VACATION PLAN Sample Clauses
VACATION PLAN. 2 All employees in the bargaining unit shall earn paid vacation time 3 under this Article. Vacation benefits are earned on a fiscal year 4 basis--July 1 to June 30.
5 8.1 Unit members are entitled to vacation with pay at the rates 6 to be found in the following schedule:
7 8.1.1 . 83 of a day for each month worked during the first 8 three (3) years.
VACATION PLAN. 8.1 Eligibility: All employees in the bargaining unit earn paid vacation time under this Article. Vacation benefits are earned on a fiscal year basis - July 1 to June 30. Earned vacation shall not be a vested right until after six (6) months of service.
VACATION PLAN. Annual vacation entitlement is based on calendar years, January 1st to December 31st, and length of service with the Company, as shown below: If your length of Service is: You are entitled to: Less than 1 year 1 year but less than 3 years 3 years but less than 8 years 8 years but less than 15 years 15 years but less than 22 years 22 years or over 1 day/month to max. of 10 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks 5 weeks 6 weeks Employees obtaining full time status befo re April 1st of the year, will be credite with a full year for vacation entitlement purposes. Employees obtaining full time status on April 1st or later, will not be considered as having a full year of service when computing vacation entitlement; their vacation entitlement will be based on the number of months worked. For the purpose of determining the number of vacation days per month, the 15th day of the month will be the determining date. For example, if an employee obtains regular full-time status before or on the 15th of the month, they will be entitled to a day of vacation for that month. If the employee obtains regular full time status after the 15th of the month, they will not accrue any vacation entitlement for that month. Vacation entitlement earned in one year shall be taken in the following year. Example: An employee who obtains regular full-time status on September 1, 2002, would be initially entitled to take 3 weeks of vacation in 2006. The vacation entitlement would be as follows: 2002 - No Vacation entitlement 2003 - 4 days (based on 4 months of service in 2002) 2004 - 2 weeks (based on a full year of service in 2003) 2005 - 2 weeks 2006 - 3 weeks (based on 3 full years of service, 2003, 2004, 2005)
VACATION PLAN. All employees are required to take a vacation with pay in accordance with the provisions of this Article.
(a) An employee is eligible for an annual vacation with pay provided he has performed work for at least thirty (30) calendar days during the qualifying period of July 1st of the preceding year and June 30th of the current year.
(b) The service of rehired employees acquired while in their previous employ shall not be considered in assessing their eligibility for vacation entitlement.
(a) An employee having less than one (1) year's service, at the end of the qualifying period, shall be entitled to one (1) day of vacation with pay for each full month of employment up to a maximum of ten (10) days.
(b) An employee having one (1) year but less than three (3) years' service, at the end of the qualifying period, shall be entitled to two (2) weeks vacation annually with pay.
(c) An employee having three (3) years, but less than ten (10) years' service during the current calendar year, shall be entitled to three (3) weeks vacation annually with pay. This additional week of entitlement must be taken after the employee's third anniversary date.
(d) An employee having ten (10) years, but less than eighteen (18) years' service during the current calendar year, shall be entitled to four (4) weeks vacation annually with pay. This additional week of entitlement must be taken after the employee's tenth anniversary date.
(e) An employee having eighteen (18) years, but less than twenty-eight (28) years' service during the current calendar year, shall be entitled to five (5) weeks vacation annually with pay. This additional week of entitlement must be taken after the employee's eighteenth anniversary date.
(f) In addition to their entitlement to vacation and vacation pay under Article 26:02(e), employees hired prior to October 1, 2011 and having twenty-eight (28) years, but less than thirty-two (32) years' service during the current calendar year, shall be entitled to supplemental vacation pay, calculated at the rate of 2% of the employee’s gross earnings for the qualifying period including the vacation pay received during that period.
(g) In addition to their entitlement to vacation and vacation pay under Article 27:02(e), employees hired prior to October 1, 2011 and having thirty-two (32) or more years’ service during the current calendar year, shall be entitled to supplemental vacation pay, calculated at the rate of 4% of the employee’s gross earnings for the qualifyin...
VACATION PLAN. 1. Vacation days are earned as follows on an annual basis: 12 MONTH 11 MONTH 10 MONTH SCHOOL YEAR 5 and less years of service 6 up to 15 years of service 17 15.5 14 12 Over 15 years of service 2. Vacation benefits are earned on a fiscal year basis: • July 1–June 30
VACATION PLAN. (a) Each employee who completes twelve (12) months of continuous service since his last hiring date with the Company shall be entitled to receive two Q) weeks vacation with pay. Vacation pay shall be four percent (4%) of the employees gross earnings accumulated during the calendar year preceding that in which the vacation is being taken.
