Professional Time Options. 1. The parties agree that time is a valuable commodity for all stakeholders in the District. The parties further agree that, when building schedules allow for them, there are educational activities in which staff can be engaged that may prove beneficial to the enterprise of teaching and learning. This “professional time” may be:
a. A period during the school day in which staff is not assigned an instructional or planning period;
b. Assigned in lieu of a duty period.
2. The use of this time will be determined by each building’s SLT and conform to the School Improvement Plan. It is understood by both parties that this time will not be used for Faculty Meetings. Appropriate uses of this time include, but are not limited to;
a. Tutoring small groups of students (10 or less) in specific content areas by staff certified in those areas;
b. Hosting special interest clubs for students (chess, photography, etc.);
c. Team meetings;
d. Office hours (meeting with individual students);
e. Professional development;
f. Working in after school programs;
g. Opportunities for relationship building in groups of students (15 or less).