Plans, Drawings and Owner’s Review Sample Clauses

Plans, Drawings and Owner’s Review. 3.03.1 DOSO will diligently pursue all work necessary to construct the Project. DOSO and Owner will cooperate to complete the following described design review process in an open and collaborative manner. DOSO and Owner agree that the Scope of Development in Exhibit E and DOSO’s Development Review Plans incorporating the Scope of Development, provide the basis for this Agreement. DOSO shall prepare Construction Plans and Specifications conforming to the approved Scope of Development and Development Review Plans and submit them to Owner for review and approval prior to submittal to the City for building permit approval, in accordance with the Schedule of Performance in Exhibit D. Owner and DOSO will communicate and consult informally as frequently as is necessary to ensure that Owner can promptly consider any documents submitted by DOSO for Owner’s review. Owner will not unreasonably condition, delay or withhold approval of the Construction Plans and Specifications for the Project, if said plans and specifications conform with the approved Scope of Development and Development Review Plans, as determined by Owner in Owner’s sole discretion.
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Related to Plans, Drawings and Owner’s Review

  • Drawings and Specifications at the Project Site The Contractor shall keep at the Site at least one copy of the Contract Documents and Change Orders, all in good order and available to the Design Professional and to his representatives.

  • Drawings and Specifications 9.1 A complete list of all Drawings that form a part of the Contract Documents are to be found as an index on the Drawings themselves, and/or may be provided to Developer and/or in the Table of Contents.

  • Shop Drawings and Samples a. Record date of receipt of Samples and approved Shop Drawings.

  • Construction Budget The total amount indicated by the District for the Project plus all other costs, including design, construction, administration, financing, and all other costs.

  • Construction Progress Schedule; Overall Project Schedule The Contractor shall submit for review by the Design Professional and approval by the Owner a Construction Progress Schedule based upon the Design Professional’s Preliminary Design and Construction Schedule and prepared using a CPM (Critical Path Method) process within sixty days after the Effective Date of the Contract, utilizing a full-featured software package in a form satisfactory to the Design Professional and Owner, showing the dates for commencement and completion of the Work required by the Contract Documents, including coordination of mechanical, plumbing, and electrical disciplines, as well as coordination of the various subdivisions of the Work within the Contract. Milestones must be clearly indicated and sequentially organized to identify the critical path of the Project. The Construction Schedule will be developed to represent the CSI specification divisions. It shall have the minimum number of activities required to adequately represent to the Owner the complete scope of Work and define the Project’s (and each Phase’s if phased) critical path and associated activities. The format of the Construction Progress Schedule will have dependencies indicated on a monthly grid identifying milestone dates such as construction start, phase construction, structural top out, dry-in, rough-in completion, metal stud and drywall completion, equipment installation, systems operational, inspections for Material Completion and Occupancy Date, and Final Completion Date. The Contractor shall submit, along with the Construction Progress Schedule, the Submittal Schedule for approval by the Design Professional, correlating the associated approval dates for the documents with the Construction Progress Schedule. Upon recommendation by the Design Professional and approval by the Owner, the Construction Progress Schedule shall become the Overall Project Schedule, which shall be utilized by the Design Professional, Owner and Contractor. The Contractor must provide the Design Professional and the Owner with monthly updates of the Overall Project Schedule indicating completed activities and any changes in sequencing or activity durations, including approved change orders. See also Article 3.3.5.

  • Architect/Engineer (A/E) means a person registered as an architect pursuant to Tex. Occ. Code Xxx., Chapter 1051, as a landscape architect pursuant to Tex. Occ. Code Xxx., Chapter 1052, a person licensed as a professional engineer pursuant to Tex. Occ. Code Xxx., Chapter 1001 and/or a firm employed by Owner or a design-build contractor to provide professional architectural or engineering services and to exercise overall responsibility for the design of a Project or a significant portion thereof, and to perform the contract administration responsibilities set forth in the Contract.

