PRICE LIST UPDATES. Contractor may update their price list as provided in this Section. All price list modifications proposed by Contractor shall be processed in accordance with Appendix C, Contract Modification Procedures. Contractor may submit a request for Product addition, change, and/or deletion at any time following the commencement date of the Contract, and on an as-needed basis during the term of the Contract. The Discount offered on any new Products added to the Contractor's price list shall be no lower than the minimum established product category Discount. Contractors shall submit all requests to the OGS Procurement Services Contract administrator in the form and format contained in Appendix C, Contract Modification Procedures for the review and written approval of OGS. The State reserves the right to request copies of existing contracts or price lists to ensure that the prices offered to the State are reasonable and commensurate with similar purchasers. Commencing with the first anniversary date of the date that the Contractor’s Bid was opened by OGS, and annually thereafter, the Contractor may update the price list to reflect Contractor price increases, once every 365 days per Product. Price increase updates are subject to all Contract update provisions included within Appendix C, Contract Modification Procedures. Requests for price increases shall be submitted 30 days prior to the anniversary date of the date that the Contractor’s Bid was opened by OGS and annually thereafter. Requests from Contractor(s) for price increases at any other time will not be granted. The Contractor shall provide OGS with one electronic copy of the updated pricing. No price list updates will be granted to any Contractor who has outstanding Sales Reports, Proof of Insurance or any other documentation that is required under the resulting contract. Contractors shall be permitted to reduce their pricing any time during the Contract Term.
PRICE LIST UPDATES. ‌ Contractor may update their Price List as follows:
PRICE LIST UPDATES. Awarded suppliers may request to update their price lists after the first 12 months and again at time of subsequent contract renewal(s). All requests to update pricing must be submitted to the Issuing Office for review and approval no later than 60 days prior to the end of the current contract period. The awarded supplier is required to justify any price increase in a clear concise manner and may possibly be required to submit supporting documentation. If the price update is approved, it will be in effect at the beginning of the renewal period, or on the effective date listed on the posted Contract change notice.
PRICE LIST UPDATES. Neither Google nor Partner will notify Customer for changes in non-USD prices that are due to currency conversion fluctuations which become effective immediately. Google provides information to help copyright holders manage their intellectual property online, but Google cannot determine whether something is being used legally or not without their input. Google responds to notices of alleged copyright infringement and terminates accounts of repeat infringers according to the process in the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act. If Customer thinks somebody is violating the Customers’ copyrights and wants to notify Google, Customer can find information about submitting notices, and Google's policy about responding to notices at xxxx:// (a) Unless Customer has purchased technical support services supplied by Google or Partner, Partner is not responsible for providing technical support to Customer. (b) Customer is responsible for technical support of its Applications and Projects.


  • Updates “Updates” are changes that do not require a change to the established Centralized Contract terms and conditions. Updates may include: Centralized Contract changes and updates made in accordance with the previously approved pricing formula (e.g. discount from list price); adding new products or services within the established, previously approved pricing structure; lowering pricing of products or services already on Contract, deleting products or services available through the Centralized Contract, adding product or service that do not fall under the previously established price structure or discounts under the Contract, re-bundled products, and other updates not listed above that are deemed to be in the best interest of the State and do not result in a change to the established Centralized Contract terms and conditions. Updates must be submitted to OGS for review, and must be accompanied by a justification of reasonableness of price if the change results in a change in pricing methodology. OGS will notify Contractor in writing if approved.

  • Minimum Customer Support Requirements for TIPS Sales Vendor shall provide timely and commercially reasonable support for TIPS Sales or as agreed to in the applicable Supplemental Agreement.