Professional Time Sample Clauses
Professional Time. Each January all Deputy Chiefs shall receive forty (40) hours of professional time. Professional time may be taken in increments of one (1) hour or more and must be approved by the Appointing Authority. Any unused professional time to an employee’s credit at the close of business on the last day of the first pay period that ends in the month of January shall be paid to the employee at the employee’s forty (40) hour hourly rate in effect at that time. The City Auditor shall make payment within a reasonable period following said pay period. Upon termination for any reason, employees will be paid as part of their terminal pay for all unused professional time hours at the employee’s forty (40) hour hourly rate in effect at the time of separation. In the event of death, payment will be made to the surviving spouse or estate, if there is no surviving spouse.
Professional Time. 1. The two unscheduled days (16 hours) identified in Section H of this Article for 10-month unit members shall be professional time that will focus on instruction and improving student achievement, thereby raising the bar for all students and closing the gap in student achievement. This time will be used by teachers to concentrate on the achievement of their students.
2. The professional time is to be used by teachers to work collaboratively with other teachers. Appropriate activities for the use of this time include the following:
a. Analyzing student data
b. Collaboratively preparing lesson plans
c. Responsibilities related to assessment; including scoring, benchmarking, and creation of rubrics and alternate assessments
d. Activities related to the school improvement plan
e. Reviewing, discussing and planning related to curricula and assessments
f. Planning and coordination related to reteaching and reassessing, and implementation of the new grading and reporting policies
g. Planning and discussions related to the implementation of 504 and IEP plans
h. Professional development activities related to curriculum and assessment
3. Teachers may use the time—
a. to work together in teams or departments, in pairs, or in small groups;
b. to confer with reading specialists, math content specialists, media specialists, ESOL teachers, special education teachers, staff development teachers, instructional specialists, related service providers, and other non classroom based educators;
c. to work with job-alike colleagues from other schools; and
d. to work with grade level, subject area, or other teams or subgroups.
4. Each team or department shall be responsible for determining how the time is used, and the uses may vary by school level and in response to specific team/department/school needs. The time must be worked and accounted for with regard to each unit member. Prior approval on use of the time will not be required. In June, all 10-month unit members shall be responsible for completing and signing the MCPS FPT Voucher Form listing the dates of the hours of unscheduled time worked and a brief description of the tasks. Individuals who do not turn in the above documentation that the appropriate hours have been worked will have their final pay adjusted accordingly.
5. The time may be worked on non-duty days, before or after regular duty hours, before or after the regular 10-month duty year, or on days within the duty year when 10-month teachers are not scheduled to...
Professional Time is time spent undertaking responsibilities other than child contact within a teacher’s normal hours of work.
Professional Time a. Each year the District shall schedule a day of professional in-service training for Association staff. Said day shall be scheduled prior to the student year and within each employee’s pre-school scheduled days of work. This designated day for staff training shall be included in the secretarial work calendar for the coming year. The District shall consider Association suggestions for in-service subjects.
b. In addition, up to seven and one-half (7 1/2) hours of compensated time may be scheduled each year for professional concerns. Subjects of professional concerns and a schedule of time to address said concerns will be developed in cooperation between the District and Association. Compensated time shall be at the employee's regular rate of pay and will not qualify for overtime if said time is in excess of the employee's regular, eight (8) hour day.
Professional Time. Executive shall devote his full business time attention and energy to the business and affairs of the Company and its affiliates, as its business and affairs now exist and as they hereafter may be changed.
Professional Time. All Early Learning Centres teachers who are qualified or in-training, except those employed on no fixed hours, or employed to work less than 12.5 hours per week, are entitled to professional time. Professional time entitlements are based on contracted hours of employment and not on actual hours worked per week Teachers working 30 contracted hours per week or more are entitled to 4 hours per week as professional time. Teachers working less than 30 contracted hours per week but more than 12.5 contracted hours are entitled to 10% professional time per week (rounded to the nearest half hour). Professional time is non-child contact time and is primarily spent on planning and assessment for children’s learning. The remainder of the time is spent on duties as determined in consultation with the Centre Manager such as: parent contact, self-review, displays, health and safety. Professional time is to be used within the week and is not to be transferred to another week, except as discussed and agreed to with the Centre Manager. Professional time must be within the teacher’s contracted hours. Additional professional time throughout the week may be identified by the Centre Manager and allocated at their discretion. A teacher’s availability to the children in cases of accident or emergency will not be diminished during a teacher’s period of professional time. The following table indicates the amount of professional time for teachers working less than 30 hours per week: Teacher hours per week Professional time of 10% per week Rounded to nearest half hour 15.0 1.5 1.5 16.0 1.6 1.5 18.0 1.8 2.0 20.0 2.0 2.0 22.5 2.25 2.5 24.0 2.40 2.5 25.0 2.50 2.5 27.5 2.75 3.0
Professional Time. 1. Each member shall be provided not less than two hundred twenty (220) minutes per week for professional time to be used for activities such as planning, collaboration, parent meetings, etc; such time shall be scheduled during the regular student day exclusive of a duty-free lunch period of not less than thirty (30) consecutive minutes. Elementary lunchroom supervision will be provided.
2. Less than Full Time - Staff members who work more than half time will receive a professional period.
Professional Time. The parties recognize that the opportunity for professional growth is mutually beneficial to the School District and the Superintendent. In recognition thereof, the parties agree that the Superintendent may spend certain working days per year as an attendee, speaker or participant at professional meetings, institutes, conventions or courses, or as a consultant, lecturer or author. Provided that he does not receive separate compensation, time spent on such activities shall be deemed "professional time" and shall be subject to the following:
i. Professional time shall not be taken to the extent it interferes with the Superintendent’s primary responsibilities to the School District.
ii. In the event the Superintendent receives compensation (other than expense reimbursement) from other parties for any such activities, any time spent thereon shall be considered independent contracting, not professional working time for the School District, and for which he shall be required to utilize vacation days.
Professional Time. In supporting the practice of evening interviews prior to the report card interview day, where teachers work the evening, they shall be released at a point equivalent to half the instructional day on the PA day.
Professional Time. 6/3/1 Professional time is time off which may be available to an FLSA exempt employee in recognition of his/her status as a professional for additional time worked in excess of his/her scheduled hours of employment, giving consideration to:
A. the concept of professional time need not be approved on an hour for hour basis for extra work beyond his/her scheduled hours of employment; and
B. the fact that an exempt employee has a degree of job responsibility and flexibility neither assumed nor granted to non-exempt employees; and
C. approval may be for a single occurrence or for the continuing use of professional time, as determined by the supervisor.