Examples of Medicaid Managed Care in a sentence
Providers will use a single, electronic application to submit information to be verified and screened to become a Medicaid enrolled provider, with the application serving for enrollment as a Medicaid Fee-for-Serviceprovider as well as a Medicaid Managed Care Provider.
In June 2018, the North Carolina General Assembly enacted North Carolina Session Law 2018-48, which amended Session Law 2015-245, directing the Department to provide a plan to the General Assembly about the future of serving children and youth currently and formerly in the child welfare system under Medicaid Managed Care.
The Children and Families Specialty Plan (CFSP) is an integrated Medicaid Managed Care plan that covers services specified to address a spectrum of Member needs, including those related to physical health, behavioral Health, I/DD, LTSS, and pharmacy services and unmet health-related resource needs.
The Department will ensure that Medicaid Beneficiaries and their families and caregivers are supported in the transition to Medicaid Managed Care and the CFSP throughout the Enrollment process, including enrolling in the CFSP and selecting a Primary Care Provider (PCP).
The Department shall not mandate Medicaid Managed Care providers enrolled with the State participate in the State Medicaid Fee-for-Service program.
The CFSP must notify the Department with an attestation of any Member still enrolled in Medicaid Managed Care prior to the first day of the next month following the 90th day of stay, if there is a delay in the Department’s disenrollment notification.
The North Carolina Medicaid Managed Care and CFSP Enrollment Policy outlines the expectations of the Department, the Enrollment Broker, and the CFSP in the Enrollment of Beneficiaries into the CFSP.
The Department reserves the right to amend this Policy based on an increase or decrease in covered populations in Medicaid Managed Care, changes in North Carolina or federal law or regulation, federally approved Medicaid waivers for North Carolina, or a change in the Enrollment processes.