Program Definitions. The dual enrollment program is the enrollment of an eligible secondary student or home education student in a postsecondary course creditable toward high school completion and a career certificate or an associate or baccalaureate degree. A student who is enrolled in postsecondary instruction that is not creditable toward a high school diploma may not be classified as a dual enrollment student. (s.
Program Definitions a. Courses, seminars, workshops, and regular year curriculum development projects.
b. Scheduled at times other than during regular school hours and for which no other compensation is tendered from any source.
c. Program content fits into the educational objectives of the District in that the content is directly related to the instructional program or to the improvement of teacher effectiveness.
Program Definitions. The dual enrollment program is the enrollment of an eligible secondary student or home education student pursuant to s. 1007.271(2) in a postsecondary course creditable toward high school completion and a career certificate or an associate or baccalaureate degree. A student who is enrolled in postsecondary instruction that is not creditable toward a high school diploma may not be classified as a dual enrollment student. (s. 1007.271 F.S.) Academic dual enrollment refers to coursework offered for dual enrollment that meets both high school graduation requirements and requirements in the College of Arts and Sciences at FSCJ toward the Associate in Arts degree. Career dual enrollment refers to coursework in college credit career programs and non-credit workforce certificates based upon state-approved frameworks that lead to industry certifications. Early Admission is a form of dual enrollment in which eligible senior level high school students are permitted to enroll on the college campus on a full-time basis in fall and spring terms of the senior year, earning both college and high school graduation credit. Early College is a District/FSCJ collaborative program utilizing dual enrollment to offer students the opportunity to complete up to 60 hours of college credit during their high school years with the goal of achieving an Associate in Arts degree. Collegiate Career High School programs are programs in which eligible high school students may earn CAPE industry certifications and up to 30 hours or more of dual enrollment college credit during their high school years. Collegiate Career High School programs focus on career pathways and credentials. Pre-Early College Programs are programs in which eligible middle school students attending a Pre-Early College site may earn up to four high school credits, and three college credits. Participation in Pre-Early College Programs does not guarantee acceptance into High School Early College Programs.
Program Definitions. Capitalized Terms not otherwise defined shall have the meaning provided in the Focus on Energy Policy Manual available at
Program Definitions. The Envestnet system will support different Programs as described below:
(i) FundQuest Mutal Fund Wrap Programs. The Model Administration tools will
Program Definitions. The dual enrollment program is the enrollment of an eligible secondary student or home education student pursuant to s1007.271(2) in a postsecondary course creditable toward high school completion and a career certificate or an associate or baccalaureate degree. A student who is enrolled in postsecondary instruction that is not creditable toward a high school diploma may not be classified as a dual enrollment student. (s. 1007.271 F.S.) Academic dual enrollment refers to coursework offered for dual enrollment that meets both high school graduation requirements and requirements in the College of Arts and Sciences at FSCJ toward the Associate in Arts degree. Career dual enrollment refers to coursework in college credit career programs and non-credit workforce certificates based upon state-approved frameworks that lead to industry certifications. Early Admission is a form of dual enrollment in which eligible senior level high school students are permitted to enroll on the college campus on a full-time basis in fall and spring terms of the senior year, earning both college and high school graduation credit.
Program Definitions a. Retrovirus ADA-SCID = adenosine deaminase-severe combined immunodeficiency gene therapy utilizing a retrovirus vector.
b. Lentivirus WAS = Wiskott-Xxxxxxx Syndrome gene therapy utilizing a lentivirus vector
c. Lentivirus CGD = Chronic granulomatous Disease gene therapy utilizing a lentivirus vector
d. Lentiviurs MLD = Metachromatic leukodystrophy gene therapy utilizing a lentivirus vector
e. Lentivirus GLD = Globoid cell leukodystrophy gene therapy utilizing a lentivirus vector
f. Lentivirus MPS = Mucopolysaccaridosis Type I (Hurler) gene therapy utilizing a lentivirus vector
g. Lentivirus B Thalass = Beta-thalassemia gene therapy utilizing a lentivirus vector
Program Definitions. Series: A collection or programs with the same title and general format, which are of a consistent length. Special Program: A program that is not part of a regular series, such as a movie, special event, or one-time talk show. Special programs are intended to be infrequent and are not to exceed the frequency of a regular series. Shorts & Fillers: A program that is less then 15 minutes long, which will be scheduled to fit in between regularly scheduled content. SPECIAL PROGRAM POLICIES SERIES POLICIES OBTAINING A SERIES TIME SLOT
Program Definitions. The dual enrollment program is the enrollment of an eligible secondary student or home education student in a postsecondary course creditable toward high school completion and a career certificate or an associate degree. A student who is enrolled in postsecondary instruction that is not creditable toward a high school diploma may not be classified as a dual enrollment student. (s. 1007.271 F.S.) Xxxxx or Nassau County home education program students who are officially registered with the District Superintendent of Schools and the State of Florida, per Florida Statute 1002.41, may participate in dual enrollment under and according to the terms of individual articulation agreements for a period of time not to exceed the date of graduation on the initial application and for a maximum of 6 semesters (Fall and Spring only). Home school students registered in counties other than Xxxxx or Nassau County who wish to participate in FSCJ’s Dual Enrollment program must obtain a release from the State or Community College in their service area. Once released from their service area State or Community College, they cannot return to that College for further Dual Enrollment. Academic dual enrollment refers to coursework offered for dual enrollment that meets both high school graduation requirements and requirements in the College of Arts and Sciences at FSCJ toward the Associate in Arts degree. Career dual enrollment refers to coursework in college credit career programs and non-credit workforce certificates based upon state-approved frameworks and which is on the Florida Dual Enrollment Course- High School Subject Area Equivalency List. Early Admission is a form of dual enrollment in which eligible senior level high school students are permitted to enroll on the college campus on a full-time basis in fall and spring terms of the senior year, earning both college and high school graduation credit.
Program Definitions. A. Definitions Specific to the Public Health Workforce Program (PHWP)