Professional References. (Inclusion of written letters of recommendation from References is encouraged)
Professional References. All applicants for any teaching position in the District must have a valid Arizona certificate and be both certified and highly qualified for teaching the position for which they are an applicant.
Professional References. All providers please complete this section.
Professional References. We ask candidates to provide more references than usual, so we may contact a backup reference in the event that we cannot reach one reference, or if we are unsure about the validity of the information being provided. The reference check and background investigation are conducted by the third party agencies Instant Check Mate and HireRight. The background investigation includes local and national checks verifying whether or not there are any social security discrepancies.
Professional References. Provide THREE (3) signed letters of professional reference. References must be a minimum of 75 words in length. TWO (2) references must be from Local 489 members in good standing who have been members of Local 489 for a minimum of 24 consecutive months prior to the reference. Your Executive Board Sponsor may be one of your two Local 489 references. ONE (1) reference must be from a prior employer, superior/supervisor, co worker or peer, and must include category and/or classification and length of employment.
Professional References. As it relates to your procurement from ProPhase of a professional reference, PxxXxxxx agrees to provide neutral references upon request, which is to only provide dates of employment and job title(s).
Professional References. Provide the contact name, company, address, and phone number of at least three references for whom you have provided the same or similar services on a project of similar scope. #1 Contact Name: Company: Address: Phone Number: #2 Contact Name: Company: Address: Phone Number: Contact Name: Company: Address: Phone Number:
Professional References. Subject to the written consent of the Client, the Law Firm may reveal to third persons the fact that the Client is a client of the Law Firm, the cases and assignments in which the Law Firm has assisted the Client, and the general nature of the services provided to the Client. Contents of the legal services provided to the Client may be disclosed without the Client’s consent provided that such information has been already legally published or made accessible to the public in any other way to at least the same extent. Information publishable on the basis of the law, including information on public court cases, or published by means of mass media by the Client itself or third persons may be disclosed by the Law Firm to the extent which it has already been published or is subject to publishing pursuant to the law. Subject to the written consent of the Client, the Law Firm may also use the trademark or logo of the Client for that purpose.
Professional References. The grazing lease will be offered to the most qualified applicant as determined by a selection committee comprised of park staff. The term of the lease shall be for 5 years.
Professional References. Xxxxxx and I have been successful in guiding both non-profit and for profit organizations of all sizes, across all major industries, in favorable and unfavorable economic times through major organizational, budgetary and personnel changes. We have helped our clients develop the strategies, organizational structures and staffs necessary for them to succeed for the long-term.