Procedures for Retention and Timely Destruction of Records. SSA will retain the electronic files received from VA only for the period of time required for any processing related to the matching program and will then destroy them by means of electronic erasure following VA Directive 6500, VA Cybersecurity Program. SSA may retain some information on particular individuals, which this matching program will generate, in order to meet evidentiary requirements. If such retention is warranted, SSA will retire the retained records in accordance with applicable Federal Records Retention Schedules (44 U.S.C. § 3303a). SSA will not create permanent files or a separate system comprised solely of the data VA provides to SSA.
Procedures for Retention and Timely Destruction of Records. OPM will retain the benefit data it receives from SSA only for the period of time required for any processing related to the matching program and then destroy all such data by electronic purging, unless OPM is required to retain the data to meet evidentiary requirements. In case of such retention for evidentiary purposes, OPM will retire the retained data in accordance with the applicable Federal Records Retention Schedule (44 U.S.C. § 3303a). OPM will not create permanent files or separate systems comprised solely of the data provided by SSA. SSA may retain the records in the files OPM submits only for the period required for processing related to the matching program for no later than 30 days after the transmission of the file to OPM.
Procedures for Retention and Timely Destruction of Records. SSA will retain the electronic files it receives from RRB only for the period required for any processing related to the matching program. After the matching process, SSA will then return the files to RRB or destroy them by electronic purging, unless SSA must retain the information in order to meet evidentiary requirements. If such retention is warranted, SSA will retire the retained data in accordance with applicable Federal Records Retention Schedules (44 U.S.C. § 3303a). SSA will not create a separate file or system comprised solely of the data provided by RRB.
Procedures for Retention and Timely Destruction of Records. SSA will retain the electronic files received from VA only for the period of time required for any processing related to the matching program and will then either return the files to VA or destroy all such data by electronic purging, unless SSA or VA is required to retain the information in order to meet evidentiary requirements. SSA may retain some information verified as a result of this match in the individual’s file folders in order to meet evidentiary requirements. In case of such retention for evidentiary purposes, SSA will retire the retained data in accordance with the applicable Federal Records Retention Schedule (44 U.S.C. § 3303a) N1-047-05-001 (applicable sections based on the type of claim).
Procedures for Retention and Timely Destruction of Records. A. VA will:
1. Maintain all identifiable records received from SSA in accordance with the IRC, § 6103(p)(4)(F).
2. Not create a separate file or system of record, which consists of information concerning only those individuals who are involved in the specific matching program, except as necessary to control or verify the information. VA will destroy any information created for this use as soon as it has served the match’s purpose and all legal retention requirements have been met.
B. SSA provides the tax return data to VA using the files with identifying information provided by VA. These files are the only identifiable records SSA uses in the course of the matching program. SSA will delete the electronic files provided by VA when the match is complete.
C. SSA and VA will destroy all such data by electronic purging, unless VA/VBA and SSA are required to retain the information in order to meet evidentiary requirements. In case of such retention for evidentiary purposes, VA/VBA and SSA will retire the retained data in accordance with the applicable Federal Records Retention Schedule (44 U.S.C. § 3303a).
D. Neither SSA nor VA will create a permanent file or separate system consisting of information concerning only those individuals who are involved in this matching program.
Procedures for Retention and Timely Destruction of Records. The Privacy Act requires that each matching agreement specify procedures for the retention and timely destruction of identifiable records created by a recipient agency in such matching program. 5 U.S.C. §552a(o)(1)(F). This section specifies the retention periods for the records contained in the SSA finder file and the NDNH records provided to SSA. After the retention periods, OCSE and SSA shall destroy the records in accordance with the security addendum herein, including the erasure of all electronic records. OCSE may retain the records contained in the finder file provided by SSA only for the period required for the processing related to the matching program, but no longer than 60 days after the transmission of the file to OCSE. SSA shall adhere to the following procedures for the retention and destruction of identifiable records:
1. SSA will store and retain the electronic and paper comparison files of the batch match only for the period of time required to support the matching program and will then destroy the records. NDNH information will not be duplicated or disseminated within or outside SSA without the written permission of OCSE, except as necessary within SSA for ongoing operations of the matching program or for the purpose of disaster recovery. OCSE will not grant such authority unless the disclosure is required by law or is essential to the matching program.
2. SSA will retain identifiable records received from the NDNH only for the period of time required for any processing related to the matching program and will then destroy the records
3. This matching program generates some information that SSA must retain regarding some individuals to meet evidentiary requirements. SSA places printouts of the comparison results regarding specific individuals in the SSA claim folders of the involved individuals. SSA FOs personnel dispose of the printouts in accordance with the appropriate National Archives and Records Administration federal records retention schedule. 44 U.S.C. §3303a. Neither SSA nor OCSE will create a separate file or system of records concerning individuals in the matching program, other than SSA records needed for integrity and audit purposes. Both SSA and OCSE will keep an accurate accounting of disclosures from an individual’s records as required by the Privacy Act. 5 U.S.C. §552a(c).
Procedures for Retention and Timely Destruction of Records. A. VANBA will:
1. Maintain all identifiable records received from SSA in accordance with the IRC, § 6103(p)(4)(F).
2. Not create a separate file or SOR, which consists of infmmation concerning only those individuals who are involved in the specific matching program except as necessary to control or verify the info1mation. VANBA will destroy any information created for this use as soon as it has served the match's purpose and all legal retention requirements have been met.
B. SSA provides the tax return data to VANBA using the files with identifying infmmation provided by VANBA. These files are the only identifiable records SSA uses in the course of the matching program. SSA will delete the electronic files provided by VA when the match is complete.
C. Neither SSA nor VANBA will create a permanent file or separate system consisting of information concerning only those individuals who are involved in this matching program.
Procedures for Retention and Timely Destruction of Records. SSA and the Source Jurisdiction agree to follow these procedures for the retention and timely destruction of files/records in this matching program:
Procedures for Retention and Timely Destruction of Records. SSA will retain the benefit and payment data it receives from OPM only for the time required for any processing related to the matching program and then will destroy all such data within 90 days of receipt from OPM or return the data to OPM. SSA may be required to retain the data to meet evidentiary requirements of the basis for SSA's actions on claims. SSA will retire the retained data in accordance with 44 U.S.C. § 3303a and the Federal Records Retention Schedule N1-47-95-4 that applies to the material in the file folders. SSA will retain OPM data used by SSA’s OCA for statistical purposes in tracking the size of, and impact on, subpopulations of Government annuitants affected by the GPO, WEP, and in cost estimates of proposals to change the two provisions, in accordance with Federal Records Schedule DAA-0047-2013-0001-0007.
Procedures for Retention and Timely Destruction of Records. SSA will retain the files it receives from OPM only for the time required for any processing related to the matching program and will destroy all such data within 90 days of receipt from OPM. SSA may be required to retain the data for any processing related to the matching program. SSA will retire the retained data in accordance with 44 U.S.C. § 3303a and the Federal Records Retention Schedule N1-47-95-4 that applies to the material in the files it receives from OPM. SSA will retain OPM data used by SSA’s OCA for statistical purposes in tracking the size of, and impact on, subpopulations of Government annuitants affected by the GPO, WEP, and in cost estimates of proposals to change the two provisions, in accordance with Federal Records Schedule DAA-0047- 2013-0001-0007. SSA will not create permanent files or a separate system comprised solely of the data provided by OPM.