of the Work which does not conform to the applicable requirements within 10 business days of Supplier’s delivery of the Work. At Cisco’s option, Cisco may (i) return the non- conforming Work to Supplier for a refund or credit; (ii) requires Supplier to replace the non-conforming Work; or (iii) repair the non-conforming Work so that it meets the requirements. As an alternative to (i) through (iii), Cisco may accept the non-conforming Work conditioned on Supplier providing a refund or credit in an amount Cisco reasonably determines to represent the diminished value of the non-conforming Work. Cisco’s payment to Supplier for Work prior to Xxxxx’s timely rejection of such Work as non- conforming will not be deemed as acceptance by Xxxxx.

  • Security and Access Executive agrees and covenants (a) to comply with all Company security policies and procedures as in force from time to time including without limitation those regarding computer equipment, telephone systems, voicemail systems, facilities access, monitoring, key cards, access codes, Company intranet, internet, social media and instant messaging systems, computer systems, e-mail systems, computer networks, document storage systems, software, data security, encryption, firewalls, passwords and any and all other Company facilities, IT resources and communication technologies (“Facilities and Information Technology Resources”); (b) not to access or use any Facilities and Information Technology Resources except as authorized by the Company; and (iii) not to access or use any Facilities and Information Technology Resources in any manner after the termination of Executive’s employment by the Company, whether termination is voluntary or involuntary. Executive agrees to notify the Company promptly in the event he learns of any violation of the foregoing by others, or of any other misappropriation or unauthorized access, use, reproduction, or reverse engineering of, or tampering with any Facilities and Information Technology Resources or other Company property or materials by others.

  • Audit and Access Twelve (12) Months after the expiry of the Call-Off Agreement Period or following termination of this Call-Off Agreement.