(b) Each employee who completes five (5) or more years of continuous service since his last hiring date with the Company shall be granted three (3) weeks vacation with pay. Vacation pay shall be six percent (6 %) of the employee's gross earnings accumulated during the calendar year preceding that in which the vacation is being taken.
(c) Each employee who completes ten (10) or more years of continuous service since his last hiring date with the Company shall be granted three and one-half (3-1/2) weeks vacation with pay. Vacation pay shall be seven percent (7 %) of the employee's gross earnings accumulated during the calendar year preceding that in which the vacation is being taken.
(d) Each employee who completes fifteen (15) or more years of continuous service since his last hiring date with the Company shall be granted four (4) weeks vacation with pay. Vacation pay shall be eight percent (8 %) of the employee's gross earnings accumulated during the calendar year preceding that in which the vacation is being taken.
(e) Each employee who completes twenty (20) or more years of continuous service since his last hiring date with the Company shall be granted four (4) weeks vacation with pay. Vacation pay shall be nine percent (9%) of the employee's gross earnings accumulated during the calendar year preceding that in which the vacation is being taken.
(f) Effective February 1, 1994, each employee who completes twenty-five (25) or more years of continuous service since his last hiring date with the Company shall be granted four (4) weeks vacation with pay. Vacation pay shall be ten percent (10%) of the employee's gross earnings accumulated during the calendar year preceding that in which the vacation is being taken.
(g) Effective February 1, 2001, each employee who completes thirty (30) or more years of continuous service since his last hiring date with the Company shall be granted six (6) weeks vacation with pay. Vacation pay shall be twelve percent (I2 %) of the employee's gross earnings accumulated during the calendar year preceding that in which the vacation is being taken.
VACATION PLAN. ELIGIBILITY: Vacation shall be earned but may not be taken until completion of one (1) year of service (school term employees shall be compensated monthly for earned vacation). PAID VACATION: Except as otherwise provided in this Article, and in accordance with Appendix B, paid vacation shall be granted no later than the fiscal year immediately following the fiscal year in which it is earned. Where desired by the employee, the paid vacation may be granted in the fiscal year in which it is earned.
VACATION PLAN. Employees shall earn paid vacation time under this Article. Vacation benefits are earned on a fiscal year basis -- July 1 through June 30.
VACATION PLAN. 16.01 Employees will receive vacation based on their completed years of service as of January 1 of each calendar year. For purposes of this contract, the vacation schedule will be based on an employees years of service as of January 1, 2008. Employees will earn vacation time per the following schedule: 1 year of completed service 2 weeks vacation pay or 4% whichever is greater 5 years of completed service 3 weeks vacation pay or 6% whichever is greater 12 years of completed service 3.5 weeks vacation pay or 7% whichever is greater 15 years of completed service 4 weeks vacation pay or 8% whichever is greater 20 years of completed service 4 weeks vacation pay or 9% whichever is greater
16.02 Employees who are off work because of illness or injury may, upon request to the Facility Manager, take vacation pay due to them or schedule their vacation upon return.
VACATION PLAN. 10.1 Full time regular employees are eligible for vacation in accordance with the number of months worked. Vacation time will be prorated for regular employees who work less than full time.
10.2 If a holiday falls during an employee's vacation, the extra day shall be added to the vacation.
10.3 During their first year, employees shall have their vacation pay prorated to June 30th.
10.4 Vacation pay for full time regular employees shall be accumulated in the following manner: 1 - 5 years 10 days 6 -10 years 12 days 11-15 years 16 days 16-19 years 18 days 20 -24 years 20 days 25+ years 21 days
10.5 Employees may accumulate, and carry over into the succeeding year an amount equal to their vacation accumulation for one year.
10.6 Vacation will be scheduled in accordance with the work needs of the District, and the employees desired time off. Schedules will be developed in advance, and employees with the highest seniority will be given first opportunity; however, once an employee has determined the time he/she desires, they may not bump someone with lower seniority, unless that person agrees. All vacation time must be pre-approved.
10.7 If the District, because of operating needs, does not permit any employee from taking all or part of their vacation, the employee may accumulate it for the following year in accordance with 10.6 or be paid in cash for the portion that was denied.
10.8 If, while on a vacation leave, an employee becomes eligible for another type of leave provided by this Agreement, the employee may request transfer to the other type of leave without return to service if the employee supplies notice and supporting information for the type of leave requested.