  • Project Completion Report At the completion of construction and once a Project is placed in service, the Subrecipient must submit a Project Completion Report that includes the total number of units built and leased, affordable units built and leased, DR-MHP units built and leased, an accomplishment narrative, and the tenants names, demographics and income for each DR-MHP unit.

  • Construction Drawings After approving the Additional Programming Information, Landlord shall cause the Architect and the Engineers to prepare and deliver to Tenant Construction Drawings that conform to the approved Space Plan and the approved Additional Programming Information. Such preparation and delivery shall occur within 15 business days after the later of Landlord’s approval of the Additional Programming Information or the mutual execution and delivery of this Agreement. Tenant shall approve or disapprove the Construction Drawings by notice to Landlord. If Tenant disapproves the Construction Drawings, Tenant’s notice of disapproval shall specify any revisions Tenant desires in the Construction Drawings. After receiving such notice of disapproval, Landlord shall cause the Architect and/or the Engineers to revise the Construction Drawings, taking into account the reasons for Tenant’s disapproval (provided, however, that Landlord shall not be required to cause the Architect or the Engineers to make any revision to the Construction Drawings that is inconsistent with the Landlord Requirements or that Landlord otherwise reasonably disapproves), and resubmit the Construction Drawings to Tenant for its approval. Such revision and resubmission shall occur within five (5) business days after the later of Landlord’s receipt of Tenant’s notice of disapproval or the mutual execution and delivery of this Agreement if such revision is not material, and within such longer period of time as may be reasonably necessary (but not more than 15 business days after the later of such receipt or such mutual execution and delivery) if such revision is material. Such procedure shall be repeated as necessary until Tenant has approved the Construction Drawings. The Construction Drawings approved by Landlord and Tenant are referred to in this Work Letter as the “Approved Construction Drawings”.

  • Final Plans On or before thirty (30) days following the date of full execution of this Lease, Landlord shall submit to Tenant two (2) sets of Landlord’s proposed space and construction plans and specifications prepared by Landlord’s architect, for the Tenant Improvements, Within three (3) business days after receipt of Landlord’s plans and specifications Tenant shall either: (a) evidence its approval by endorsement on one (1) set of said plans and specifications (and return such signed or initialed set to Landlord); or (b) indicate those revisions or corrections which Tenant requires and the reasons therefor; provided Landlord shall not be obligated to accept any revisions which Landlord shall reasonably determine: (i) do not conform to the standards of design, motif and decor reasonably established or adopted by Landlord for the Building; (ii) would subject Landlord or the Premises to any additional cost, expense, liability, violation, fine, penalty, or forfeiture; would adversely affect the reputation, character, or nature of the Building; (iii) would provide for or require any installation of work which is or might be unlawful, create an unsound or dangerous condition, adversely affect the structural soundness of the Premises or Building; (iv) interfere with or abridge the use and enjoyment of any adjoining or other space in the Building, or (v) is of a special use or nature with little or no residual value (unless Tenant agrees to pay for such improvements and the removal thereof upon the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease). Landlord shall, within five (5) days thereafter, submit four (4) sets of proposed plans and specifications, as so revised or corrected, to Tenant for its approval in accordance with this paragraph, which plans will then be considered the final plans (the “Final Plans”). The Final Plans may subsequently be amended by Tenant provided that significant changes will require Landlord’s prior written approval, which approval shall be given or reasonably refused within five (5) business days after receipt of such amended plans and specifications and, provided further that if such change order will delay the anticipated Commencement Date specified in Section 1 of the Lease the change order shall be considered a Tenant Delay (as hereinafter defined). The parties will work cooperatively to complete the plan approval process expeditiously.

  • Ownership of Drawings and Specifications All Drawings, Specifications and copies thereof furnished by the A/E are to remain A/E’s property. These documents are not to be used on any other project, and with the exception of one contract set for each party to the Contract, are to be returned to the A/E, upon request, following completion of the Work.

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